The next pasuk, which is famous, in the Megillat Ester learning introduces the famous Mordechai.
"There was a Jewish man in Shushan the capital, whose name was Mordechai, son of Yair, son of Shim'iy, son of Kish, a Benjaminite. ("
Names is a huge concept in Yahadut and throughout the Megillah we see beautiful hints regarding Names:
The pasuk itself changes the pronunciation of Mordechai, calling him MarDochai. The Gemara expains that Mordechai can also be said as “Mor Dror.” What is “Mor Dror?” Head of all Spices. Just like Mor Dror is head of all spices, so too Mordechai was the Head of all the Tzadikkim in his time. Haman’s name is also special: In Gematriya, Haman is 95. In the Pitum HaKtoret in the Beit HaMikdash that was filled with 11 main spices had a single spice that smelled terrible, but without its addition the Ktoret would not be complete. This spice is the Chelbona. The Gematriya of Chelbona is also 95, like Haman. We see that in everything there has to be some type of negativity! Without our Yetzer Hara, our Evil Inclination, we would not have the drive to continue living a normal physical world and reproducing and eating and excersizing, etc. We also work to have the Yetzer Hara push us to good and really become our Yetzer HaTov.
Ester’s name is huge, as you can imagine. Her name alone means hidden. Hashem’s name is hidden in the Megillah, the concept of Hashem saving us is also hidden in the Megillah, the entire story stage by stage alone does not seem like anything special, etc. What is Megillat Ester? The word Megillah comes from the word Megaleh, or to reveal. The word Ester can be broken up in Aleph and then Seter. Aleph means to teach and who is The Ultimate Teacher? Hashem. The whole idea of Megillat Ester is to Legalot, to reveal, that Aleph, Hashem, is in all the Seter, in all the hidden, in our world (world=Olam in Hebrew, Olam comes from the word Ne’elam or inexistent). We try to find Hashem even in the places where we think He “does not exist.”
The final name we will look at is Achashverosh. The Gemara simply explains that Achashverosh is Ach Shel Rosh, the brother (not literally) of Rosh. Who is Rosh? Sefer Daniel from Ktuvim shows from a pasuk that Rosh symbolized Nevuchadnetzar. So Achashverosh is really as evil (like brothers) as Rosh, Nevuchadnetzar.
We think we know so much, but the deeper we dig into the world and its meaning the more we know we don’t know.
There is no such thing as coincidence.
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