Wednesday, March 23, 2011


1. All of Chodesh Nissan we do not say Tachanoon and Vidui in Tefillah because the entre month is filled with days of simcha and kdusha. On Rosh Chodesh Nissan , the Mishkan was ready to be used for korbanot and the 12 Shvatim Leaders each brought a korban everyday making up the first 12 days of Nissan Yemei Chag (days of holiday). Then the 13th of Nissan was also established as a Yom Chag, 14-22 Nissan is Pesach, and the final days of Nissan is dedicated to the future holiday in the times of Mashiach (BB'A). With this knowledge, we see the reason why Tachanoon is not said during the whole month of Nissan.

2. A recommended Minhag to follow during the first 12 days of Nissan is to listen to the 12 parshiot regarding the 12 Nesi'im and their korbanot (one parasha, passage, per day). Each nasi [tribe leader] had spiritual intentions to bring more shefa [benefitial spiritual force] into the world to help his Shevet [tribe] when bringing his korban. The same shefa intended by each nasi is brought into the world in our times also! Ex. Yehuda's Nasi gave a Korban on Rosh Chodesh Nissan with the intention of his korban resulting in a certain type of shefa coming into the world, so too Rosh Chodesh Nissan (IN A WEEK). Its also suggested to give tzdaka after the reading of each Nasi korban [sacrifice offering] throughout the 12 days.

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