Wednesday, February 29, 2012

CLD #527

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Rav Shimshon Pinkus is a huge Rabbi that passed away not to long ago. From his books we have a tiny opening to see what a great person he became and how there is no such thing as “I cannot be spiritual, I cannot connect with Hashem” if anyone reached a level of living with Hashem through every situation, we can definitely say one of them is the great Rav Pinkus.
Rav Pinkus has a set of great books on almost each Chag (Holiday). One of the smaller volumes is on Purim, but it still has the same level of depth and intellectual inspiration packed into it. Let’s take a look by translating one of the electrifying pieces of Torah that Rav Pinkus says on Purim:
Israel during the time of Purim and its miracles were in a state of grave danger! Because of their enjoyment during Achashverosh’s 180 day party (with all the pleasures and attractions in the world), Am Yisrael became connected to Achashverosh and were disconnected from Hashem, the ultimate lifeline. The connection between us and Hashem was only alive and healthy during the times of the First Edition-Am Yisrael (from the times of the Holy Torah). Now since there is a “New Edition” out in the stores, something new to connect to, this powerful love between Hashem and Israel disappeared. Therefore the famous Pasuk where the entire of Purim changes (when Achashverosh woke up suddenly) “VeNadedah Shenat HaMelech” is really reffering to Hashem, the King and not Achashverosh. This pasuk explains Hashem’s sudden wake up call to Am Yisrael: “I have to do something to get you on my side again or else you will stay stuck in the dangerous hands of Haman!” This danger did not result from the chataim (sins) that they have done, rather this happened from ending their cable line to Hashem. Therefore Hashem needed to construct this new bulletproof cableline to make sure Am Yisrael will never leave.

They entire story of Purim builds from this notion that Hashem is always there for us, even if we are farthest away from Him. We don’t appreciate and we cannot mentally understand the power behind Hashem’s love for us! We must know that deep in our hearts there is a tiny spot of crazy awakening to Hashem. Be’ezrat Hashem we should all have the zchut to work on ourselves to be able to reach this re-newed connection with Hashem that enters the world on Purim.

It’s 7 days away. Am Yisrael, I have a question for you:
Are you ready for your anniversary with Hashem?


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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. MiShenicnas Adar Marbim BeSimcha, whoever welcomes the month of Adar must greaten his/her joy! This teaching from the Gemara of Ta’anit is backed up by other teachings throughout Shas which explain this Month of Adar turned over from Tragedy/Sorrow to Simcha, to explain that the Mazal (fortune) of this month is extremely positive. Therefore Chachamim (our Holy Sages) instructed Jews who have court cases with non-Jews to make sure they have the trial during Adar, because Israel has an upper hand over the world!

2. Paraphrased from the words of Rav Shlomo Pinto: Some have the minhag (custom) to fast tomorrow the entire day, 7 Adar, but for those who can’t fast a full day or have not accepted the fast upon themselves during Mincha of 6 Adar (Feb. 29) they can still fast until midday (Halachically this means 12:10 PM EST). This fast is to observe the passing of Moshe Rabbeinu (Moshe from the Torah).

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CLD #526

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
“LaMenatzeach Al Ayelet HaShachar Mizmor Le’David…” Perek Kaf-Bet (22) in Tehillim is a little snapshot of what went down in Achashverosh’s palace during Esther’s famous 3-day (78 hour) Fast!
What happened? Masechet Megillah (15b) in the First Perek (Chapter) explains that Ayelet HaShachar in Tehillim is Queen Esther. As we all know, Haman the Rasha set up a lottery to see on which day and month he will eliminate the entire Jewish Nation. With the a-okay from the King of the entire world, Achashverosh (who ruled all 127 countries at the time), Haman had everything in his hands! After the lottery the date 14 Adar came up. With this news, Mordechai immediately turned to Hashem and to Esther. Mordechai was sitting outside the Palace Doors with a sac and pure soil on his back in mourning so Hashem sees one of the biggest Tzadikkim in desperation for salvation! Imagine seeing Rav Ovadya Yosef shlit’a outside U.S. Congress in a sac and soil from the public park on his back crying and yelling for the mercy of Am Yisrael (scary to even picture it)!
So Mordechai tells Esther to fast for 78 hours, and we complain about Yom Kippur! Did you know the Midrash says Esther was 80 years old?! So Esther in her strength and incredible belief in Hashem that He will save her from all troubles asks the King’s servants to tell the King she wants to speak with him. This is nothing like a regular meeting with a America’s president or the toughest people to meet with, this is like a meeting with the slightest mistake ends in death. We need to understand the graveness behind Esther’s actions! But no, nothing stood in her way; with the Divine Presence of Hashem resting inside her, she knew Hashem’s power is stronger than anything out there.
The Gemara (15b) says Esther was waiting outside the ballroom where the King’s throne is placed. The Gemara explains that the Waiting Room was really a place filled with the Goyim’s Idols, so the Divine Presence left Esther. At this moment of complete rock-bottom spirituality, Esther prayed! The entire Perek in Tehillim talks about what Esther told Hashem in that moment of life and death!
This teaches us that we cannot wait to get into ridiculously scary situations to turn to Hashem. Why not turn to Hashem now for help?! After all, Hashem brings suffering upon people because He wants to listen to their Tefillot! Hashem loves all of us and wants us to speak to Him.
How do your parents feel when you don’t call or communicate with them? What makes you think Hashem is any different. Our spiritual identity and level relies on speaking with Hashem and turning to Him for help and guidance.

Purim is in 8 days. Ready?

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Mekor Chaim Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. All of Am Yisrael is obligated in the Mitzvah of Kiryat HaMegillah (reading Megillat Esther), men and women alike. We tend to get Ketanim (children under Bar/Bat Mitzvah) accustomed to read the Megillah on Purim with the exception that they bother the Kahal (congregation), where they should not come to Shul. If women do not come to Bet HaKnesset (Shul) or they cannot hear the full Reading of the Megillah, then someone should read the Megillah for them at home.

2. There are those who say a woman should not read the Megillah whatsoever, rather she should listen to others to fulfill the obligation of Kriyat HaMegillah. This stands only if the woman has someone to read the Megillah in front of her. However, if the woman cannot locate someone who can do this, then she can say the proper Berachot (blessings) before reading from a Kosher Megillah.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CLD #525

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a & Aharon ben Miriam.
In Finance we are learning about Future Value and Present Value of money in all types of situations. For example, if you have in your savings account $5,218 with an annual interest rate of 6.8% then using specific formulas (if every other factor stays constant) you can find out how much that money will be worth in X amount of years.
From thinking about this on one’s free time, theCLD believes we can learn and become inspired to continue behaving according to the Torah and living Jewish lives. How?
We see from this that there is a limited value on money. Money can never be infinity. Even if one fills up an entire basketball court with bills (Benjamins we would hope) eventually they will be able to count it. It has physical boundaries to it so it is physically bounded.
Our spiritual dollar bills have nothing to do with boundaries, benjamins, or any type of basketball courts! Our spiritual dollars lie in our heart that craves the closeness to Hashem wherever we are. Many Rabbis in there middle of their speech always give Mussar by saying it doesn’t matter how many years one has been wearing a Kippa or how many years a girl took upon herself the beauty behind wearing Tzniyut (modest) clothing; a person can be in a Casino at 5 in the morning with no kippa, holding a half-clothed model in one hand and a drink in another with the greatest and utmost feeling of betraying Hashem and the need to open up an Aaron HaKodesh and cry his eyes out why he isn’t going in the way of Hashem.
However at the same time its all based on our actions. Many of us tell ourselves: My Heart is religious, I believe in G-d, I am okay. But do we actually do anything? Do we physically act as examples of Hashem’s army in the world by getting up to do Netillat Yadayim in a Restaurant or taking out the Kippa in our pocket to say a Beracha on the shot of tequila? We can influence others so easily and channel the good in our system to further bring some good to the Jewish reputation but we don’t believe in ourselves.
Money is bounded, Torah is boundless. Actually, because of the Torah the world exists, and because of Torah boundaries are set. Therefore, the Torah holds the boundaries to our lives.

The Power of Purim lies in Esther and Mordechai’s effect on the entire nation to do Teshuvah in times of need. We hope to bring Mashiach without getting into a dead-end situation relying on Teshuva. We need to bring Mashiach BH out of love for each other and the struggle to perfect our actions based on the Torah. B’H the spiritual force of Purim will enter our hearts to jump and realize how much work needs to get done! And after that BH we should all reach true happiness and success through living a life of a real Jew.
Purim is in 9 days; did you start preparing mentally yet?

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Monday, February 27, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a & Aharon ben Miriam.
Translated from Mekor Chaim Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. On the first of Adar we announce to Am Yisrael the gathering of the Half Shekel (Mahatzit HaShekel). Why on the first of Adar exactly? Because it was known to Hashem that Haman would come one day to bribe Achashverosh with thousands of Shekalim to eradicate Am Yisrael. Therefore, Hashem in advance told Moshe to teach Am Yisrael the Mitzvah of bringing the Mahatzit HaShekel to cancel out the Shekalim of Haman in the future. From this reason we bring the worth of Mahatzit HaShekel (Half Silver coin, which calculates to $12) before Shabbat Zachor (this Shabbat). When one gives the donation, they need to say Zecher LeMachatzit HaShekel and if they don’t say Zecher they enter a big problem (ask your local Rabbi for details).

2. On the Shabbat before Purim we read the Parasha (passage) of Zachor and read the Haftara “Pakadeti Et Asher Asah Amalek.” This Parasha is mandatory to listen to, so every time the congregation is making noise at the word “Amalek,” the Torah reader should pause because one has to hear every word clearly for the Mitzvah. For this Aliyah, a boy under 13 is not allowed to go up to the Torah. It is also crucial that the congregation has the intention that the Torah reader is fulfilling their Mitzvah while he has the intention to fulfill their Mitzvah of reading Parashat Zachor.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

CLD #524

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
There are many simple messages in Megillat Esther that back up such huge concepts! For example, the Gemara on Daf Tet Zayin Amud Aleph (16a) brings in the pasuk that speaks about Haman building the tall tree to hang Mordechai (or at least that was the Rasha’s plan). The Pasuk (Esther 6:4) literally says: “…VeHaman Ba LaChatzer Bet HaMelech HaChitzona Lemor LaMelech Litlot Et Mordechai Al Ha’Etz Asher Hechin Lo,” For Haman just entered the outer court of the royal palace, to speak to the king about having Mordechai impaled on the stake he had prepared for him. The Gemara zooms into the words “Hechin Lo” (for him) and teaches: It is literally ‘for him.’ Meaning that Haman had the intention of setting up a ‘stake’/tree to hang Mordechai but the reality was that Haman was building the device that will lead to his own death.
We see here that nothing in the world is left without a calculation/reason for why it was created. In last week’s Parasha, Parashat Terumah, there is a list of natural substances, animal hides, and elements used to construct all the pieces of the Mishkan (look at yesterday’s CLD). One of them is the Tachash, which is an animal no longer with us today. This animal in its Aramic translation is called “Sasgvaneh,” which is an animal that is proud of its own highlighted skin. This animal’s skin was used for the Mishkan because it had a range of multi-colored hide! The Gemara says that Hashem created this animal just for the building of the Mishkan! Even more so, in Purim; if we break apart all the events of the Megillah they seem so natural as if G-d doesn’t need to do anything. However if we bring all the events together, we absolutely cannot say that Hashem’s hand was not controlling the situation! Megillat Esther (Esther coming from the root of the Hebrew word “hidden”) is literally a book of Tanach that reveals the ‘hidden’ presence of Hashem in everything. We must have 100% Emunah that Hashem can save us from all situations, no matter how dangerous or how scary!
This entire Limud (Piece of Torah) is taught from 2 words in the Pasuk. TWO WORDS. Imagine how much knowledge and Torah base one gets after learning a Masechet of Mishnayot or even a Masechet of Gemara. Imagine knowing all of the Torah by heart. Imagine adding to that the entire Shas, now add in all the commentary on Shas with the entire Shulchan Aruch, its commentary and all the books of Halacha (Jewish Law) that are published in our generation. That’s not even a slice of the pie of Rav Ovadya Yosef shlit’a’s knowledge. Being the Gedol Hador he has the entire Torah on his fingertips. And as much as we want to believe there is an end to the Torah’s everlasting essence and Chochma, it actually never ends. And the pie is there for everyone to take a bite!

SHAVUA TOV! PURIM is in 10 days!

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Crash Course in Purim!


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Adar's Mazal (Fortune) is Dagim, or Fish.
Fish completely shutdown the Evil Eye because they are filled with luck. Fish are covered by water so know one can be jealous of them, we don't even see them to know what they have to be jealous of!

This is the month of the Jewish Nation's luck, the same power of Hashem's protection from Esther is the same spiritual power that fills the world THROUGHOUT THIS ENTIRE MONTH!

Be Happy, Be Jewish: Think.


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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Mekor Chaim Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. When Beit HaMikdash was built and running everyone from the Holy Camp of Israel was commanded from the Torah to bring Machatzit HaShekel (Half-Coin Donation). Today we also have the custom to bring this Machatzit HaShekel before Purim, to remember the Half-Coin they used to bring on Adar thousands of years ago, Zecher Machatzit HaShekel. One should not delay this Mitzvah anytime after Purim for it is a serious Mitzvah where one should donate this amount before Purim.

2. From the age of twenty and above one is obligated to donate the Machatzit HaShekel, however there are those who donate beginning at age 13 and there are even those who have their young children give as well. Today we have the custom that children under 13 should give, even a pregnant woman and the fetus. Whoever cannot financially pay this out should give the correct amount if they are twenty or older and should give something for those who are younger. It is proper and most correct to give this money to places that fund Limud Torah (learning).

SHAVUA TOV! PURIM is in 10 days!

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

CLD #523

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Rachamim ben Moshe ZT’L.
What a change! From last week’s Parasha to this morning’s Parasha, Parashat Terumah there is such a difference!  Parashat Mishpatim is all about strict laws between man and his friend, teaching us how to behave and if we G-d forbid make a mistake then we know where to turn to for the rulings. Parashat Terumah is all about Benei Yisrael donating a certain amount of money to buy the products needed for Hashem’s temporary home in the desert until they reached Israel (the Mishkan). What do the two have to do with each other?
Rav Levy shlit’a said that before one gives Tzedaka (donation) they need to see where the money came from. Are our business transactions coming from a just place? Is our business run under the rules of the Torah and the Halachot that we learn from the Gemara? Is our business run under the proper Fear of Heaven without cheating/stealing? From here we see that everything is inter-linked in the Torah.
In this morning’s Parasha we read about the Aron HaKodesh (the Holy Ark) in the Mishkan. In the Pasuk referring to the Aron it says: “…VeAsita Alav Zer Zahav Saviv,” And you shall make upon it a golden crown all around (Shemot 25:11). The famous Rabbis who comment on the Torah explain that the Aron haKodesh symbolizes a Talmid Chacham (Torah Scholar). However, the Pasuk also says that the Aron needs to have an actual Crown around it. What is the word for Crown in Hebrew? Its Zer (with a Gematriya, numerical value, of 207). Meaning the word Zer, the Crown of Torah, symbolizes the Torah itself. This word in modern Hebrew means a bouqet. A bouqet of Roses is the first thing that comes to mind. Therefore what does a Zer (crown) have to do with Roses that has to do with the Aron HaKodesh in the Mishkan?!?!
Since the Aron HaKodesh is not a complete product without its Zer then it cannot represent a Talmid Chacham, or the actual Torah, without the Zer. As written on top, Zer has a gematriya of 207. The word Zer with the word Huppa (the Jewish wedding ceremony, with a gematriya of 99) together adds up to the word Isha (a woman, with a gematriya of 306). In order for the Torah to be lived out in the most proper way, filled with Kedusha (purity) and Simcha (happiness), it must be shared with a woman, a wife that is holy and filled with the Spirit of Hashem. A Rose has a beautiful flower, but at its stem it is filled with thorns. Without a proper Huppa ceremony according to the beautiful Torah HaKdosha [a Zer of Roses circling the Talmid Chacham] the Torah Scholar can never grow. How come? The Rose is beautiful but its thorns always directs the Torah Scholar in the right direction. It is known that women don’t miss anything, so they always give positive rebuke (Mussar) to their husbands.

With this relationship, the people inside of a home taken charge by a Holy Couple following the Torah, the Torah is really lived and not ignored. The thorns and roses surrounding the Aron HaKodesh made of gold creates an atmosphere of reality and Holiness.

B’H may we all witness our friends and family getting married with their zivug (soulmate) really soon.  


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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Rachamim ben Moshe ZT’L.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. The main point behind the Mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim (visiting the sick) is to ask for mercy (Rachamim) upon the sick person. If a person went to visit the sick and did not ask for Rachamim from Hashem, he/she did not complete the Mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim properly.

2. It is a big and important Mitzvah to celebrate and bring Simcha (happiness) to a bride and groom. This Mitzvah fits under the category of Gemilut Chassadim (deeds of loving kindess).


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Friday, February 24, 2012

CLD #522

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
From a Talmid Chacham in Yeshivat Shuva Israel (NY, NY):
In Parashat HaShavua, Parashat Terumah, we see that Hashem commands Am Yisrael to build The Mishkan (Tabernacle), a Home for Hashem where His Divine Presence rests. Also in our Parasha it is written ‘between the lines’ to build a future Home of Hashem, The Beit Mikdash, in Yerushalayim Ir HaKadosh.
As written in previous CLD Halachot, Bet HaKnesset (Shul/Kenisah) is called a Mikdash Meat (Mini Beit Mikdash) and a similar holiness that rests in the Mikdash also rests in a Bet Knesset. Therefore, just like someone understands clearly to respect and to be in Fear of Hashem (not fear because they are afraid but fear because of the greatness that rests there) when they are in the area of the Beit HaMikdash (BBA), so too one needs to be in Fear of Heaven and G-d forbid not to belittle the respect and the greatness of a Bet Knesset.
Why did the Holocaust happen?
It is written in Holy Sefarim in the name of The Admor MiGur ZT’L (The great Ashkenazic Hassidish author of the Imrei Emet) the reason why the Holocaust did not happen in the Sephardic countries because they respected the Holy Presence that rested in Batei Knessiyot and Batei Midrashot (Shuls and Places where Limud Torah was learnt) by not speaking words idle chatter (Devarim Betellim). This zchut (privilege) stood up against the evil powers of the enemies and protected over the people in the Sephardic countries.
It is written in the book Kvod Bet Hashem (Page 225) that a man from Antwerp, Belgium remembered from his childhood that people in the community held great Fear of Hashem in the Mikdash (Bet Knesset) and did not speak at all. If there was a stranger that would come in to pray and would speak during the Tefillah (prayer), the Shamash (like a Gabbai, Shul operator) would come up to him with a note that would say: “In this Shul we do not speak during Prayer Times!” If the person would continue to speak, the Shamash would come to him, take him by the shirt and would drag him out of the Shul. This same person who explained this story said that this same Bet Knesset did not get destroyed during the Holocaust! The German Nazis Imach Shemam (may their names be erased), did not touch a single brick of this Shul, even all the Sefarim and Sifrei Torah were left their complete without any damage.
And it is known that one of the Ancient Segulot (actions that one does that result in reward) is Tefillah (Prayer) and we need to know that the Tefillah is heard much better in Shamayim (the Heavens) in a Shul where no one speaks idle chatter.
This Shabbat Kadosh is the Hillulah (Yortzite) of the Holy Admor MiGur ZT’L (that wrote The Bet Yisrael) and he explained the Pasuk: “Hashem Yelachem Lachem Ve’Atem Tacharishoon,” Hashem shall fight for you, but you shall remain silent, (Shemot 14:14), that if you will be silent in Bet Knesset Hashem will fight for us. What does that mean to fight for us? Hashem will protect us or on a deeper level Hashem will give us Lechem (sounds like the word Yelachem) if we are silent in Bet Knesset!

Hashem will hand us the privilege that we will keep silent in Bet Knesset and all our Tefillot will be answered (especially in such an uplifting month like Adar with Purim right around the corner)!
Shabbat Shalom & Chodesh Tov!

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Mekor Chaim Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. If flies or ants have fallen into the food on Shabbat Kodesh one is allowed to take them out of the food (before its too late) by taking out the bug with some of the food together (so there is no problem with Borrer) because whatever has to do with food is not considered Muktzeh.

2. A doorknob that fell off the door on Shabbat (where the doorknob is not needed to open the door) cannot be fixed back onto the door from the suspicion that one might be violating the prohibited Melacha of Boneh (building). Therefore one should also be cautious not to carry the doorknob on Shabbat from the law of Muktzeh. However if the same doorknob is the object on the door that makes the door operate (closes and opens it), then one can use it and carry it on Shabbat.


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CLD #521

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Since we are still in RoshChodesh Adar, the happiest month of the year, let’s walk into the concept of Happines/Simcha.
The website is amazing. Is it packed with thousands of hours of video including Rabbis giving Derashot (Divrei Torah). I want to share with you the concept of Simcha that needs to be injected into our hearts and pump throughout our body and mood throughout this entire month. It says in the holy Gemara (Ta’anit 29a), just like one needs to be sad with the arrival of Chodesh Av, so too one needs to engage in Simcha with the arrival of Chodesh Adar.
The Rav in the video, Rav Dudi Braverman, explains that Simcha/Happiness is not something we perceive, rather its something so deep yet so simple.
This is his key line: Simcha is not what someone has in his hands that is considered his property, simcha is actually something that Hashem put in the person. Being Happy is being thankful for the strengths Hashem gave us.
What does this mean? If I am an outgoing person, I should work in areas of bringing others closer to Hashem. If I am creative, I should work in writing creative poetry or short stories to show the beauty behind the everlasting knowledge of the Torah. If I am overly happy all the time (G-d forbid), I should channel this happiness to people who are sad, who are down, who are upset. If I tend to forget things quickly, I should channel this on my sins so I can work on myself instead of being depressed on what I did.
Adar is a time of happiness because of the events that occurred in the times of Mordechai and Esther. What good things are there in our daily lives that represent a type of salvation? 2500 years ago in Shushan (present day Iran) it was the ENTIRE JEWISH RACE continued existence. Today is it the fact that we can open our eyes in the morning and after our brain’s state of sleep we are functioning regularly? 
Is it the fact that we put on Tefillin and we experience the same sensations like an acupuncture appointment? Is it the fact that we can walk down the streets in the Galut (diaspora) with a Kippa on and not get hurt? Is it the fact that we are commanded to enjoy 25 hours of serenity and pure holiness every week by eating, drinking and bonding with the family and the community? OR IS IT THE FACT THAT WE CAN HOP ON A PLANE AND IN LESS THAN 13 HOURS DRIVE TO YERUSHALAYIM?!


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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Mekor Chaim Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. One is allowed to drag a bed, chair, or bench on soil on Shabbat, on the condition that he/she is not intending to make a cut/gash in the dirt. Therefore, one is allowed to carry a baby in the stroller on Shabbat (in a location that holds an Eiruv, which is set up to permit carrying on Shabbat), because he/she is not intending to create a gash/cut in the soil by using the stroller.

2. One is allowed to put ice cubes into a drink on Shabbat. However, on the issue of stirring the ice cubes to quicken the cooling effect the Rabbis entered into a mahloket (Halachically based argument). The one who is lenient to stir the ice cubes “does not lose,” meaning he/she can technically do this action. In regards to stirring sugar, it is obvious to permit such on act on Shabbat.


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

CLD #520

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel for the Refua Shlema of Yissachar ben Yona and Rina bat Margalit.
Mi Shenichnas Adar Marbim BeSimcha, All who welcome Adar must increase their joy.
We were eating dinner and sitting at the table with us was one of the Talmidei Chachamim (Torah Scholars) of the Yeshiva (Shuva Israel). During a meal there is an inyan (idea) to learn Torah or come up with a Chiddush (new piece of Torah). He was learning Megillat Ester with Rashi commentary for his meal. I didn’t quite hear him so I asked if was just reading through Megillat Ester. He answered he is reading the Megillah and its just so simple. Obviously, on a straight Peshat (simple word definition) level, it actually is very easy to understand. The story is famous, the context does not include difficult Hebrew (such as books like Iyov, Yirmiyah, Kohelet, etc.) and the holiday is just so happy!
But according to the holy Gemara, Masechet Megillah teaches us that Megillat Ester will be the only book of the 24 Books in Tanach that will stay in the bookshelves after Mashiach comes and Hashem builds the Third Beit HaMikdash (BBA). Why? Because the power of the salvation of Purim is so strong that it will last forever. After Mashiach comes, there will be an entirely new miracle (today its Yetziyat Mitzrayim, the Exile of Egypt) remembered over and over again. The miracles that will happen in the times of the Mashiach will be so big that they will be much bigger than those of Egypt, replacing Egypt’s miracles! However in Purim the miracle was different than Egypt.
With Pharoah Am Yisrael had a decree to be slaves and they left Egypt as free people (really under the Kingdom of Hashem instead of Pharoah and were now workers of Hashem); however, in Purim Am Yisrael were supposed to be killed (Yes, our own ancestors were supposed to be terminated). Hashem had great mercy on us after we did Teshuva (repentance) and our existence continued. So if Egypt was such a big deal (which it was, don’t get me wrong) that we went from slaves to freedom, how much more so in Purim from death to life? Therefore we see Purim is much larger of a miracle than Egypt. 
Megillat Ester is packed with hidden messages (Why do you think we wear costumes?). It is not some sort of fairytale or 3rd grade story! Its a book of Tanach written with the Spirit of Hashem! We can't simply deduce and belittle the enormous spiritual power of Megillat Ester as some book. We need to tell ourselves, especially only 14 short days before the Huge holiday of Purim how serious we need to be with Ester, the entire idea of Purim and celebrating with Fear of Heaven and not treating the holiday like its another party.

Be’ezrat Hashem we will all see this month to be filled with Spiritual Success (which includes all types of success), real Happiness and Religious Uplifiting!
Chodesh Tov!

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Mekor Chaim Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. It is a Mitzvah to greaten one’s number of meals (with bread and Birkat HaMazon) during Rosh Chodesh and to add “Ya’aleh VeYavo” (special paragraph blessing only said on Rosh Chodesh or holidays) in Birkat HaMazon. If someone forgot to add in “Ya’aleh VeYavo” then they do not need to re-do Birkat HaMazon, rather before beginning the 4th Beracha of Birkat HaMazon, HaTov VeHametiv, they say a specific blessing without Hashem’s name (in Siddurim). It is suggested to greatly respect Rosh Chodesh with the lighting of candles and according to the Kabbalah there is a Neshama Yeterah (‘extra’ soul like Shabbat).

2. It is a minhag (custom) to read Hallel on Rosh Chodesh, therefore we say “Half” Hallel without the necessary Berachot (in the beginning and end like on Pesach, Sukkot, etc.). For those who hold the custom to bless on the Hallel, they should do as their minhag states.

Mi Shenichnas Adar Marbim BeSimcha, All who welcome Adar must increase their joy.

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)!

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012




-Ya'ale VeYavo
-Chatzi Hallel
-Kriyat HaTorah

"Mi Shenichnas Adar Marbim BeSimcha"
Whoever welcomes Adar must increase his/her Joy!

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CLD #519

For the Ilui Neshama of Rav Avner Grunim ben Mordechai Nuchum ZT’L (a big Kirruv Rabbi who passed away this Sunday) & Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Baruch Hashem, Purim is right around the corner…
Honesty is a key element in life. The Torah is truth and truth is the Torah, they actually go hand in hand. There is no need to further explain anything.
But what does truth and honesty have to do with Purim?
If we look a little close into the story of Purim we can see that the entire salvation of the Jewish people from Haman the Rasha (wicked) is based on them being honest with themselves.
According to one of the Tana’aim (Sages) in the Gemara Masechet Megillah, we learn that the reason for Am Yisrael to reach such low and desperate levels was because they went to Achashverosh’s party. We know from the words of Megillat Ester that the party was something this world has not seen. With rubies and diamonds as a floor and jewels decorating the trees in the king’s gardens and a one of a kind stone that had a pure light emanating the room (all from the Gemara) this was not your weekend party. For more information visit the holy Gemara Megillah (like the wine they had was older than their age).
Anyway, so the Gemara explains that Am Yisrael fell into such a desperate time that the entire nation was at risk from Haman’s decree because they went to this party. BUT WAIT?! They were forced because their lives were on the line, how can you be so cruel and say they deserved Haman’s decree of death because they went to some party?
The answer is Am Yisrael were more scared of betraying the king of the land than betraying The King of the Universe, the Creator of the world who gave us the Torah, Hashem (by going to the party all the lustful desires were open to the holy nation of Israel)! So what did Hashem do in His mercy? He brought us to a situation where we can truly do Teshuva (repentance). He brought the entire Nation to a state of pure fear from the kingdom so they can turn to Hashem for help and instead of being in fear of Haman and turning to another leader/ruler for help, they did Teshuva and turned to Hashem.
So what does this have to do with being honest and truthful?
They turned to Hashem and admitted they were wrong by going to Achashverosh’s party (even if they had no choice) they still accepted Hashem’s way over their own logic and followed the holy Torah by making the correct moves! Am Yisrael could have easily lied to themselves and said “We did nothing wrong and justified their actions.”

This shows us that we always need to be honest with ourselves and with others. Like we say every morning in Korbanot (set of Tefillot before prayer begins) “Le’Olam Yehe Adam Yereh Shamayim BaSeter Keva Galui.” Forever Man should be in Fear of Heaven in private as he is in Public!


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