Wednesday, February 29, 2012

CLD #527

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Rav Shimshon Pinkus is a huge Rabbi that passed away not to long ago. From his books we have a tiny opening to see what a great person he became and how there is no such thing as “I cannot be spiritual, I cannot connect with Hashem” if anyone reached a level of living with Hashem through every situation, we can definitely say one of them is the great Rav Pinkus.
Rav Pinkus has a set of great books on almost each Chag (Holiday). One of the smaller volumes is on Purim, but it still has the same level of depth and intellectual inspiration packed into it. Let’s take a look by translating one of the electrifying pieces of Torah that Rav Pinkus says on Purim:
Israel during the time of Purim and its miracles were in a state of grave danger! Because of their enjoyment during Achashverosh’s 180 day party (with all the pleasures and attractions in the world), Am Yisrael became connected to Achashverosh and were disconnected from Hashem, the ultimate lifeline. The connection between us and Hashem was only alive and healthy during the times of the First Edition-Am Yisrael (from the times of the Holy Torah). Now since there is a “New Edition” out in the stores, something new to connect to, this powerful love between Hashem and Israel disappeared. Therefore the famous Pasuk where the entire of Purim changes (when Achashverosh woke up suddenly) “VeNadedah Shenat HaMelech” is really reffering to Hashem, the King and not Achashverosh. This pasuk explains Hashem’s sudden wake up call to Am Yisrael: “I have to do something to get you on my side again or else you will stay stuck in the dangerous hands of Haman!” This danger did not result from the chataim (sins) that they have done, rather this happened from ending their cable line to Hashem. Therefore Hashem needed to construct this new bulletproof cableline to make sure Am Yisrael will never leave.

They entire story of Purim builds from this notion that Hashem is always there for us, even if we are farthest away from Him. We don’t appreciate and we cannot mentally understand the power behind Hashem’s love for us! We must know that deep in our hearts there is a tiny spot of crazy awakening to Hashem. Be’ezrat Hashem we should all have the zchut to work on ourselves to be able to reach this re-newed connection with Hashem that enters the world on Purim.

It’s 7 days away. Am Yisrael, I have a question for you:
Are you ready for your anniversary with Hashem?


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