Sunday, July 31, 2011


IN HEBREW: Extremely Moving Eulogies from Friday's funeral in Yerushalayim:
Baba Elazar's Son & Bab Elazar's Brother (Rabi David shlit'a)

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JULY 31st (sunset) - AUGUST 1st (nightfall) 

Mincha today: No Tachanoon.
Arvit tonight: Ya'aleh Ve'yavo in Amida and if applicable in Birkat HaMazon (& Al HaMichya)
Shacharit tomorrow morning: Ya'aleh Ve'yavo in Amida and if applicable in Birkat HaMazon (& Al HaMichya), Chatzi Hallel, Open Sefer Torah for Parashat Rosh Chodesh instead of Parashat Dvarim.
Mincha tomorrow: Ya'aleh Ve'yavo in Amida and if applicable in Birkat HaMazon (& Al HaMichya).


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PIC(s) of the Week!

Against Nature & Society: Sometimes we think that things against nature are abnormal and THIS IS COMPLETELY LOGICAL (just like this picture here). However, Judaism is all about being against nature, really its BEING ABOVE nature! When someone turns their head and overcomes the urge to look at the girl walking down the street half-naked, that is when he reaches the kdusha of a true Jew. Judaism is being above nature.

Obviously, Corporate America pushes to go to college, get a degree, and then go to work to reach the top (by stepping on everyone on the way up). 

Judaism is all about VeAhavta LeRe'echa Kamocha. 

Love and be loved.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pictures from Friday's Funeral - Hashem Yerachem!

150,000 Jews to Escort a murdered Tzadik to Olam Haba:

Rishon LeTzion Gdol HaDor Rav Ovadya Yosef shlit'a

Baba Elazar's Brother: Rabi David
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CLD #332

For the Lyilui Nishmat of Shahin Shmuel ben Hadassa & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara.
Sometimes its just good to repeat the basics of Yahadut and what our role is in this world. Rav Darmoni shlit’a always tells us to ask ourselves: What am I doing in this world? Why am I here? Do I really believe in all this?
Is the Torah the truth? What does is mean to be Jewish?
Rav Lazer Brody wrote recently about all the craziness that’s been happening around the world, especially in Israel, starting with the Fogel family being massacred months ago until the recent murder of Baba Elazar Avuchatzera Zecher Tzadik VeKadosh Livracha. What can we learn from this? He explains how the problems from Bayit Sheni (The Second Beit HaMikdash), which later caused for its destruction, was Sinat Chinam (Brotherly Hatred).
Hashem is starting with our leaders, our pure examples of Yahadut to show us that we all need to wake up and see how wrong we are and break our crazy desire for satisfying OURSELVES and starting to help eachother.
Everyone knows its difficult to overcome this Yetzer Hara of breaking out of our comfort zones and accepting others, meaning being Sephardi and being able to pray in an Ashkenaz Minyan, or being Chassidish and accepting the fact that a Chozer B’Tshuva can become a big Rabbi, or wearing a black hat and accepting a Kipa Sruga (Israeli religious differences), or even just being in a community that is full of Israelis and accepting one who is Persian American, etc. The love for eachother is COMPLETELY LOST TODAY! This Hatred and discomfort needs to be wiped out immediately, and I’m DEFINITELY speaking to myself also.
Its very difficult for us Jews because we all have advanced intelligences which makes it harder to believe that we can actually be wrong, but the Torah and Hashem tell us that we need to constantly LOVE EACHOTHER!

And it begins NOW! Call up a friend you haven’t seen or heard of in a long time (or even you are currently mad at and are not speaking, or even you heard he/she is upset about something) and speak to them! Ask how they are doing!

It beings with you and it begins now. Shavua tov.

Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information!

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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester, Israel ben Rivka & Shahin Shmuel ben Hadassa.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. One should watch out absolutely not to sell on Purim or any days of the year any type of dynamite and all those toys that include gunpowder (toy guns) for children, because these things are dangerous and can cause serious injuries. And there has been times where some houses caught fire due to these toys, and the ones who sell this cause people to break Jewish law and do Averot (sins).

2. A friend cannot reveal the meaning of one’s dream to be that one in the future will do a sin because all dreams become reality once they are explained (the dream follows the tongue). Therefore, when one is asked to reveal the explanation of a dream, it has to be explained in a positive manner as much as the friend can.

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information!

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Friday, July 29, 2011

CLD #331

For the Lyilui Nishmat of Shahin Shmuel ben Hadassa & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara.
Unfortunately, I cannot find what I was looking for Baruch Hashem (and I think I know why but that’s a separate reason) or today’s CLD. It was something to do with the wording of a Pasuk either in Yehoshua or in our Perasha. Anyway, it first said something to do with Hashem and then something to do with us. I was going to explain that maybe the Pasuk speaks about Hashem before us is because in order for us to get to a place of success, we first need to realize that EVERYTHING is from Hashem and is in Hashem’s control.
However, I do have another little drasha for today’s CLD. I was speaking to someone recently and Baruch Hashem the person told me how bored they were from Tefillah (coming to shul and praying). I tried to explain to the person that Tefillah is one of the things that people do without knowing its importance and the vast amount of Ruchaniyut (spirituality) there is behind it (as it says in Masechet Brachot). Also, because we do not sit down and learn about the Tefillah (mainly the Amida), we end up just reading the words and moving on with our lives; but we do not understand the FACT that because of Tefillah we all are healthy, happy, have great families, and Baruch Hashem receive constant energy from Shamayim to continue living in the crazy world that we live in.

And besides the fact that in a couple of hours we will be enjoying and celebrating the testimony that Hashem created the world by sitting down at our Shabat table enjoying food, the Tefillah on Shabat is completely different. We say on Shabat that Shabat is the Mekor HaBracha (it is the foundation, center, of all blessings from Shamayim)!
So let’s continue receiving even more Shefa (spiritual energy) by going to Shul, and maybe asking your Rabbi a single question to define one phrase in Shabat’s Tefillah, so maybe you might begin to realize how deep and beautiful each syllable is!


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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester, Israel ben Rivka & Shahin Shmuel ben Hadassa.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. One who wants to cross the street on Shabat Kodesh should wait until the street is completely clear of cars before crossing, to prevent a driver to further engage in actions of Chilul Shabat (breaking Shabat) by making the car stop. If the driver already stopped for the one crossing, then he can cross.

2. One can sell his/her car to a Jew who breaks Shabat, even though one might think this person might break Shabat using the car.

3. A Jew who breaks Shabat by driving and asks how to get to a certain place, one cannot help him/her and tell him/her where to go because then he/she is helping the person to break Shabat even further. However, if one asks where a Hospital is, then one is allowed to show him directions because this might involve Pikuach Nefesh (where one’s life is in question).


Want these Halachot to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information!

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

CLD #330

For the Lyilui Nishmat of RAV ELAZAR AVUCHATZERA ZT’L, Shahin Shmuel ben Hadassa & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara.
Yesterday I saw a sign on the Subway. It said one who walks between the train cars runs a risk of being fined, injured or worse. This was a HUGE mussar lesson for me. Why? Because I just got back from Eretz haKodesh, which is all about Kdusha, Ruchaniyut, love for your neighbor, Tzniyut, Limud Torah, etc. Now I’m on the subway and I see a huge sign that tells me ALL about America.

The sign first warned about being fined, then being injured and then “worse.”
In America, from the sign alone (forget about what one sees on the street and the way people act), one sees that America KNOWS that its citizens care about whats in their wallets first, then their bodies, and then their souls (whoever believes they even have one).
The fine is mentioned first, because America believes in the NOW, the immediate cause and effect, the punishment, the next move. American society pushes one to be in a constant distraction! The Torah HaKdosha lehavdeel is the complete opposite.
Orchot Tzaddikim (a book called the ways of the Righteous) explains that the one who Mitbonen (looks into something) can reach the Love that one needs to have for Hashem. When someone thinks and views the world from a bird’s eye view, he/she sees a complex place full of intelligience, from the communication of dolphins to the plants ability to capture sunlight. This attitude towards the world increases love of Hashem.

B’H we should all realize what a zchut (privelage) it is to be alive, because as we all probably know from the recent Murder of Rav Elazar Avuchatzera ZT’L (Baba Sali’s grandson), life can be taken away from us Hashem Yerachem in a matter of minutes.

B’Sorot Tovot & Shabat Shalom!

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L’yilui Nishamt RAV ELAZAR AVUCHATZERA ZT’L,  Avraham ben Ester, Israel ben Rivka & Shahin Shmuel ben Hadassa.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. A person who came into Shul and saw he missed Mincha and now the Tzibbur (people in shul) are learning Torah, cannot do Kdusha on his own (one can do Kdusha generally if there are 9 other people if he missed minyan). One cannot do this because he is stopping the Tzibbur from learning Torah and it is better if he prays alone instead.

2. If one is at a Shiur, he is not allowed to say a Bracha on food/drink  out loud, because this causes people to stop from learning at the Shiur and answer Amen instead. Talmud Torah (learning) is bigger than answering Amen. Even without knowing this one does say a Bracha out loud, the people listening do not have to answer Amen because the Amen causes Bitul Torah (the disruption of Torah learning).

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information!

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CLD #329

For the Lyilui Nishmat of Shmuel ben Hadassa & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara.
Baruch Hashem for Kol HaLashon App on iPhone! I had the zchut to listen to Rabbanim that five years ago one would only be able to hear them if they were in the same country. But today with the machine you hold in your pocket (which can also be used Hashem Yerachem to drag oneself into the spiritually darkest pits in the world) you can reach high levels that include listening to Rabbis who are across the world miles and miles away.
Rav Ades shlit’a in a Shiur on the Churban HaBayit (destruction of the Beit HaMikdash) was explaining what it means to be a real Jew. He explained that one who holds hands with Hashem, meaning one who really believes that Hashem is his father who watches over him constantly, is like one who is walking through a pitch black forest but is happy with a safety feeling. However one who decides to follow the Hashem Yerachem life of a non-believer, is like one who is in an open field constantly worried about where life leads him.
Rav Ades also explained that the words Pesha and Shefa have the same letters but mean almost the complete opposite words. Pesha (Pei-Shin-Ayin) is a sin where one does it while knowing there is such a sin. Shefa (Shin-Pei-Ayin) is the spiritual ‘energy’ that one receives from the mercy of Hashem by gluing him/herself to Him. This is another proof that shows that one is in charge of his/her life; where one can either choose to receive Shefa all year round or to do Peshaim (Hashem Yerachem).

B’H we will all begin to want to pray to Hashem to want to do Teshuva.

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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester, Israel ben Rivka & Shmuel ben Hadassa.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. One who is in the middle of a Shiur at Shul (for ex. Between Mincha & Arvit) can definitely not hint to the Rabbi to end the Shiur, even if he is rushing to be somewhere, because this person makes people go through Bitul Torah (the cancellation of learning Torah) and he treats the Rabbi who is giving the Shiur with disrespect. However, if there is a shiur before Mincha and the Rabbi does not realize the time, one can tell the Rabbi that its time to end not to miss the time for Mincha and one should do this with great respect and with Derech Eretz (manners).

2. One is not allowed to walk into a Beit Midrash or a Shiur with a cell phone that’s been turned on because he sins and causes others to sin. This is true because he causes Bitul Torah (cancellation of Torah learning) and injures the Kavod HaTorah (respect of the Torah).

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information!

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CLD Fundraising wants to help Yerushalayim!

Yerushalayim is in need of your help!

A 14 year old girl from the Rova (Jewish Quarter) in Yerushalayim has been abused by her parents (who are not 100% and separated). She does not want to go to the National Foster Homes because they are not religious at all. She grew up in a religious home that kept Torah and Mitzvot.
She wants to continue her life as a religious young lady.
A family in the area decided to take her in under the condition that there will be help to raise her (feed her, pay for her education, buy her clothing, etc.). It costs 300$ (1000 Shekel) per month. This is less than the salary of a minimum wage worker for a week's work in NY!
Rabbis have told me that she is literally POOR. Poor as in NO WHERE TO GO and NO WHERE TO SLEEP and NOTHING TO EAT. Poor like poor in the times of the Gemara.

IF you want to help hit the right side-bar DONATE button. EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS & GOES TO THE FAMILY! The money will be wired to Yerushalayim (B'H) and given to the Rabbi in charge of the operation (Rav Tzadok shlit'a - email theCLD for his number if you want to speak to him). 
theCLD has $200 ready from previous fundraising projects to be wired.

~CLD Fundraising~
Is there a serious issue you want theCLD to publicize to help fundraise? Contact us:

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The one that thinks he knows better than G-d is the one who will never be satisfied in life. This is the one who strays from the Torah HaKdosha.

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For Anyone who knows Hebrew: This is HYSTERICAL!!!
Video of the Week is back and bigger than ever!

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

CLD #328

Do you really believe Hashem
is in control?
For the Lyilui Nishmat of Shmuel ben Hadassa & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara.
Its scary how literal the phrase from Tefillah is when we say Hashem Melech Hashem Malach Hashem Yimloch Le’Olam Va’Ed. Hashem is in control of this world, we can NEVER run away from it.
This is why theCLD wants you to pray: you can save my life and the life of the person you care about the most. Tefillah (prayer) is unbelievably strong.
So strong that the world does not continue to exist without it. The Gemara explains that Tefillah is one of the things in the world that are taken advantage of and is not used to its potential!
How do we know this is true? In Rav Finkus’ book: Shearim Ba’Tefillah (Gates in Prayer) he explains that the entire realm of plantation, grass, trees, and anything associated with that sector of nature did not bloom until the 6th day of creation. Why is this weird? Because the Torah tells us that Hashem created nature on the 3rd day, so why did it only bloom on the 6th day? Because Adam HaRishon (Adam) was created on Yom HaShishi (the 6th day). So what, Big deal?!

The world only began to ‘work’ once the first Tefillah was said by Adam! Adam HaRishon had to have prayed in order for nature to begin to grow and function properly! What does this teach us?
That in such a dark generation that we live in, especially in such a difficult time for Am Yisrael that for example in the last year 3 friends my age (~20) have lost one of their parents Rachmana Litzlan (Hashem Yerachem in Aramaic), every single action, especially opening one’s heart to Hashem in Tefillah creates such a positive influence onto the world filled with mercy from shamayim that we all need!

Making life good is in your hands.
So please help the world by whispering to Hashem the smallest prayer: “Thank you for everything you do for me Hashem!” or even if you need spiritual help: “Please can you just make it easier for me to become more knowledgeable, only you know what I really desire, and please channel those desires to do what I need to do in this world.”

Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information!

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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester, Israel ben Rivka & Shmuel ben Hadassa.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. A sick woman who asks her son to take her to her daughter’s home so she can rest there or do Shabat there; even though he knows she might drive to her home later and break Shabat, there are those who say that he can still drive her there anyway because she will break Shabat anyway.

2. A woman who usually goes out on the street with her hair uncovered, and asks her son to take a walk with her for health reasons, there are those who say he can go with her on the walk even though it seems like he is making her transgress by leaving the house with her hair uncovered.

Want these Halachot to be for the Yilui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information!

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Monday, July 25, 2011

CLD #327

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Moshe ben Mazal.
I had the zchut to have a meeting with Rav Amos Lubin shlit’a from Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh yesterday. We were about to begin the meeting about life and chizuk and he stops me. Because I am a chiller according to the Yeshiva world, I went to the meeting with a couple of fruits from the kitchen.
I sit down and say a bracha and Rav Amos explains to me something beautiful. He says sometimes we need to just think and dive deep into our own thoughts. What does that mean? He began to explain to me the Kdusha of Eretz Yisrael. What was I doing? I was just eating an apple. But he told me NO, you’re not eating an apple, you’re actually letting the Kdusha of Eretz Yisrael come into you.
How? We all know that Eretz Yisrael is the Chosen land by Hashem from the Torah HaKdosha and we all know that means that literally the soil is Kadosh also (holy).
This means that when one eats something that is naturally connected to the ground of a Eretz Kadosh, he/she is eating Kadosh (holiness)!!! What was I doing? Simply eating an apple. But what does the Torah and the Chochma (knowledge) of a ben Torah tell me I am doing? Taking part in the addition of Kdusha in my body!
That means that we all have a chance to have some literal holiness in us by eating Israeli Products!
B’H we should all obtain from Hashem the Da’at (ability to differentiate) of good and bad, kadosh and chol (holy and non-holy), tahor and tameh (spiritually clean and dirty), etc.

Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. If a friend asks for a cigarette, its suggested and correct to avoid giving one, because this causes the friend to enter the sin of “VeShamartem Meod Nafshotechem” (watching over oneself). However, if there is a suspicion that the friend will be offended and this will cause “Sinat Chinam” (hatred between brothers), then one is allowed to give him/her a cigarette. 

2. One should not bring fear upon a small child, like to tell him/her that a cat or dog will take him/her because this causes the child to be lowered spiritually and their purity can be influenced for the worse from this.

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

CLD #326

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Moshe ben Mazal.
We are all made up of two parts. Orchot Tzadikkim explains that love is channeling our energies to appreciate what G-d does for us. What do these two sentences have to do with eachother?
The two parts that make up a Jew is the Neshama and the Guf, the Soul and the Body. The Soul only knows one thing: Let’s get as close to G-d as possible, I want to be glued to G-d and I want to cry out to G-d and I want to live G-d. The body is the exact opposite: meaning it was made with “Ruach Behemot,” which is spirit of animals. So our goal in life is to purify, LeKadesh, the animal spirit, the body to channel our energy to want to live the goal of the Neshama, which is to be glued to Hashem.
In order to do this we need to take things upon ourselves to become vessels of Kdusha (purity). We do this by separating ourselves from things and actions that the Torah teaches us that are not Kadosh, such as anything to do with sexual immorality, not loving one’s neighbor such as speaking badly about them, and anything that your Rabbi would not do (in general).
B’H we should all realize that having a Neshama, even though might seem like a burden, is a HUGE ZCHUT (privelage), because this is what separates us from animals.


Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. There are those who say to Restaurant and Deli Owners not to serve food on a fast day (such as the upcoming Tisha Be’Av fast), unless they know those customers are exempt from fasting due to health reasons. Even though there are more restaurant and deli owners who serve food, the one who is strict regarding the words of Hashem should prevent himself from this situation (meaning close for the day). Maybe on this day these people who will not fast might raise a suspicion that they will eat non-Kosher food because Kosher food is unavailable, so the one who is lenient has something to lean on (if they open their restaurants solely for this reason).

2. One who works from listening to musical instruments, such as a recorder; even though he/she does not know how to financially succeed from another job, they are not allowed to play an instrument before another Jew during these three weeks (From 17 Tammuz to Tisha Be’Av). These Jews do not have to be Shomrei Torah U’Mitzvot (observant Jews). If this person wants to play instruments for Goyim this is allowed until Rosh Chodesh Av (next Monday).


Want these Halachot to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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Friday, July 22, 2011

CLD #325

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Moshe ben Mazal.
Everyone today knows what Wi-Fi is. To do theCLD everyday (or at least we try to) we need a daily pull of Wi-Fi in order to post up the Chizuk/Halachot.
What can we learn from this? That just like one places a Wi-Fi system in his/her phone, so too one who sets up a foundation of Torah in their home (meaning his/her home is a House of Hashem), this affects everyone around them.
We all know how important environment is. Just like a Wi-Fi system provides connection for those around the system, so too one who is a Ben Hashem, Ben Torah he/she also influence everyone around them to realize that there is a G-d!

B’H we should all learn to become Bnei Torah with true Simcha (Happiness)!!! It all begins with Shabat Kodesh, because that is the Backbone of a Jew, the testimony that Hashem created the world in six days and on the Seventh He rested, so too we rest forever and ever on Shabat Kodesh (the seventh day).


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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. One can lend money to another who does Chillul Shabat (breaks Shabat) and there is no suspicion that using the money he will do Chillul Shabat (and even if he does its only dependent upon him). And one is also permitted to give a gift to people who have Smachot (simchas) even though they do Averot (sins) and Chillul Shabat, even though it is probable that they will use the gift money to do Chillul Shabat.

2. A phone that is connected to a tape recorder (usually house phones) and a cell phone that has a voicemail set up, should have their recording systems turned off for Shabat (because one might call on Shabat and leave a message which is Chillul Shabat). And if there isn’t an opportunity to turn these systems off, then one should notify his/her friends not to call on Shabat, and this will save his/her Nefesh (soul).

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

CLD #324

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Moshe ben Mazal.
Gan Emunah (The Garden of Emunah) discusses the concept of Tefillah (prayer). It explains that everything has an origin of Tefillah from it, meaning in order for something to be accomplished or even succeed in general it has to be prayed for. Moshe Rabbeinu prayed 515 Amidot (Shmoneh Esreh) in order to get Am Yisrael inside Eretz HaKodesh.  After the 515th tefilah Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu “Enough!” From this we learn that if Moshe Rabbeinu would have added one more tefillah he would have gotten what he wanted (to also come into Eretz Yisrael) even if it was decreed against it (when Moshe Rabbeinu hit the rock instead of spoke to it).
This teaches us that one should always pray to Hashem. If Hashem is the creator of the world then obviously you can speak to Him and ask Him anything! What about praying for something that goes against the Torah, for example: praying to succeed in a robbery or praying to “get with” a beautiful girl in a way that is against the Torah? The Gan Emunah explains that praying for something against Yahadut is like a brilliant metaphor. Imagine a son asking his father for $30,000. The father asks what he needs the money for. The son explains he wants to bring trucks filled with garbage and literally dump it on the front lawn. Not only will the father not hand over the money to the son, but its logical to say that he will get very upset with the son! So too with one who prays for something against Yahadut.

Tomorrow BH is a day where we spend to get ready for Shabat Kodesh, we have 3 or 4 (depending on your location in the world) Tefillot left before Shabat. Make them worthwhile because you’re standing in front of Hashem that can give you ANYTHING, especially an uplifting Shabat! 

Shabat Shalom!

Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.
From Ve’En Lamo Michshol:

1. One should not drive on Erev Shabat (Friday) close to the time of Shabat in a car where the driver might fall to do Chilul Shabat (breaking Shabat by driving to his home during Shabat after dropping you off). During a time of emergency, the one who is lenient has something to rely on.

2. Whoever gave birth to a boy and his Brit Milah falls on Shabat, and there is a suspicion that family members will do Chilul Shabat (break Shabat) by driving to the Brit on Shabat, he should go to a Talmid Chacham to see what to do. There is a speicifc piece of advice that says to explain to the family members that there is a small problem with the child and the Brit Milah cannot take place on the Shabat. Then on Shabat they SHOULD make the Brit happen. Sunday morning (or even Motzei Shabat –Saturday Night-) he should call up all the guests and tell them that with G-d’s help the child felt better and they had the chance to do the Brit and they did it. He should make himself upset that he “didn’t have the privelage” to have all the family at the Brit.


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