Thursday, August 30, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. One needs to be cautious and say Birkot HaShachar (the prayers of the morning) with Birkot HaTorah before Selihot because in Selihot there are Pesukim (verses) which cannot be said before saying Birkot HaTorah (the blessings we say that give us permission to read Pesukim).

2. Those people who wake up early before the hours of dawn during Hodesh Elul (this month) and are weak and want to eat a piece of cake or fruits must make sure it is the time before Alot HaShachar (dawn) because after Alot HaShachar one may not taste any foods except for tea and coffee. According to the Zohar (Kabbalah) all those who went to sleep and woke up, even before Alot HaShachar should not taste anything except for tea, coffee and water.  

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CLD #671

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Since we are in The Month of Mercy (Rahamim) and Selihot, Hodesh Elul, we will now discuss a main topic: Teshuva. The Orhot Tzadikkim explains that there are four main types of Teshuva (repentance) that literally balance out one’s sins with Mitzvot.

The first is called Teshuvat HaBa’ah: This Teshuva occurs when someone has fallen into the sin of coming onto a woman (or any type of arayot, sexual immorality) or stealing (which according the Gemara Hagigah, are the two strongest desires) and the opportunity to sin the same exact way has come before the individual with the same exact desire/fire to do the sin in his/her heart, then this teshuva is done in a simple fashion. If the person stops his/her desire and shuts off his/her need for this sin from Fear of Heaven (yirat shamayim) then this is considered Teshuav Shelema (full Teshuva).

The second is called Teshuvat HaGader: This Teshuva consists of acting in a certain way that prevents one from getting into the area of sinning. For example, the Orhot Tzadikkim (written over 300 years ago) says one tries to get away from women who are in a laughing mood (or aimlessly hanging out), one avoids looking at women’s cleavage or even at their face or even at his wife during the time of Niddah (when relations are prohibited). And this is the way this person does a Gader (fence) before every Mitzvah. Whichever desire X has, for that same desire he/she should makes fences. For example, if someone has a desire to steal or eat unhealthy food, they should simply not go to places that have bad security in the store or places with known restaurants that have fast food. The person should also try not to go to these places with money or any credit cards.

The third is called Teshuvat HaMishkal: This Teshuva is done through balancing one’s pleasure from the sin he/she did with the tza’ar (suffering) that he/she feels when doing a Ta’anit (fast) or lessening on desired foods. For example, one can do a Ta’anit Yahid (individual fast, written in the end of the Minha Amida) or lessen the intake of certain desserts one has. This way someone can have the intention that he/she is doing Teshuva one stopping to eat that delicious doughnut or cookie.

The final one is called Teshuvat HaKatuv: This teshuva, Repentance of the Written, discusses doing Teshuva like the famous Jews in the Tanah and Gemara did Teshuva. This occurs when someone learns heavy duty Torah, such as in the Navi (Prophets) where someone learns all the punishments and ways of Teshuva Bnei Yisrael went through because of their sins. For example, when someone learns about David HaMelech and sees in Tehillim (psalms) that David used to cry heavy tears everyday due to his ‘sin’ (which the Gemara testifies that David did not sin). David also used to teach other people about the problems with doing what he did. Therefore, the Teshuva was accepted.

Every person knows what they need to do Teshuva on. And if they don’t, they need to see their Rabbi. And if they don’t have a personal Rabbi they can speak to about everything and anything, they have a problem.
 Its time to WAKE UP and do Teshuva.
Rosh HaShanah is two weeks from Sunday.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. In the Selihot Prayer, we do not repeat the Pasuk Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokenu Hashem Ehad twice, rather the Shaliah Tzibbur (Hazzan) says it once and then the Kahal (congregation) repeats the pasuk only a single time after him.

2. There are those who have the minhag (custom) to blow the Shofar after Selihot and during the 13 Middot Prayer/Va’yaavor. If this Shofar blowing causes a theft of sleep (meaning it causes people to wake up from their sleep) the kahal should not blow the shofar. There are those who also blow the shofar after the selihot completely. The Yalkut Yosef also explains if this causes the neighbors to lose sleep they should prevent from it happening as well.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

CLD #670

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
It says in the Midrash of Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs): if we open a hole the size of a pin in our hearts for Hashem, He will open for us an opening the size of a ballroom.

This fits perfectly with the time of Elul we are in now. Elul is a time when the sky is opened up with an intense amount of positive merciful energy entering the world. This means that everything we do has extra chances that it will actually work out on a spiritual level. Another thing to think about: What is real love? Actually showing you care by doing something. But here, Hashem does not even say that! The Mishnah only explains that Hashem wants one’s heart. Do we see any action needed? Absolutely not. So this shows the huge mercy in Hashem’s “characteristics.” Hashem is only looking for the tiniest hole of a will to get close to Him and He does the rest.

Try it, you will see everything opening up before you.
Especially now during Hodesh Elul.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. When the Shaliah Tzibbur (Hazzan) recites Hashem’s name twice during the 13 Middot of Selihot, one should slightly bend down in fear of Hashem and there is no need to raise one’s toes every time Hashem’s name is said like one does during Kedusha (Nakdishach…). There are those however who have the minhag (custom) to raise their toes when saying Hashem’s name twice before the 13 Middot.

2. There are many opinions regarding the way we count the 13 Middot in the Pesukim in the Torah, from where the 13 Middot begins and what their order is exactly. Therefore, because we don’t have the proper information, we do not hold the minhag of counting the 13 Middot using our fingers. We simply just say the 13 Middot and Hashem simply wants our heart’s attention.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

CLD #669

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
When G-d forbid someone from the Jewish Nation has a lethal disease, everyone hears about it and begins praying. They see the bodily changes the sick person must go through. They see the person suffer. They see the family getting stronger on a religious level. And on and on. Does anyone complain about the side effects of the medication the sick person goes through?

When a child is walking on the beach and for two whole minutes a mother or father see the child running into the water, do the parents just sit there or they jump up like wild animals to prevent the child from entering the water? We all know the answer and it is obvious. The child does not know that it is bad and he begins wailing!

When we hear of a friend or close relative who goes through the Teshuva and Religious strengthening period and change in his/her life we also see them suffer. They have to deal with the people in their life who are not religious and try to explain to them all these different things about Torah, etc. They also have to deal with closing their businesses on Shabbat, paying more money to send their children to Jewish schools, making sure their children stop being extremely friendly with non-religious people because it is not the influence they want their children to be around. Teshuva is not easy. But it is the most fulfilling time a person will have their entire life because it is the truth and once you taste it you never want it to leave.

However, in Elul (the month we are currently in), Teshuva is different. Rav Shlomo Pinto shlit’a explains that during Elul there are no issurim (suffering) or tzarot (problems) when someone does Teshuva. Therefore, why not take advantage of such a spiritually merciful time like RIGHT NOW and do Teshuva. Take things upon yourself and start doing them because YOU WILL SEE HASHEM HELPING YOU!

Jump on the bus. Get on that plane. Make the boat. Catch the train. Now is the time.
Just do it.
B’H just don’t forget to do it with a smile.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. It is obligated upon a person to say 100 berachot (blessings) everyday, which is counted from evening to evening and not morning to morning. Also on Shabbat and Yamim Tovim one must say 100 Berachot. Therefore on Shabbat (when the Amida prayer only has seven berachot instead of the usual 19) one who is considered yereh shamayim (has fear of Hashem) should keep count of his/her Berachot throughout the day. If one cannot try to reach 100 berachot on Shabbat by eating extra foods, they should have the intention of fulfilling the berachot by answering Amen during the berachot on the Torah/Haftarah in Shul.

2. On all fruits one says the Beracha of Boreh Peri Ha’Etz (…who created the fruits of the tree). On wine one says the Beracha of Boreh Peri HaGefen. On all fruits, whether they are from the Shivat HaMinim (Seven Species that were blessed from Eretz Yisrael) or just regular fruits, their first Beracha is Boreh Peri Ha’Etz. Even though these fruits grow originally from the ground, it is not enough to say the Beracha of Boreh Peri Ha’Adama (…who created the fruits of the ground) because a blessing that is more specific generates more praise for Hashem. Wine has reached a new level of praise and therefore has its own Beracha.

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Shavua Tov!

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Only Hashem knows when is the best time to get married and also who will be your spouse.
Trust in Hashem and Hashem will provide you with a secured life - we say that after every meal in Birkat HaMazon (prayer after eating a sufficient amount of bread) and it is not only referring to financial issues.

Shavua Tov!

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

CLD #668

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Orhot Tzaddikim teaches that the seven things that Hashem created before creating the world were: The Torah, Teshuva (repentance), Gan Eden (‘Heaven’), Gehinam (‘Hell’), Kiseh HaKavod (Hashem’s Throne of Judgment), The Name of the Mashiah (Messiah) and the Bet HaMikdash.

Considering that we are already more than a week into Hodesh Elul, the month of Rahamim (mercy) and Teshuva (repentance), lets look at this list a little deeper. The order of the list is also important. The Torah is the first thing Hashem created. Considering the unlimited amount of knowledge the Torah provides Jews with, we can speak about it for years and years and not even understand a single Mitzvah to its core! The Torah has 613 Mitzvot, some that are Mitzvot Aseh (positive, active commandments) and some Mitzvot Lo Ta’aseh which instruct us to avoid doing certain actions. Because of the way Hashem structured the Torah, He created Gan Eden and Gehinam.

After bringing in places of reward and punishment into the picture, Hashem created His own Throne of Glory, the Kisseh HaKavod, to use as a place for judgment. However, we already skipped one of the creations before the world was created: Teshuva (repentance). Because its Hodesh Elul and Judgment Day is around the corner (Rosh HaShanah), we must understand that Hashem knows its hard! Living a Jewish life is everlastingly rewarding, but it is difficult. At the same time if we understand the heavy love Hashem has for us and understanding of our desires that He put into our system, we will see living a Jewish life is not difficult and the entire thought of difficulty is just in our head.

Therefore, even if we have fallen and sinned and whatever the spiritual level we are on, we still have Teshuva to rely on! Hashem knew that the Torah asks of us many things, therefore He brought Teshuva into the ballgame to tell us: ALWAYS PUSH FORWARD AND DON’T FALL! The future is bright and is filled with many bumps and obstacles, but we just need to take that extra step, Teshuva, and it will all fit clearly like an easy puzzle. Believe and it will work out in the end.

By the way, after someone does real true Teshuva from the heart, Hashem takes the person back to the spiritual level they were at before the sin. But it must be real. Remember, you can’t fool your creator like you can easily fool flesh and blood.

Shavua Tov and BH we should stay strong this month (spiritually and physically)!

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. One who learns Torah until late at night, and because of this has a doubt whether he will wake up to say Kriyat Shema and pray Shacharit at the correct time must stop learning and set up his Torah learning at a time where he will not miss Shema and Tefillah (prayer) the following morning. However, if one wants to greaten his Torah learning at night and it will only cause him to miss Tefillah for Netz (Vatikin, Sunrise minyan), he can do this if it strengthens his Torah learning. Whoever is not busy with Torah learning at night has a special Mitzvah to put great effort in praying at the Netz minyan (sunrise) everyday, which is important.

2. When one wakes up he should hesitate for a brief moment and get out of bed to do the service of Hashem, because for this reason man was created. However, one should not jump out of bed immediately after waking up due to health reasons, even if its with the intention to do the service of Hashem. This health issue relates to the action of immediately standing after waking up, but does not apply for sitting up immediately after waking. In any case, one should definitely avoid laying in bed aimlessly. The big Kabbalistic Rabbis used to be stringent not to even speak wordly matters before Shaharit (morning prayer).

Shavua Tov!

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

CLD #667

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Rav Shimshon Pinkus ZT’L explains that there are three main rules regarding kabalat penei Shehina (welcoming the Divine Presence). We learn these rules from the Pesukim (verses) from accepting Torah at Har Sinai in Sefer VaYikrah.

These three main rules are: 1) Dressing for the part. 2) Preparing for the Schehina’s welcoming and 3) Actually welcoming the Shehina. This directly parallels to the welcoming of the Holy Shabbat. Rav Pinkus adds that the Shabbat is not an object or simply another day of the week, rather its on the level of a living thing that breathes and speaks and socializes. Therefore on Shabbat we wear clothes that are extra special, wait for the Shabbat by doing all our last minute errands way before Shabbat comes in and go to Shul early to accept it by saying Lecha Dodi.

There is a piece of Hazal (writing from our Sages) that breaks down a conversation that happened between Shabbat and Hashem. The Shabbat complained: everyday of the week has a zivug (soulmate), Sunday-Friday/Monday-Thursday/Tuesday-Wednesday, but I am all alone?! Hashem answered: don’t worry holy Shabbat your zivug is the most special of all: your zivug is Am Yisrael.

Rav Pinkus also explains in his book on Shabbat that one should try to reach a level of fear in Shabbat itself. Meaning fear of its greatness. Shabbat is a present, use it wisely. Don’t waste it on a day at the beach of a day of sleeping through it completely (even if it means you’re “keeping it.”) Be active. Be Jewish.

Shabbat Shalom!

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Its always time to celebrate when you know Hashem is protecting you.

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If you feel this way when doing Avodat Hashem (service of G-d), something is wrong. 
You need to feel natural when doing Mitzvot. 
Smile, Hashem loves you.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. People who live in Hutz La’Aretz (anywhere but Israel) should say Selihot by the time that fits in their country, not by the time that Hatzot (midnight) hits in Israel. In any case those who are lenient to say Selihot together with those living in Israel, meaning saying Selihot in the middle of the day they have Rabbis to lean on (meaning they can do it).

2. A congregation that cannot get together at Hatzot (midnight) can come to Shul early in the morning, before Tefillat Shaharit (morning prayer) or before Minha (afternoon prayer) to say Selihot. It is best for the Hazzan (Shaliah Tzibbur) to wrap himself with a Talit during the Selihot. Also in the Army Bases where they cannot say Selihot early in the morning, the soldiers should say Selihot before Shaharit in the morning, or before Minha.

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

CLD #666

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.

In Masechet Berachot we see how easy it is for people to become desensitized to the miracles of Hashem. The Gemara on Daf Yud Amud Aleph (10a) explains the difference between Hashem and flesh and blood (the human). The Gemara flat out says like this: look at the difference between Hashem and flesh and blood. When flesh and blood draws a painting/drawing on a wall, they cannot place into the drawing a neshama (soul), ruah (a spirit), intestines (etc.)! However, when Ha Kadush Baruch Hu (Hashem) draws a creation within a creation and places into it ruah, a neshama and intestines, which is what Hannah says “Ki En Blitecha ve’en tzur ke’elokenu.” There is no one without You and no painter like You!

The Gemara basically says things we already know. Anyone with a straight mindset and clear vision sees the miracles of Hashem through pregnancy. How come from one tiny cell that can only be seen through an electron microscope becomes a full sized healthy human being that can walk, talk, eat, use the restroom, create world wars, end world wars, bring peace, and on and on?! Only Hashem has the power to create new.

This directly connects us with Hodesh Elul, the month of Selihot and Rahamim (mercy). This is a time to realize the greatness of Hashem. If He can bring us into this world from one tiny drop of semen fertilizing an egg, how much more so can He take us out of our spiritual filth and low level?! There is never such a thing as giving up spiritually and this we see from Masechet Berachot and the entire Torah.
B’H only Semahot (happy occasions). May we see Penei Mashiah soon in our days and go through this month with just rising spiritually and getting closer to our Creator. Hodesh tov and Shavua tov!

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. It is our minhag (custom) to wake up early in the morning to say The Selihot (forgiveness prayers before Rosh HaShanah), which begins the night after Rosh Hodesh Elul until Yom Kippur. There is a piece of Torah that has been passed down from generation to generation teaching us that Moshe Rabbenu went up to Har Sinai again to receive the second Luhot (tablets) on Rosh Hodesh Elul and came down with them on Yom HaKippur, meaning that these 40 days symbolize a time of rahamim and acceptance of prayer from Shamayim (the Heavens) for all of Am Yisrael.

2. The most appropriate time to say Selihot is from midnight (Jewish time not 12:00am) onwards, because this is a time that tefillot (prayers) are answered. However, during the first third of the night one should avoid saying Selihot and the 13 Middot. An individual who goes to a Bet Knesset (Shul) where they have Selihot during these hours (where one should not do Selihot) should avoid joining them and sit quietly on the side (and not answer 13 Middot, etc.). Even more so, one should encourage them to quit this habit of saying Selihot in a time that is unacceptable. The time of midnight is calculated by taking the exact minutes between sunrise and sunset and splitting it into 12, then adding 6 hours from sunrise (12:43am in Israel).

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

CLD #665

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Masechet Kilaim (Mishnah) is all about making sure one does not violate the Mitzvah of grafting (any form of bringing two different species together to make a new specie). For example, one may not place in a vineyard (making grapes) an apple tree within 6 feet of a grapevine.

One of the Mishnayot in Kilaim is directly linked to a concept that can help us connect to Hodesh Elul on a much higher level. The Mishnah of Perek 7, Mishnah 8 explains that one may place a pot with a different specie in a vineyard. However, if this pot has a whole on the bottom that can connect it to the same soil where the vineyards are planted, they are violating the Law of Kilaim.

Each part of this Mishnah is key in understand the Yetzer Hara and mixing one’s holiness with impurity. The grapevines symbolize Kedusha (holiness, purity, a life of Torah) and the pot that’s making all the trouble symbolize the Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination). The Mishnah is telling us that one can place the Yetzer Hara in his vineyard. However, if the pot (the Yetzer Hara) has some hole in it where it can enter the soil where the grapevines connect, it is absolutely assur (forbidden). Meaning: we know there must be some form of Yetzer Hara in the world for people to coexist, because after all the Yetzer Hara is what pushes us to get married, bring children, build homes, and we take those actions to the side of kedusha (purity) by listening to the Torah and doing it the way Hashem wants.

However, if we open a hole for this pot to lengthen its roots into our soil of holiness and we MIX the impurity with the purity, that’s where the problem begins! We must know that in order to live we need to overcome the Yetzer Hara, because it will ALWAYS be active. However, we must know NEVER to open a hole for it so it can enter our hearts and do lethal damage.

B’H with Hodesh Elul’s arrival, we will use our physical to enter the spiritual world. This month is a blueprint for our entire year. What will we do this month that will channel us into Rosh HaShannah (in one month), Yom Kippur (40 days) and the rest of the year (bH Mashiah BBA)? Elul is a time of Teshuva. We should stop the Yetzer Hara from entering our hearts and G-d willing begin growing our own grapevines to further bring Kedusha into the world.

Shavua tov.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Rav Ovadia Yosef’s Halacha Emails:

1. If one knows that the Kosher Supervision on Duck Liver is stringent on all the ways the Duck is fed (without any harm because it is known that the owners used to put ducks in horrible conditions by fattening them with corn by forcing a tube straight into their esophagus) and after the proper shehita (slaughter), everything is Kosher, than one may be lenient and eat Duck Liver. However, the stringent person who avoids Duck Liver completely should be blessed. This is how Rav Ovadia answered.

2. If two people who know each other sit on the same table, one can eat meat and the other dairy only when there is a distinguishable separation between the two (both eating on different tablecloths, they have a large object in between, they are not sitting close to each other). However, if one of the people is a katan (under 13) there is no leniency in eating meat and milk on the same table. If two people do not know each other they can eat near each other and they don’t need an object/sign separating.

Shavua Tov!

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012


L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester & Yissachar ben Yona.
From Rav Ovadya Yosef shlit’a Website (can be read in English as well):

Coffee which contains no other ingredients which may pose Kashrut concerns may be drunk even if it was prepared by a non-Jew on the condition that it was poured into a disposable cup or a glass mug. If such a cup is unavailable and one is lenient and drinks this coffee out of a porcelain mug and the like, he indeed has on whom to rely. If one is stringent and abstains from drinking coffee prepared by a non-Jew, this is especially worthy.

2. Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlit”a writes that the Sephardic custom is to prohibit eating fish with milk because of the danger involved; indeed, several Poskim write clearly that the Sephardic custom was to rule stringently on this matter. Based on this custom, several great sages, including Hagaon Rabbeinu Yosef Haim in his book The Ben Ish Hai, have ruled stringently on this matter. It is therefore preferable to act stringently and abstain from eating fish with milk. However, if fish was mistakenly cooked with milk, even Sephardim who customarily abstain from eating this may in fact be lenient here and eat it.

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Rav Mutzafi says in the name of Hazal: even one who has no privelige whatsoever is blessed through Birkat Kohanim. The power of going to minyan in the morning is endless.

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Torah Class in Great Neck

This Thursday Night (8/16)
Rav Darmoni from Yerushalayim (the Old City) will be giving a Torah Class in Great Neck

23 Genevieve Place, Great Neck New York 11021

Contact Jon for details, 1-516-373-3339
Please spread the Word!

Rav Darmoni is the messenger from Hashem that helped me strengthen my Judaism. He is also my Rabbi.
Be smart, don't miss this.

CLD #664

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
The only way to do something is with 110%. We all know that’s true. Baruch Hashem tonight we had the zechut (privelige) to partake in a live shiur with our Rabbi, Rav Darmoni shlit’a. He said that one time his child asked him: “Aba, I don’t understand how Hashem expects us to pray everyday. Enough! How much can I pray?!”

Rav Darmoni answered the child: “when you eat, do you eat with full simha and love for the food?” The child immediately understood.

From this small story we can understand many different things. Let’s just focus on one level of Judaism and try to apply it to our everyday lives so we can actually GROW as Jews. The issue is priorities. Being Jewish means setting your priorities different than the entire world. And its pretty much black and white, its either you do it or you don’t. Do we act with excitement to our daily hour of havruta (one-on-one Torah learning) like we do to our daily hour of watching TV or surfing the net or even playing games?

We can take this question and apply it with everything we do religious and necessity-based. We need to understand that being Jewish means thinking of Hashem and actually DOING Mitzvot, not teaching it or learning them.

B’H Elul begins this Shabbat. For Sepharadim this is a big nasyon (spiritual ‘test’) because it means waking up extra early to cry to Hashem (or at least try to) for the past year’s sins. Who wants to wake up an hour early every morning for 40 days to live through that? NO ONE. Not true. The Jew does because he knows there is a G-d running the world. Not Darwin and not the iPhone. In the end of the day it’s a yes or no: do you believe G-d is running the show or not?

Be Real. Avoid two-faced friends and live a happy life.

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)!

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012


L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.
From Rav Ovadya Yosef shlit’a Website

1. There is a Mitzvah from the Torah to Respect one’s parents (revering and honoring them). What does revering entail? One should not stand in his father’s designated place for prayer or sit in his designated seat at home (for instance, at the head of the table). Additionally, one should not contradict his father’s words by saying, “Father, what you have said is incorrect,” or approve his words by saying, “My father’s words seem correct.”

2. What does honoring entail? One must feed his parents, give them to drink, dress them, cover them, and the like. All this should be done with a smiling and radiant countenance, for even if one were to feed his parents stuffed ducklings every day while bearing a scowling expression, he will be punished for this.

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilyui Nishmat or Refua Shlema of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and once the money goes through BH e-mail us (CLDFundCheck with the proper information! 

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Monday, August 13, 2012

CLD #663

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Hashem is our King. Hashem is our Father. So what? How does that change my life? How does that get me out of my troubles? How does that get me married? How does that get my wife pregnant? How does that help me pay my tuition? How does that save me from the hospital G-d forbid? And on and on. The list of tzarot (sufferings) is endless.

The answer is simple. How does a King act? Whatever he asks for he receives and whatever he decrees is done by his people/guards. At the same time, a King is one who is filled with knowledge (or supposed to be with high standards of wisdom). A King is a learned individual who needs to take care of his people but sometimes has no care for them whatsoever. A King is a leader of his army, he has a higher status of thinking than the average joe and always looks for the fame and the high society lifestyle. A King has the unlimited strength.

A father is different. A father is bounded by how much money he has in the bank. A father is always looking for the best for his child. A father cannot get into the government and get whatever he wants. A father does everything for his child. A father looks for the simplest and minimum lifestyle just that he will see his child succeed. A father has the unlimited heart.

Hashem is both. We say in Tefilat Arvit (the evening prayer) two different paragraphs filled with praise to Hashem. The first paragraph speaks about the act of Hashem taking us out of Mitzrayim and out of the hands of evil leaders and kings in history and sent us to freedom forever. The second paragraph speaks about Hashem putting us in a place of comfort, security and shalom (peace). From our little introduction we can say both show the Kingly part of Hashem and the Fatherly part of Hashem towards us, his nation: Am Yisrael.

When one knows that Hashem is THE KING and MY FATHER. There is nothing in his/her head that can stop him/her from praying to Hashem and KNOWING that Hashem will provide the personal yeshua (redemption) AND the global redemption we are all waiting for: to see Penei Mashiah (the face of the Messiah). Elul begins this Shabbat Kodesh. Elul is the symbol and the epitomy of Teshuva (repentance). If you haven’t already, NOW IS THE TIME. There is also spiritual strength in the world now to get closer to Hashem than any other time around the year. Take this concept and plant it in your head real good so that this Shabbat, Rosh Hodesh Elul, we will all enter a higher platform of Kedusha and Ruhaniyut (purity and spirituality).

If Hashem controls the world and created the world, then what is stopping me?

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)!

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