Wednesday, August 15, 2012

CLD #664

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
The only way to do something is with 110%. We all know that’s true. Baruch Hashem tonight we had the zechut (privelige) to partake in a live shiur with our Rabbi, Rav Darmoni shlit’a. He said that one time his child asked him: “Aba, I don’t understand how Hashem expects us to pray everyday. Enough! How much can I pray?!”

Rav Darmoni answered the child: “when you eat, do you eat with full simha and love for the food?” The child immediately understood.

From this small story we can understand many different things. Let’s just focus on one level of Judaism and try to apply it to our everyday lives so we can actually GROW as Jews. The issue is priorities. Being Jewish means setting your priorities different than the entire world. And its pretty much black and white, its either you do it or you don’t. Do we act with excitement to our daily hour of havruta (one-on-one Torah learning) like we do to our daily hour of watching TV or surfing the net or even playing games?

We can take this question and apply it with everything we do religious and necessity-based. We need to understand that being Jewish means thinking of Hashem and actually DOING Mitzvot, not teaching it or learning them.

B’H Elul begins this Shabbat. For Sepharadim this is a big nasyon (spiritual ‘test’) because it means waking up extra early to cry to Hashem (or at least try to) for the past year’s sins. Who wants to wake up an hour early every morning for 40 days to live through that? NO ONE. Not true. The Jew does because he knows there is a G-d running the world. Not Darwin and not the iPhone. In the end of the day it’s a yes or no: do you believe G-d is running the show or not?

Be Real. Avoid two-faced friends and live a happy life.

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