Tuesday, April 30, 2013

VIDEO: Today's Halachot


"Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come"

Today's Halachot discuss Hilchot Lashon Hara and taken from Sefer Hafetz Hayim.


Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

VIDEO: Today's Halachot


"Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come"

Today's Halachot discuss Derech Eretz and taken from Ve'en lamo Michshol.

Shavua Tov!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

Saturday, April 27, 2013


18 Iyar 
The 33rd day of the Omer

Rabi Shimon Bar Yokahi ZTK'L
explained that his day of passing (tonight) should be a day of HAPPINESS!!!

No Takhanun
Bow and Arrow

Shavua Tov!

Friday, April 26, 2013

CLD #875

Ki Kol Ish Asher Bo Mum Lo Yikrav Ish Iver o’Piseakh o’Huram o’Saruah (VaYikrah 21:18)

The pasuk on top explains that Kohanim (holy priests of the Bet HaMikdash) who have blemishes or are blind are not allowed to bring the sacrifices to the alter in the Bet HaMikdash. That is a beautiful piece of law and great for the Third Bet HaMikdash when Mashiakh comes and for Kohanim but at the end of the day, what does this have to do with me?

Sometimes we think we are perfect, we have 100% health, we are young and beautiful, everything seems so right. Even though we do need to thank Hashem for our health and use it for the greatest way of living with Hashem, we still need to remember that we are always put in specific places in life to perfect our middot (characteristic traits and behavior). Sometimes we are placed in difficult situations just to pray to Hashem and yell: HELP ME! Why? Because if Hashem loves us, He wants us close to Him like a father who loves his son. He wants to hear from us all the time, so therefore he puts us in situations that will make us come back and plead: Aba, I need your advice!

This Pasuk from our Parasha, Parashat Emor, comes to teach us to strengthen ourselves because sometimes we are spiritually blemished in our outlook and think what is true is false and what is right is wrong. Its to put us in a place of prayer to ask G-d for the correct outlook in our decision making. For example, someone might think that learning Torah all day is an actual disaster for society! Who will take care of all society’s issues? Who will make sure that X, Y, Z will get accomplished?! On the other hand, an individual with a spiritual mindset will see that this person is completely off and needs to work on their Bitakhon (trust in Hashem) and Emunah (belief in Hashem) because after all, if Hashem created the world I am pretty sure He knows how to run it and get X, Y, Z done.

This all connects to keeping Shabbat and resting on Shabbat Kodesh! When an individual has Shabbat they literally testify every week over and over again: G-d, I know you are in control of the world and when I am doing the Mitzvot you command me, whatever I think I am “losing out on” by keeping Shabbat I know you will take care of me and watch over me that in the end not only will I not lose out, but I will become more successful than everyone else.

Shabbat Shalom!

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

VIDEO: Today’s Halachot


"Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come"

Today's Halachot discuss the Hilchot of Muktzeh and taken from Yalkut Yosef.

Shabbat Shalom!a

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

CLD #874

The day of Lag Ba’Omer (the 33rd day of counting the Omer which falls out on this Saturday Night G-d willing, tonight is the 31st day) is a day of Simkha (happiness. Why? In Rav Ovadia’s Halacha Emails he explains that not only do we avoid saying Takhanun (the confession of sin that is said on most days of the year), but also it is a day that the Sodot (secrets) of the Torah were revealed to the Holy Rabi Shimon Bar Yokhai. Another reason that this day of huge simkha falls upon us is because Rabi Shimon Bar Yokhai was saved from a punishment of death sentenced by Israel’s enemies during his generation. Also on this day Rabi Akiva began teaching the five famous students that continued the Torah learning and made up the Oral Torah that we have today.

If we look deeper into this we understand the seriousness of this day. If it wasn’t for the lack of respect the 24,000 Torah Scholars had for each other and they would not die, we would have (24,000/5) 4,800 times the amount of Torah learning concepts, books, tractates, etc. in our lives! What a grave loss?! 

But a smart person is an individual who looks at the half glass full and sees this as a day of gratitude that Hashem gave us these 5 Torah Scholars taught by Rabi Akiva, to continue the Torah in the world. The word smart  in Hebrew has three letters: Het-Chaf-Mem and makes up the abbreviation for the phrase half glass full in Hebrew: Hatzi Kos Ha'Mele'ah (Rav Nissim Levy shlit'a)!

How much do we need to thank Hashem for the beautiful Torah, its laws, the Talmud and its laws and the entire tree/umbrella of connections that relate to the Torah which is in our hands today?! The Torah is simply a guide that is used to bring us closer to G-d and revel in His greatness and goodness. For this reason when we prepare ourselves for the welcoming of Shabbat, we do it with the utmost effort because Shabbat (from the Torah) is another gateway for us to reach eternal bliss and feel the love that Hashem has for us.

Shabbat Shalom!

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

VIDEO: Today’s Halachot


"Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come"

Today's Halachot discuss the Preparations for Shabbat and taken from Shivat Tzion (by Rav Ben Tzion Mutzafi).

Shabbat Shalom!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

CLD #873

Where is the motivation from Hashem to learn Torah, where is the motivation to continue living a life of Kedusha (purity) in such a difficult society like today where in the matter of minutes an individual can enter the depths of impurity and spiritual danger?! The answer is in the Section of Mishnayot we study on a deep level during this time of Sefirat Ha’Omer to turn us into more behaved and respectful individuals.

The Mishnah in Pirkei Avot (Chapter 4 2nd Mishnah) explains a famous phrase that we should all tell ourselves for motivation to find the spiritual light in the darkness of our generation! Mitzvah Gorreret Mitzvah Ve Avera Gorreret Avera. A Mitzvah generates another Mitzvah and an Avera (sin) generates more Averot (sins)! When an individual understands the deeper meaning behind these beautiful words he really can begin to excel in his excitement to want to do Mitzvot!

The Kehati commentary on Pirkei Avot explains that upon doing a single Mitzvah this will awaken the engine inside him to do another Mitzvah. This means that each individual has a factory of spirituality and inspiration in their system for their connection with G-d! On the other hand, the darker side, how does an individual end up falling spiritually? Avera Gorreret Avera. It is a snowball effect where the Yetzer Hara acts like a small child constantly poking one’s back and trying to get attention “Mister, Mister. I have a question!” Mister, Mister: can you help me with something?! It simply doesn’t end with the Yetzer Hara. He always wants us to fall spiritually and never attain a proper connection with Hashem.

G-d willing through this inspiration we will continue to exert effort to live a life that is spiritually active with G-d and running towards Mitzvot, G-d willing!


Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the nam

VIDEO: Today’s Halachot


"Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come"

Today's Halachot discuss Using the Bathroom and are taken from Yalkut Yosef.


Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

CLD #872

Besides for tonight being the holy day of Pesakh Sheni (Pesakh Katan) when we do not say Takhanun children of Hashem and have a special connection with Hashem as children even in times when they do NOT follow the ways of the Torah and Mitzvot!

and we act as if it is a holiday, it is also the Hilula (day of passing) of the Great Sage – Rabi Meir Ba’al HaNes. In the Gemara (Kiddushin 36) there is a famous debate between two Tana’aim (Sages), Rabi Meir Ba’al HaNes and Rabi Yehuda. Rabi Meir says that all of Am Yisrael are considered the

However, there is a catch. Throughout Shas and Mishnayot, if there is a mahloket (argument) between two Sages, one being Rabi Meir Ba’al HaNes, we do not hold the halacha (law) like Rabi Meir, rather we conclude that the law follows the other Sage. Hazal (our Sages) teach us that all the Scholars could not reach the full depth and understand behind the opinion of Rabi Meir so therefore they simply did not take his opinions in account when building Jewish law. However, the only place where the Halacha is concluded like the opinion of Rabi Meir is here when he says that no matter what the nation of Israel is doing, they are always considered like the children of Hashem!

This Halacha should be engraved in our brains and in our hearts. No matter where we are spiritually or what we are doing in regards to our actions, we are always going to be in Hashem’s schedule and in line with how He is running the world. We must put this in our minds: Hashem loves me! Just like a mother/father always do certain things with their children’s futures in mind, how much more so with Hashem?! Therefore each occurrence and event in the world is catered for us to live a life that will only make us closer to Hashem, just like a father/mother would want to be closer and closer with their child.

By the way, Pesakh Sheni is all about not letting the opportunity of doing a Mitzvah disappear before us. What happened in the desert with Moshe and the nation? A group of people could not do the sacrifice that is special for Pesakh on the 14th of Nisan because they became impure, so Hashem gave permission for them (only after they insisted) to do it on the 14th of Iyar (today). This shows us the effort and passion that one should have to get close to Hashem and to never let a Mitzvah get away from us!


Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

VIDEO: Today’s Halachot


"Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come"

Today's Halachot discuss Halachot on Getting a Haircut during the Omer and Pesakh Sheni and taken from Yalkut Yosef and Mekor Haim.


Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

Monday, April 22, 2013

CLD #871

Many Rabbis during this time period of Sefirat Ha'Omer hold to discuss the seriousness behind engaging in respectful behavior between man and his fellow because the students of the great Rabi Akiva lacked respect for one another. What is the main work of study that our Rabbis lean on during this time period? Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers, because not only does it hold the Jewish approach of respect for one another, but it is also divine!

Therefore theCLD today will discuss the Mishnah written in Perek Gimel (3rd Chapter, Mishnah 17) that explains the “commodities” of the Torah. Rabi Elazar ben Azaria says  If there is no Torah, there is no Derech Eretz, if there is no Derech Eretz ‘there is no Torah.’ If there is knowledge, there is no Fear [of Heaven], if there is no Fear [of Heaven] there is no knowledge. On this half of the Mishnah one could learn from for days. However, we will just come to break down the meaning behind this great Tannah’s (Sage’s) words.

Rabi Elazar ben Azaria explains that if an individual does not learn Torah, even though he might look like a gentleman filled with good behavior and attitude, in reality HE HAS NO MANNERS! On the other hand even if an individual learns Torah, but he has no manners, his Torah has no support system. The way an individual learns goes hand in hand with the way an individual behaves. This Mishnah comes to teach us the obviousness behind an individual’s obligation to learn Torah! Just like its obvious an individual must behave in with the utmost respect to his fellow, so too he must learn Torah!

Besides that, Rabi Elazar ben Azariah adds that an individual must gain knowledge in order to see how small he is in front of Hashem and this knowledge will cause him to greaten his Fear of Heaven. He also discusses how an individual’s amount of knowledge is based on the amount of fear he has. Why? Because if an individual does not know the A-B-C’s of this world, meaning that Hashem is in control of the world and is The Leader, The King, The Master, then obviously he has no knowledge and no Fear of Heaven!

Be’ezrat Hashem may we always strive to be examples for all the people around us as the person who has the most Fear of Heaven!


Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

VIDEO: Today’s Halachot


"Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come"

For the Refua Shelema of Chana Tova bat Esther Shoshana

Today's Halachot discuss situations in Bet Kenesset (Shul/Synagogue) and taken from Ve’en Lamo Michshol.


Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

CLD #870

On this week’s Parasha, the Ben Ish Hai ZTK’L explains the Mishnah in Pirkei Avot a certain way that enlightens each reader. The Ben Ish Hai brings the 20th Mishnah in the Fourth Chapter of Pirkei Avot that says Do not look at the vessel, but at what it contains.

Now we are in the days of Sefirat HaOmer and if you haven’t noticed already these days are filled with difficulty that an individual has with his fellow. It is simply so easy to get into a mahloket (argument) over the simplest situations. What does the Mishnah in Pirkei Avot teach us? Do not look at the vessel and the outside of the situation, rather just look at the inside.

Every Jew has a Neshama, a link to Hashem > they are a part of Hashem. Why? The Torah teaches us that Hashem breathed into each Jew a Neshama. If someone breathes into a balloon, they obviously they are part of the balloon because the air that is inside it makes up the balloon as well as the plastic itself. Therefore, Hashem is the fundamental part of us that gives us life!

Be’ezrat Hashem during every situation when it is extremely easy to get angry at another person and judge them infavorably, we will see the individual as a child of Hashem that has a Neshama and Hashem inside them and judge them favorably with love and kedusha (purity).

Shavua Tov!

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

VIDEO: Today’s Halachot


"Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come"

Today's Halachot discuss the Halachot of HaMotzi and taken from the Holy Ben Ish Hai's Halachot.

Shavua Tov!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

CLD #869

The Parshiyot we heard this morning are packed with beautiful pesukim (verses) that are filled with Mussar (rebuke) to sharpen our relationship between each other to strengthen our love for one another. One of the Pesukim that truly encompass the effort we should put to caring for others. The Pasuk from our Parshiyot is You Shall not curse a deaf person. You shall not place a stumbling block in front of a blind person, and you shall FEAR YOUR G-d. (VaYikrah 19:14). 

The question is what does Fearing G-d have to do with this Pasuk in the Torah? The Torah should simply say what it wants to command without any fear of G-d. We get the point. Do not place a difficult obstacle, whether it be spiritual physical or emotional, in front of another Jew! The answer is that there are certain actions that people take in life that might look like it has a positive intention behind it, but in reality its selfish and degrading.

For example, let us look at two individuals who donate millions of dollars to a hospital. After a few days their names are written at the hospital entrance and the entire world knows that they donated. The only difference between the two is that one goes up to Shamayim and receives schar (reward) and the other misses out. Why? Because their intentions were different! One gave money just to boost his pride and respect in the community and the other did so to really help others and have in mind that helping Hashem's children is also a Mitzvah!

Why do you do what you do? What are your priorities (talking to myself as well)?! Be'ezrat Hashem this week should come upon us with kedusha, beracha and simkha (purity, blessing and happiness)! 

Shavua Tov!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

VIDEO: Today’s Halachot


"Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come"

Today's Halachot discuss the Mitzvah of Melaveh Malka (the Fourth Meal of Shabbat) and taken from Yalkut Yosef.

Shavua Tov!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

CLD #868

Its another double Parasha Shabbat! The two Parshiyot for this Shabbat are Akhareh – Kedoshim, which discuss tons of laws of purity, sexual immorality, korbanot (sacrifices) and other laws that are fundamental to Jewish living. One of the Rashi commentaries on the Pesukim in our Parshiyot is a real wake up alert for all of us.

In VaYikrah 19:26 there is a Pasuk that on the Peshat (literal meaning) level you can learn it in one viewpoint and on Derash, another level of Torah learning, you can see it in a different way completely. In our Parasha there is a distinct prohibition to got to fortune tellers and people who use the impure spiritual power to tell you your luck. They are called Yidonim or Ov. These people take bones and through spiritual impurity they have the bone speak fortune or they place objects in their armpit and it causes the individual to reach a form of impure fortune telling.

This is what our Pasuk explains in the first way after viewing it, as it says “You Shall not act on the basis of omens…” Rashi explains this another way. Rashi says the word that describes omens in Hebrew is “Te’onenu,” coming from the word Onot, which in Hebrew means seasons (of the year). Rashi gives strong rebuke that teaches not to serve Hashem “based on the season.” Meaning, if an individual likes warmer weather he should NOT serve Hashem BECAUSE of this warm weather and its EASIER to do Mitzvot, rather the person should be on the same active level of living with Hashem year round.

This is strong mussar for all of us today because it is getting warmer outside and there is more temptation to go out to parks and nature reserves, etc. There is no problem to do so UNLESS it conflicts with our Avodat Hashem. If an individual wakes up Shabbat morning and sees it is a beautiful day, they shouldn’t think walking to the park instead of going to pray in Hashem’s Home (Kenissah, Bet Kenesset, Shul) is a good idea.

Be’ezrat Hashem from the privilege we have of living in a generation where its so easy to perform Shabbat and its beauty we should see Mashiakh Tzidkenu Bimhera BeYamenu!

Shabbat Shalom!

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

VIDEO: Today’s Halachot


"Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come"

Today's Halachot discuss the Prohibition of Laundering on Shabbat and taken from Yalkut Yosef.

Shabbat Shalom!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us (CLDFundraising@gmail.com) with the name(s)! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

CLD #867

Today is the 23rd day of the Omer, which symbolizes in the ladder of the Seven Attributes of Hashem

the Fourth week - Netzakh and the Second day of that week - Gevura. Netzakh means eternal and Gevura means strength in Hebrew, which is related in the day of the Omer's mission. What does that mean?

Everyday throughout the 49 days of the Omer there is a specific mission and attribute an individual needs to work on before receiving the Holy Torah on Shavuot (3 weeks away). Today's mission is to sur mera (distance from evil, from sin) and AFTER that use our strength that Hashem gave us to do it in a complete manner by saying: I am distancing myself from that juicy non-Kosher steak or that club or even from that video online I know will cause me to fall spiritually ONLY BECAUSE I want to get closer to Hashem. I want to have that connection with the video/steak/club replaced by a connection and loving feeling with G-d.


In the Parshiyot we will be reading this Shabbat morning there is a Pasuk that causes each Jew to really feel the special mission we have in this world that is different from other nations. It says in VaYikrah (20:26) : You shall be holy to Me...for I have distinguished you from the peoples. 

For today's Omer mission, Rav Phrish explains in Sefartem Lachem, the book of the Omer, that after distancing from a specific sin an individual should explain to himself that he is NOT following his desire to sin only because he has accepted the "yoke of Heaven." Meaning, the beginning of creating a relationship with Hashem and to distinguish ourselves from the rest of the world is JUST TO FOLLOW purity and holiness. Who knows if you will succeed?!? The important part is that in the beginning the individual must decide he wants to change and become holy.

G-d will eventually come into the situation and handle the rest (it might even take months). The importance is in the decision to put down your foot and take the first step of wanting it!

Shabbat Shalom.