Where is the motivation from Hashem to learn Torah, where is
the motivation to continue living a life of Kedusha (purity) in such a
difficult society like today where in the matter of minutes an individual can
enter the depths of impurity and spiritual danger?! The answer is in the
Section of Mishnayot we study on a deep level during this time of Sefirat
Ha’Omer to turn us into more behaved and respectful individuals.
The Mishnah in Pirkei Avot (Chapter 4 2nd
Mishnah) explains a famous phrase that we should all tell ourselves for
motivation to find the spiritual light in the darkness of our generation! Mitzvah Gorreret Mitzvah Ve Avera Gorreret
Avera. A Mitzvah generates another Mitzvah and an Avera (sin) generates
more Averot (sins)! When an individual understands the deeper meaning behind these
beautiful words he really can begin to excel in his excitement to want to do
The Kehati commentary on Pirkei Avot explains that upon
doing a single Mitzvah this will awaken
the engine inside him to do another Mitzvah. This means that each individual
has a factory of spirituality and inspiration in their system for their
connection with G-d! On the other hand, the darker side, how does an individual
end up falling spiritually? Avera
Gorreret Avera. It is a snowball effect where the Yetzer Hara acts like a
small child constantly poking one’s back and trying to get attention “Mister,
Mister. I have a question!” Mister, Mister: can you help me with something?! It
simply doesn’t end with the Yetzer Hara. He always
wants us to fall spiritually and never attain a proper connection with Hashem.
G-d willing through this inspiration we will continue to
exert effort to live a life that is spiritually active with G-d and running
towards Mitzvot, G-d willing!
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