theCLD is a blog that provides inspirational words of wisdom and two Jewish laws everyday.
Daily Posts:
1) theCLD - A Devar Torah of inspiration and enlightenment (translations often come from
2) Providing Two Halachot (Jewish Laws) because "KOL HASHONEH HALACHOT BECHOL YOM MUVTACH LO SHEH'HOO BEN HA'OLAM HABA" (Transaltion: Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come).
Weekly Posts:
1) Video of the Week
2) Pic of the Week
How theCLD Began:
In Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) the editor was on a bus with Joe Kamali from Manhasset, N.Y. and he was telling Joe how a bus is exactly like Judaism. We have specific bus stops (major points) in our lives to decide whether we want to get on the bus or not. This bus always has a single destination point, Olam Haba (the Next world of reward and punishment). The bus symbolizes Olam Haze (this world), where we need to deal with certain people and do chesed (acts of charity/kindness) like giving up our seats for other people. On the bus we act the way we want even though there are some rules the driver and company have written down. If one does not follow the rules, this could cause the driver to pull his eyes off the road and G-d forbid get into an accident, injuring everyone on the bus.
In the end of the day, Hashem is the driver of the bus, the driver of our lives > always wanting us to follow the rules so no one gets hurt. Not following the rules is like doing Averot (sins), which causes Hashem to be upset and punish us (the entire world) as a single entity. In order to stay on the bus and have it operating correctly, the riders need to show respect to one another, so the driver can get to the destination safely.
(Even though the editor told Joe a lot less than this, Joe recommended to write it on Facebook as a 'Status.' After 101 CLDs B'H the editor decided to start a blog.)
Chizuk -
Kol Hashoneh Halachot Bechol Yom Muvtach Lo Sheh'hoo Ben Ha'Olam Haba -
All who learn Jewish Law (plural) on a daily basis is promised to be a member of the next world.
Shavua Tov -
Have a good week.
Shabbat Shalom -
Have a peaceful Shabbat.
Hodesh Tov -
Have a good month.
Contact the Editor:
Contact for Fundraising:
Daily Posts:
1) theCLD - A Devar Torah of inspiration and enlightenment (translations often come from
2) Providing Two Halachot (Jewish Laws) because "KOL HASHONEH HALACHOT BECHOL YOM MUVTACH LO SHEH'HOO BEN HA'OLAM HABA" (Transaltion: Whoever learns a minimum of two Jewish laws everyday is granted that he will have a share in the World to Come).
Weekly Posts:
1) Video of the Week
2) Pic of the Week
How theCLD Began:

In the end of the day, Hashem is the driver of the bus, the driver of our lives > always wanting us to follow the rules so no one gets hurt. Not following the rules is like doing Averot (sins), which causes Hashem to be upset and punish us (the entire world) as a single entity. In order to stay on the bus and have it operating correctly, the riders need to show respect to one another, so the driver can get to the destination safely.
(Even though the editor told Joe a lot less than this, Joe recommended to write it on Facebook as a 'Status.' After 101 CLDs B'H the editor decided to start a blog.)
Chizuk -
Kol Hashoneh Halachot Bechol Yom Muvtach Lo Sheh'hoo Ben Ha'Olam Haba -
All who learn Jewish Law (plural) on a daily basis is promised to be a member of the next world.
Shavua Tov -
Have a good week.
Shabbat Shalom -
Have a peaceful Shabbat.
Hodesh Tov -
Have a good month.
Contact the Editor:
Contact for Fundraising:
Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Feedback is greatly appreciated.
no one cares what you have to say
Thats why theCLD Thank G-d has almost 80,000 views and has raised over $8,000.
Even if only ONE person saw your CLD , ONE DAY in his life, and got chizuk and had a better day closer to HaShem because of you, it is enough of a good reason that you made the CLD,
G-d bless holy jews who try to teach HaShems Torah of Emet to Am Yisrael
in fact i would like to add to whom ever will see this, that you better "shmor lecha tov" (gematria 613) The 613 mitzvot BaTorah (gematria 613) that was given by Moshe Rabeynu (gematria 613) because only in His Torah is the hidden light that was on the first day "HaShem saw "Et HaOr"(gematria 613) that it was good" and only that light, the "Or Latzadik" (gematria 441) is Emet (gematria 441) and since all systems of 8 are above nature you can now understand the verse in chapter 90 of tehilim "shivim shana im begevurt shimonim shana" because only Beguvurot (gematria 613) will u live a life of 8, above nature, Ahsreichem Israel..... and it is ASUR ! to teach goyim Torah, so do not spread this. "lo asa chen lechol goy, mishpatim ba'al yidium , hallelu-y-ah"
Thank you Anonymous Tzadik for all the inspiring feedback, gives me more koach to continue updating and uploading and thinking of what words to use to help bring myself and other Jews closer to Hashem. ashrechem Yisrael!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tizku lemitzvot!
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