Wednesday, February 22, 2012

CLD #520

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel for the Refua Shlema of Yissachar ben Yona and Rina bat Margalit.
Mi Shenichnas Adar Marbim BeSimcha, All who welcome Adar must increase their joy.
We were eating dinner and sitting at the table with us was one of the Talmidei Chachamim (Torah Scholars) of the Yeshiva (Shuva Israel). During a meal there is an inyan (idea) to learn Torah or come up with a Chiddush (new piece of Torah). He was learning Megillat Ester with Rashi commentary for his meal. I didn’t quite hear him so I asked if was just reading through Megillat Ester. He answered he is reading the Megillah and its just so simple. Obviously, on a straight Peshat (simple word definition) level, it actually is very easy to understand. The story is famous, the context does not include difficult Hebrew (such as books like Iyov, Yirmiyah, Kohelet, etc.) and the holiday is just so happy!
But according to the holy Gemara, Masechet Megillah teaches us that Megillat Ester will be the only book of the 24 Books in Tanach that will stay in the bookshelves after Mashiach comes and Hashem builds the Third Beit HaMikdash (BBA). Why? Because the power of the salvation of Purim is so strong that it will last forever. After Mashiach comes, there will be an entirely new miracle (today its Yetziyat Mitzrayim, the Exile of Egypt) remembered over and over again. The miracles that will happen in the times of the Mashiach will be so big that they will be much bigger than those of Egypt, replacing Egypt’s miracles! However in Purim the miracle was different than Egypt.
With Pharoah Am Yisrael had a decree to be slaves and they left Egypt as free people (really under the Kingdom of Hashem instead of Pharoah and were now workers of Hashem); however, in Purim Am Yisrael were supposed to be killed (Yes, our own ancestors were supposed to be terminated). Hashem had great mercy on us after we did Teshuva (repentance) and our existence continued. So if Egypt was such a big deal (which it was, don’t get me wrong) that we went from slaves to freedom, how much more so in Purim from death to life? Therefore we see Purim is much larger of a miracle than Egypt. 
Megillat Ester is packed with hidden messages (Why do you think we wear costumes?). It is not some sort of fairytale or 3rd grade story! Its a book of Tanach written with the Spirit of Hashem! We can't simply deduce and belittle the enormous spiritual power of Megillat Ester as some book. We need to tell ourselves, especially only 14 short days before the Huge holiday of Purim how serious we need to be with Ester, the entire idea of Purim and celebrating with Fear of Heaven and not treating the holiday like its another party.

Be’ezrat Hashem we will all see this month to be filled with Spiritual Success (which includes all types of success), real Happiness and Religious Uplifiting!
Chodesh Tov!

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