the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Rachamim ben Moshe ZT’L.
a change! From last week’s Parasha to this morning’s Parasha, Parashat Terumah
there is such a difference! Parashat
Mishpatim is all about strict laws between man and his friend, teaching us how
to behave and if we G-d forbid make a mistake then we know where to turn to for
the rulings. Parashat Terumah is all about Benei Yisrael donating a certain
amount of money to buy the products needed for Hashem’s temporary home in the
desert until they reached Israel (the Mishkan). What do the two have to
do with each other?
Levy shlit’a said that before one gives Tzedaka (donation) they need to see
where the money came from. Are our business transactions coming from a just
place? Is our business run under the rules of the Torah and the Halachot that
we learn from the Gemara? Is our business run under the proper Fear of Heaven
without cheating/stealing? From here we see that everything is inter-linked in
the Torah.
this morning’s Parasha we read about the Aron HaKodesh (the Holy Ark) in
the Mishkan. In the Pasuk referring to the Aron it says: “…VeAsita Alav Zer
Zahav Saviv,” And you shall make upon it a golden crown all around (Shemot
25:11). The famous Rabbis who comment on the Torah explain that the Aron
haKodesh symbolizes a Talmid Chacham (Torah Scholar). However, the Pasuk also
says that the Aron needs to have an actual Crown around it. What is the word
for Crown in Hebrew? Its Zer (with a Gematriya, numerical value, of 207). Meaning the word Zer, the Crown of Torah, symbolizes the Torah itself. This word in modern Hebrew means a bouqet. A bouqet of Roses is the first thing
that comes to mind. Therefore what does a Zer (crown) have to do with
Roses that has to do with the Aron HaKodesh in the Mishkan?!?!
the Aron HaKodesh is not a complete product without its Zer then it cannot represent a Talmid Chacham, or the actual Torah, without the Zer. As written on top, Zer has a gematriya of
207. The word Zer with the word Huppa (the Jewish wedding ceremony, with a gematriya of 99) together adds up to the word Isha (a woman, with a gematriya of 306). In order for the
Torah to be lived out in the most proper way, filled with Kedusha
(purity) and Simcha (happiness), it must be shared with a woman, a wife that is
holy and filled with the Spirit of Hashem. A Rose has a beautiful flower, but
at its stem it is filled with thorns. Without a proper Huppa ceremony according to the beautiful Torah HaKdosha [a Zer of Roses circling
the Talmid Chacham] the Torah Scholar can never grow. How come? The Rose is
beautiful but its thorns always directs the Torah Scholar in the right
direction. It is known that women don’t miss anything, so they always give
positive rebuke (Mussar) to their husbands.
this relationship, the people inside of a home taken charge by a Holy Couple
following the Torah, the Torah is really lived and not ignored. The thorns and
roses surrounding the Aron HaKodesh made of gold creates an atmosphere of
reality and Holiness.
may we all witness our friends and family getting married with their zivug
(soulmate) really soon.
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