Wednesday, March 30, 2011

CLD #225

Smoking is something today that we all know is harmful. In previous CLDs, we have stated that we always learn about the spiritual from the physical; learn about what we cannot see from what we could see. 

In Comm this morning, the professor brought an amazing thought about smoking. He explained that 10 years ago people lit cigarettes in planes, on buses, on the subway, in cars, in restaurants, in bathrooms, on the street, in a college classroom, outside schools, and on and on. However, only today is it weird to see someone light up a cigarette in a college classrom, or on a bus. It is actually 100% against US law to light up a stoge during a flight and "tampering with the smoke detector."
What can we learn from this spiritually?
All about the Yetzer Hara. In the beginning, Yetzer Hara creates a huge blurr of smoke to confuse your sight and what you are looking to accomplish. After sturggling with the Yetzer Hara and trying to conquer it through prayer to Hashem to help us, we see the Yetzer Hara dwindling. If its to complete a project, respect your parents, being happy, learn Torah, not get angry, or simply thinking clearly about Emunah and Hashem, we see all these things are fixed over a long period of time and definitely not overnight. A huge nisayon in our dor is zera levatala. People deep in the Chet of Zera Levatala think that it is impossible to go a couple days without doing this sin, because it is appealing, but after struggling with it, people see how simple it all is.
The same thing goes with smoking in America. 10 years ago no one would ever think that smoking would be banned in restaurants and public places, but today it is just the opposite: it is looked down upon! The same goes for the Yetzer Hara>after a couple of times trying to back away from a speific sin, we see that everyday you are closer to fully overcoming the specific desire.

B'H may we all have the zchut to be happy and be Ovdei Hashem bSimcha by working on ourselves in baby steps to knock over the Yetzer Hara!

Garden of EmunaGarden of Emunah Fundraising Project: $500 worth of Inspiration books to be handed out to Jewish Baruch Students lichovd Chag Pesach! To donate email me at!

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