Thursday, January 20, 2011

CLD #158

As it says in mesilat yesharim, the entire purpose of this world is for us to gain the maximum pleasure. The Ramchal says in order to do that the Torah was given to us by Hashem (P.S. Matan Torah is in our parasha- Yitro). Rav Darmoni shlit'a explains that this world was given to us from the pasuk "Hashamayim Lamonai Ve HaAretz Natan Livnei Adam..." What does that mean? The Kotz Rebbe explains that we were given 'HaAretz' in order to raise it to be like 'shamayim'. Huh? Through the Torah and Mitzvot, one transforms everything from gashmi (physical) to ruchani (spiritual). When Hashem gave us this world, He is in fact telling us to purify this world and turn it into a place like shamayim.
Where can we see this? In the process of nature. When one plants a seed in dirt (domem) he forces the ground to step up higher by a plant (tzomeach) growing. Then an animal (Chai) comes and eats it. After we (medaber) shecht the same animal, we eat it and bless Hashem through Bracha Achrona so that everything is taken from its physical status and turned into a spiritual factory.

B'H May we wake up to understand that, just like in the time of Matan Torah there was absolutely silence besides Hashem's words, so to today we'll only live by Hashem's words.


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