Thursday, February 28, 2013

CLD #830

We are all looking for the direct blessing for our spirituality, for our connection with Hashem, for our success in learning Torah and for our financial success in general. Rav Shimshon Pinkus shlit’a in his Sichot (discussions) on Pesah explains that the Shabbat before us, Shabbat Parah, is actually the preparation for the preparation for Pesakh (in less than a month).

Rav Pinkus explains on the first page of his volume on Pesakh that Parashat Parah is the cleaning and filtering the bad for the foundation of a building. For example, if you bought a plot of land, in order to begin building your dream home you must clear out the land; there’s no such thing of building straight on top of a structure that was already there! Everything must be worked out with experts.

Parashat Parah has the foundation of purity, of the kedusha that a person holds. Each Jew is a vessel for Hashem’s Divine Presence to rest in. When is the core and essence of the settling of The Divine Presence in the year? Its during the holiday of Pesakh. This holiday is a few weeks away and I am sure we are all not ready for the wave of holiness that is going to hit the world. Therefore, Hashem does Hessed (kindness) with us by giving us a special Shabbat that includes the cleansing process of all tumah (impurity): this is this week’s Shabbat: Shabat Parah!

Be’ezrat Hashem may we have a Shabbat filled with kedusha (holiness)!

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)! 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. If one has parents that are violating Shabbat in public and they are wicked people, the child still has to respect them, and because of this reason they will love Hashem and might do teshuva (repent). However, if one has a father who continuously acts in a wicked manner and pushes for sin, the child is not obligated to respect them. On the other hand there are those who say in all cases one must respect their parents, and in reality this is the essence of the law.

2. G-d forbid, if one’s father or mother converted out of Judaism to another religion, the child does not have to respect them anymore, whether it be when they are alive or they have passed away. In any case, the child in this situation should nto embarrass them, curse them or hurt them in anyway.

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need's wedding which is on March 11th!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

CLD #829

For the Ilui Neshama of a friend's grandmother who passed away this morning Miriam Haya bat Rahel Z"L.

Every night in Tefillat Arvit (evening prayer service) each individual says a special Beracha (blessing) before beginning the Shemah Yisrael prayer. The words in Hebrew are as follows: “Ahavat Olam Bet Yisrael Amecha Ahavta Torah UMitzvot Hukim UMishpatim Otanu Limadeta.” In English it is told over as follows: An everlasting love to Your nation, the sons of Israel, You love. Torah and Mitzvot (good deeds) and Laws (that have no stated reasoning in scripture) You taught us.

Over two THOUSAND years ago 120 members of Anshei Kenesset HaGedola (the Great Assembly) was filled with prophets from the time of the Second Bet HaMikdash and together set up the Siddur (the prayer book) and the order of Tefillah (prayer in general). Mordechai (from the story of Purim) was one of these prophets; just imagine their greatness and spirituality that filled the room of 120 Hachamim (Scholars)!

Therefore, if we just think a little about who made up these Tefillot (prayers), it is obvious that its content is not something that was scribbled up by 10 year olds. These are hardcore Torah Scholars that were on spiritual levels beyond what we can think about. If one takes this knowledge and applies it to our everyday work of prayer and connection to G-d, they can conclude that each prayer everyday has much meaning to it.

When looking at the above Tefillah, we see that there is a striking connection between Hashem loving us and Hashem teaching us the Torah, Mitzvot and overall Laws of the Torah. This is coming to wake us up and let us know: The fact that we have the Torah and the ability and opportunity to learn and practice Mitzvot is a HUGE SIGN OF LOVE FROM HASHEM!

What more do we need to fuel our Avodat Hashem? If we know that having these commandments is The Way that Hashem chose to show us His love for us, then obviously it’s the best for our lives. If you love someone all you want to do is give them more and more of something that is valuable and that will make their lives more efficient and healthy. How much more so with Hashem and us: His children?


All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)!


Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. When calling up an individual to the Torah for an Aliyah, one does not have to call them up by their name and a simple gesture or words of notification should be used to tell them to come up for the Aliyah. This minhag (custom) is preferred rather than following the Ashkenazim who call up a person by name because if an individual cannot get up for the Aliyah then by using a gesture or hinting to them about the Aliyah gives them the opportunity to reject.

2. If the person going up to the Torah said the Berachot HaTorah (blessings before going up for an Aliyah) in a whisper and the congregation did not hear him say the Berachot (blessings), then they say answer “Amen” with the person standing next to the Oleh (the one saying the blessings) because everyone knows the reason why he is blessing.

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)! 

CLD #828

Everything in this w0rld can be linked to spirituality and give us strength to continue our Jewish journey.  In Marketing and Business Policy in college, the average student studies the famous five forces that affect all industries. Hearing these five forces and their impact on an industry overall gets you thinking: what does Hashem have to do with these five forces and how can we apply them for our Avodat Hashem (service of Hashem)?

It is known that there is a supplier and buyer relationship within business. The way supplier power works is that if there is a lot of firms/companies that want to manufacture a certain product and there is only a single or a small amount of suppliers, then the companies must accept the price of manufacturing the product! There is no such thing as bargaining with the suppliers because if you do not accept their offer then where are you going to get your product manufactured? This is known as a high bargaining power for suppliers.

What does this have to do with Hashem? It says in the Tanach (Divrei HaYamaim 1:28) "know the G-d of your father and worship Him." There is a literal commandment for every Jew to find Hashem and connect to Him. But if Hashem works like the suppliers' power works in the world, then how does He expect us to get close to Him? 

The answer is simple: the Spiritual World is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the business realm. Hashem is the only supplier of shefa, of blessing, of health, of financial support and all channels of success. Hashem has high supplier power BUT He is not like the business suppliers. Hashem supplies a Jew with spiritual connection and opens the door for spiritual success (which is the source for all success) based on how much a Jew wants to connect to Him! This means if someone has two different events in front of them, for example something that happened to a friend of mine today: go to class or stay to be the tenth person for minyan, if they are boteah (put trust) in Hashem, they will choose the more spiritual path! They put their flesh and blood on the line and decide to throw themselves in a situation that is uncomfortable but is the RIGHT thing to do!

Hashem is the supplier of life and He continues to give it to everyone in His endless mercy, however; an idnividual who takes advantage of this life is one who chases after its supplier!

Pesah is in 29 days.

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)!


Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. It is a Mitzvah to run to Shul (Bet Kenesset, Synagogue) and when doing any type of Mitzvah, as it says in Hoshea (6:3) Let Us Strive to Know Hashem. Even on Shabbat which is known that an individual is forbidden to take a Pesiya gasa (crude step) one can still run to Shul. How much more so should one avoid stopping in the middle of their way to a Mitzvah to chat with a friend, because this action will cause him to be late. One should walk quickly to the Mitzvah from the moment they leave their home and when they near the Shul they should walk faster/run.

2. One should not enter a Bet Kenesset (synagogue) in speed or run inside, rather they should stop at the entrance and enter like they are entering a room before a king.

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)! 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

CLD #827

One of the reasons why Am Yisrael had a death sentence that G-d also agreed to is because they joined Achashverosh’s party. The question is why was it such a big deal that holy Jews ate their? After all, the Gemara (Megillah 12b)  teaches that there was the best kosher supervision there and everything was done by following the “rules.”

The answer, as Rav Shimshon Pinkus ZTK’L explains, is relevant to almost everything we do today in our lives. If we are making a chocolate cake and the main ingredient of the flavoring, the chocolate, is not there; then its obviously its NOT a chocolate cake. The party of Ahashverosh had all the correct ingredients in it, but it did NOT have the ingredient of including G-d in the event.

We learn from this for our time that anything that does not have a fear of Heaven, purity, G-dliness ingredient to it results in a disconnection from G-d.  The Talmud and Torah teach that a Rasha, a wicked individual, is considered a dead man walking. Why? Because he does not see G-d as the controller in his life that does everything for the best. He is alive and breathing and walking, but he is just spiritually wrong; he is missing the target and the spiritual mission!  This is the Hiddush (new piece of Torah learning) that Purim brings to the table. The Jews in the time of Ahashverosh were disconnected to G-d because they found a new outlet. They wanted to continue learning Torah, but they also wanted a world that is filled with physical pleasure and luxuries. A Jewish life is a happy one indeed, but it is filled with a serious look at benefiting from the beauty of life in G-d’s perspective and not in the perspective of the non-Jewish world.

Our life is a life of Mitzvot, Torah, beautiful songs of praise and overall love of brotherhood and connection. We are not in the world to praise the Superbowl and revolve our lives around the NBA basketball game schedule. It might not be  a sin to involve yourself with these things but if you live for these events and when it comes time for Shabbat prayers Friday afternoon and you are just driving back from the office or on the subway from school, that is showing G-d that your priorities are swayed to the Superbowl and the NBA.

Purim is about putting G-d as the #1 priority. Saying that Amalek, which is known for their take it easy lifestyle, is NOT how we act. We are Jews who look at life seriously and want to enjoy in G-d’s perspective. What is good? Whatever the Torah tells me is good. What is justice? I will look it up via the Jewish Code of Law and get back to you. During the Purim meal there is an enormous spiritual power to ask for whatever you want in prayer and you are bound to receive it. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPIRITUALLY REMARKABLE TIME (until sunset) and ENJOY!


Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 


From Yalkut Yosef:

1. It is correct to study Torah an entire hour before the meal actually begins or during the actual Purim meal. How great it is to learn the first laws of Pesah during the Purim meal to bring one salvation/redemption story close to another. It is written in the Megillah LaYehudim Hayta Orah VeSimha Sasson Vikar (Esther 9:16), the Talmud teaches that ‘Orah’ is Torah.

2. It is a Mitzvah to greaten the meal of Purim to make it a classy and expensive event. In the essence of the law, an individual fulfills their obligation of enjoying a meal on Purim by eating a single meal that includes bread throughout the day. One should also be extra careful to stay away from belittling the Fear of Heaven in the meal and eat, enjoy, and fulfill the Mitzvah with happiness that stems from a holy source of fulfilling a Mitzvah and not from a source of joking, clowning around and G-d forbid fool around. 


Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy and full recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

CLD #826

Rav Shimshon Pinkus ZTK’L explains in his collections of sichot on Purim (discussions on Purim) that the source of drinking on Purim from the Gemara does not make sense! What does the Gemara in Masechet Megillah (7b) say? Mehayev Inesh LeBesumei BePuriah Ad Delo Yadah Ben Arur Haman LeBaruch Mordechai. Man is obligated to drink on Purim until they cannot differentiate between ‘cursed is Haman’ and ‘blessed is Mordechai.’ Rav Shimshon Pinkus explains that it is a quite difficult statement to simply throw this out on the table. Also it is even more questionable when the Gemara instructs us to accomplish this differentiation mission when we are drunk!

His answer is beyond beautiful and gets us pumped for the Purim Seudah (which we are instructed to fulfill tomorrow during the day and there is no mitzvah to drink tonight). Rav Pinkus says like this: from this Halacha in the Gemara we learn that an individual is allowed to believe WHILE BEING DRUNK that Haman is blessed and Mordechai is cursed. But wait, how can you say such a thing?! When we explain that Haman is blessed on top of all the drinking, we are stating that Hashem is running the world. Haman, the essence of all darkness, wickedness and disgusting arrogance – that is blessed because that is ALSO in the hands of Hashem. Hashem is running the world, therefore I am happy that Hashem made this happen.

Okay, that makes sense – but to say Mordechai is cursed is beyond sanity. That is true, because Rav Pinkus points out that is an individual believes that the Tzadikkim are cursed they are truly kophrim (heretics). But when someone is drunk on Purim and they say it – this is fulfilling the Mitzvah from the Gemara! How? On Purim Am Yisrael and Hashem are directly linked and connected. There is nothing in our way in our tefillot and Mitzvot that disconnect us from Hashem. Everything we do and say on Purim is directly linked to Hashem!

We know when times are difficult and we unfortunately do not see Hashem answering our prayers, we go to Rabbis and holy people who are closer to Hashem then us. They are the boost and turbo to our Avodat Hashem. On Purim this is not allowed, this approach when someone is drunk on Purim is cursed! This is what Ravah is teaching in the Gemara: when an individual does not believe that their connection with Hashem is direct on Purim they are following the cursed path of celebrating Purim! The truth is in the essence of Purim > to believe in the bitahon of Hashem’s ruling of the world, to trust that Hashem has our back!

Shavua Tov & PURIM SAMEAH!

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)! 


Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. It is a Mitzvah to give Matanot La’Evyonim on Purim day, which means to give one charitable gift to two different people who are poor. One fulfills their obligation to give charity on Purim whether its by giving actual money or food. By the essence of Halacha one fulfills their obligation by giving a peruta (around five cents) to each poor person, however; a person who has Yirat Shamayim (Fear of Heaven) should give with kindness and love and his reward will be great.

2. One who gives two charitable gifts (Matanot LaEvyonim) to a poor husband and wife fulfills their obligation on Purim day. This law stands if one gives to a father and his son (even if the son is dependent upon his father), however; if one gives two charitable gifts (envelopes) to a single poor person he does not fulfill his obligation on Purim day of Matanot La’Evyonim. One should be stringent about giving Tzedakah on Purim because Kol HaPoshet Yado Litol Notnim Lol, each person who puts their hand out on Purim is deservant of receiving Tzedakah. An individual is instructed to greaten their Matanot LaEvyonim on Purim even more than greatening their expenses on the Purim Seudah and Mishloah Manot, because there is no such happiness as in the happiness of widows and orphans who receive donations!


All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

CLDizing on Shabbat Zachor - Guest Writer Special

Every nation in this world has an angel representing them in the other world. The nation of Amalek also has an angel representing them, their angel is the Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination). Every single person also has a piece of the Yetzer ha​ra in them. We all have that inclination in us that makes us do bad. Therefore every time we overcome our Yetzer Hara we destroy Amalek. By subjugating Amalek we preform the Miztvah of destroying him.

The great Tzefat Emet says that the key to serving G-d is not to make it a burden, it shouldn't be heavy and it shouldn't way you down. Religion must be preformed with simha (happiness), a comfortable exuberance. The Yetzer Hara's mission is to make Judaism seem heavy on us. His goal is to make it seem weary on us and not want to do it.

Isn't it odd how when it comes to going out we are never tired, but as soon as someone mentions learning Torah for one hour we all become tired or busy? In that situation he has accomplished his mission. Don't let him succeed!

The Arizal says that the only reason he achieved his greatness is because every Mitzvah he preformed, he preformed it with simha. So use this opportunity of Purim and be happy! Do every Mitzvah b'simcha. Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha (when Adar arrives we increase our happiness, Taanit 29)!

Shabbat Shalom (Shabbat Zachor) & Purim SAMEAH!

Simona Trembitsky

CLD #825

Haman (Amaleki)
This Devar Torah is inspired by my Rabbi, Rav Yaakov Darmoni shlit’a.
As we know, we are entering Shabbat Tetzaveh, and this year on this Shabbat falls the Mitzvah of reading Parashat Zachor. This passage includes the commandment from Hashem to literally REMEMBER and GO OUT TO ANIHILATE the Amalek nation. The question is: WHY? The Torah’s ways is all about peace, about love and mercy. If anyone knows a real Tamid Hacham (Torah Scholar), they see they have a special peaceful charm to them and they radiate a good vibe of clean simha (happiness) and true faith and fear of Hashem. The Torah seems like it is going against its entire look at life.

The question is even strengthened with this fact: if an individual converts to Judaism there is NO Mitzvah to kill them! The answer is the name of our nation, Israel. Israel is broken up into two words: Yashar El, justified [is] Hashem. The Jewish nation, which we are the sons of Israel, are all about Yashrut staying glued to a specific straight direction of justice and honesty. What is Amalek? Amalek is also broken up into two words: Am Kal, a easy-going nation. Amalek’s root is glued to laughing everything off.

An example of how Amalek (which is known to be a character trait and not a specific nation anymore after Sanheriv the King 2,000 years ago ‘mixed up’ the nations after the destruction of the first temple) is seen is through traffic rules. An individual who speeds is someone who belittles and degrades traffic rules, he tells himself “Laugh it off! Take it easy!” He makes fun of life and is not a serious person. And not only that, he even brings other people in harms way with speeding! Amalek is Am Kal, it takes everything lightly. Another example is drugs: “Its all good man, just take one hit. You only live life once!”

The Jewish way of “beating” Amalek is to live life WITH HAPPINESS but at the same time with SERIOUSNESS. What does that mean? For example if I have a baby in my hands, I am happy because this baby has a bright future (with G-d’s protection) that involves Mitzvot, Semahot, Torah, accomplishments, success stories etc. I am happy for this baby, but at the same time I am not going to belittle his fragile state and act with him like I act with a 10 year old and play basketball with him! This baby in my hands is AN ENTIRE WORLD.

I appreciate my life and I am serious about my life. This is what we take out of Shabbat Zachor > My life is not a game.

Shabbat Shalom!

Want today’s CLD to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor theCLD today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 


PURIM 5773
14th Adar 

Saturday Night, Motzei Shabbat Tetzaveh (Nightfall) - Sunday Night (Sunset)
February 23rd - February 24th

Special Mitzvot for this Holiday include:

Mikrah Megillah - Listening to Megillat Esther Saturday night AND Sunday morning
Matanot La'Evyonim - Giving Charity to TWO poor individuals
Mishloah Manot - Giving a Purim Basket (that has food for a meal) to ONE person
Seudat Purim - Enjoying a FESTIVE meal with meat and RED WINE

Shabbat Shalom (Shabbat Zachor) & PURIM SAMEAH!


From Yalkut Yosef:

1. The Torah reading of Parashat Zachor is read on the Shabbat before Purim, where during that Shabbat we take out an additional Sefer Torah to read the passage of “Zachor Et Asher Asah Lecha Amalek,” and the reason (as Rashi says in Masechet Megillah 29a) is to read the passage of Amalek in the Torah as close as possible to the celebration of Purim. One needs to be very cautious in the actual reading to read correctly and to take out the most beautiful and correct Sefer Torah for this reading because to read the passage of Amalek is a Mitzvah from the Torah (however we do NOT bless “asher kideshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu” on this Mitzvah because Hashem is not happy about the defeat of the wicked.

2. Mitzvot need intention, meaning an individual needs to have the intention that he/she is fulfilling a Mitzvah in order to fulfill their obligation. Therefore the Torah reader must instruct the entire congregation to be quiet and listen to each word carefully (and instruct the children to stay silent during the Torah reading of the passage of Zachor). The Torah reader needs to instruct the listeners to have in mind to fulfill their obligation to listen to this passage and state that he also has the intention to fulfill their obligation by reading for them.

3. A Sepharadic Jew who always prays with Ashkenazim is strongly recommended to listen to the Zachor Torah reading from a Sepharadic Torah reader. And the same for an Ashkenazi Jew who prays with Sepharadim.

Shabbat Shalom (Shabbat Zachor) & Purim Sameah!

Want these Halachot to be for the Ilui Nishmat (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy and full recovery) of your loved one? Sponsor these Halachot today! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the proper information! 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

CLD #824

The fast ends today at EST 6:20pm.
As the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Aharon Bina shlit’a always says, every Jew has a tiny spot of Judaism inside them like a tiny candle that is lit. Every Jew deep inside believes there is a G-d controlling the world and every Jew deep inside has this ignition of Jewish fire inside them.

Purim is on Sunday Be’ezrat Hashem, except for places that have a bordered fortification around the city like Jerusalem where they celebrate Purim on Monday. What is Purim famous for? Of course the drinking. Masechet Megillah in the Talmud on page 7b explains “Inshei Hayav LeBesumei Ad Delo Yadah Ben Arur Haman Baruch Mordechai.” This statement says Every Jew must drink to the level where he doesn’t know the difference between cursed is Haman to blessed is Mordechai. Obviously to get mixed up with these two people is difficult since they are opposites.

This tells us that every Jew needs to fulfill the Mitzvah of Seudat Purim by being happy, drinking and eating meat. But why? Maybe from the point we brought in the beginning, the tiny candle of Judaism in each one of us can explain this. We know that we each have many responsibilities, no matter what roles we take upon ourselves in the community, in our homes, in our schools, in our Yeshivas, etc. We all have stressful activities to get done and duties to accomplish.

On Purim Hashem tells us: Drink, because its all up to me! Get rid of your pressure, get rid of your responsibilites! It’s on me! When an individual drinks they can put to the side all their mountains of stress and difficulty. They can finally bring out the tiny dot of faith, trust and belief in Hashem they always wanted to express and show the love they have back for Hashem. The Purim story is a story of true love for Hashem, it was real and true expression of love for saving us. This was the first time since Het Ha’Egel (The sin of the golden calf) that Hashem wanted to erase his children! We prayed, fasted, and put our trust in Hashem and it worked. Please don't forget everything you pray for on Purim gets answered.

Whatever issues you have on Purim you can put it to the side and focus on Hashem, focus on the source of all good in the world and you will see salvation and blessing! Only when you’re filled with wine you can really uplift yourself to a spiritual realm that includes ONLY HASHEM!

Shabbat Shalom & Purim Sameah!

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)!


Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. Since Purim begins this Motzei Shabbat this year (Saturday night) there are special laws for Purim that differ from when it falls on a weekday. After the Amida of Arvit the congregation should do like all Motzei Shabbatot but when they get up to the prayer of Ve’Ata Kadosh they should stop, bless on the candle of the Havdalah (Boreh Me’orei Ha’Esh) and then continue with reading the Megillah of Esther. The accepted custom is to read Megillat Esther before doing Havdalah on wine.

2. If a congregation forgot to bless on the Havdalah candle (Boreh Me’orei Ha’Esh) before reading the Megillah on Motzei Shabbat and they only remembered the mistake in the middle of the reading they do as follows: The Shaliah Tzibbur (Megillah reader) stops in between two chapters of the Megillah (meaning they finish the chapter they were in the middle of) and bless on the candle. After they bless they continue reading the Megillah like nothing happened. If a congregation forgot to bless on the candle they do Havdalah after they finished Arvit just like every other Motzei Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom & PURIM SAMEAH!

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

CLD #823

Refua Shelema for David ben Zina.
Baruch Hashem, theCLD had the zechut (privilege) to remind everyone earlier today that tomorrow morning (beginning 5:19am in NYC) the Fast of Esther begins! Sidenote: people always tell each other: Why are you fasting if you don’t even know the reason? This is a statement that shows a Jew has no knowledge about Judaism. Sometimes we need to learn to push another Jew to connect to Hashem, because today it is so easy to disconnect! Let the guy fast even if he doesn’t know what its about! A fast will get him closer to Hashem (we will explain)!

If you were running a business and you know your competition is doing something that leads him to succeed, will you reject to do it yourself? Obviously not! Don’t be smart with Judaism, it won’t do you any good. Today we are in a survival mode with staying spiritually strong and inspired and you are pushing someone to stop?! You’re not a Rabbi to give people direction for life, so relax.

Anyway, we will bring down the general reason for fasting and the special reason why this fast is part of our calendar forever. In the time of the Purim Story, Haman got power to give permission for the entire world (as Achashverosh ruled the entire world, see Megillah 11a) to slaughter every Jew they knew. There was no limit, no boundary, you see a Jew, PLEASE GO KILL THEM! What do Esther and Mordechai do? They decide to make all the Jews (even children) to fast for three days and three nights (72 hours straight). After all, what did they have to lose? They’re physical life was on the line.

24 hours into the fast: Esther goes to Achashverosh’s throne and asks him to have a party, inviting the biggest enemy: Haman. Huh?! What is going on here?

48 hours later: all the Jews (via Mordechai) find out that their queen, their leader, their ONLY HOPE, is sitting down, laughing, relaxing with the guy who wants to kill them! Wait. Wait. Wait. You, Queen Esther, just told ALL OF US EVEN OUR CHILDREN, to fast for three freaking days and now you’re clubbing with the king and Ahmadinejad?

Rav Shimshon Pinkus brings down the Gemara in Megillah that says Esther went into Achashverosh because she didn’t want all the Jews to say “We have a queen in the palace” and then no one will pray. At the point that Esther went to party with the killing crew, Israel really were proud of their Jewish identity and connection to Hashem because they were Jewish, not because they were the nation of the queen, but because they were the children of Hashem.

The reason we fast before Purim and fast in general is because we suppress our physical attributes and enlighten and raise our spiritual self. The Fast of Esther is to get us pumped for Purim, to get us to a level where we say my body is in the hands of Hashem and by letting my body suffer I am giving more space for me Neshama (soul) to express itself. The fast tomorrow Be’ezrat Hashem is supposed to wake us up to depend solely on Hashem’s power and control of the world. B’H we should realize that all of the things that happen to us are straight from Hashem.

May we have a meaningful fast.
Tzom Mo’il!

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)!


Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. In the days of Mordechai and Esther the entire Jewish nation gathered for 78 hours on the 13th of Adar and fasted. In order to save their lives they needed great mercy from Hashem and after fasting and praying they received mercy and Haman was hung. Esther and Mordechai killed 75,000 of Amalek in their time and not a single Jew died. For this reason we fast tomorrow to remember Hashem who saved us and the horrible state we were in.

2. If Ta’anit Esther falls on Shabbat (like this year) then we push up the fast to the Thursday beforehand (tomorrow), which is the 11th of Adar.

Purim Sameah!

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)! 


Ta'anit Esther 5773
The Fast of Esther

11th of Adar
February 21st 2013

Fast Begins: 5:20 AM
Fast Ends: 6:19 PM

Special Selihot in addition to Tahanoon
Getting into the vibe of Purim
Regular Ta'anit Torah Reading

Tzom Mo'il
Have a meaningful fast!