Rav Shimshon Pinkus ZTK’L explains in his collections of sichot on Purim (discussions on Purim)
that the source of drinking on Purim from the Gemara does not make sense! What
does the Gemara in Masechet Megillah (7b) say? Mehayev Inesh LeBesumei BePuriah Ad Delo Yadah Ben Arur Haman LeBaruch
Mordechai. Man is obligated to drink on Purim until they cannot
differentiate between ‘cursed is Haman’ and ‘blessed is Mordechai.’ Rav
Shimshon Pinkus explains that it is a quite difficult statement to simply throw
this out on the table. Also it is even more questionable when the Gemara
instructs us to accomplish this differentiation mission when we are drunk!
His answer is beyond beautiful and gets us pumped for the
Purim Seudah (which we are instructed to fulfill tomorrow during the day and
there is no mitzvah to drink tonight). Rav Pinkus says like this: from this
Halacha in the Gemara we learn that an individual is allowed to believe WHILE
BEING DRUNK that Haman is blessed and Mordechai is cursed. But wait, how can
you say such a thing?! When we explain that Haman is blessed on top of all the
drinking, we are stating that Hashem is running the world. Haman, the essence
of all darkness, wickedness and disgusting arrogance – that is blessed because
that is ALSO in the hands of Hashem. Hashem is running the world, therefore I
am happy that Hashem made this happen.
Okay, that makes sense – but to say Mordechai is cursed is
beyond sanity. That is true, because Rav Pinkus points out that is an
individual believes that the Tzadikkim are cursed they are truly kophrim (heretics). But when someone is
drunk on Purim and they say it – this is fulfilling the Mitzvah from the
Gemara! How? On Purim Am Yisrael and Hashem are directly linked and connected.
There is nothing in our way in our tefillot and Mitzvot that disconnect us from
Hashem. Everything we do and say on Purim is directly linked to Hashem!
We know when times are difficult and we unfortunately do not
see Hashem answering our prayers, we go to Rabbis and holy people who are
closer to Hashem then us. They are the boost and turbo to our Avodat Hashem. On
Purim this is not allowed, this approach when someone is drunk on Purim is
cursed! This is what Ravah is teaching in the Gemara: when an individual does
not believe that their connection with Hashem is direct on Purim they are
following the cursed path of celebrating Purim! The truth is in the essence of
Purim > to believe in the bitahon
of Hashem’s ruling of the world, to trust that Hashem has our back!
Shavua Tov & PURIM
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