Wednesday, February 20, 2013

CLD #823

Refua Shelema for David ben Zina.
Baruch Hashem, theCLD had the zechut (privilege) to remind everyone earlier today that tomorrow morning (beginning 5:19am in NYC) the Fast of Esther begins! Sidenote: people always tell each other: Why are you fasting if you don’t even know the reason? This is a statement that shows a Jew has no knowledge about Judaism. Sometimes we need to learn to push another Jew to connect to Hashem, because today it is so easy to disconnect! Let the guy fast even if he doesn’t know what its about! A fast will get him closer to Hashem (we will explain)!

If you were running a business and you know your competition is doing something that leads him to succeed, will you reject to do it yourself? Obviously not! Don’t be smart with Judaism, it won’t do you any good. Today we are in a survival mode with staying spiritually strong and inspired and you are pushing someone to stop?! You’re not a Rabbi to give people direction for life, so relax.

Anyway, we will bring down the general reason for fasting and the special reason why this fast is part of our calendar forever. In the time of the Purim Story, Haman got power to give permission for the entire world (as Achashverosh ruled the entire world, see Megillah 11a) to slaughter every Jew they knew. There was no limit, no boundary, you see a Jew, PLEASE GO KILL THEM! What do Esther and Mordechai do? They decide to make all the Jews (even children) to fast for three days and three nights (72 hours straight). After all, what did they have to lose? They’re physical life was on the line.

24 hours into the fast: Esther goes to Achashverosh’s throne and asks him to have a party, inviting the biggest enemy: Haman. Huh?! What is going on here?

48 hours later: all the Jews (via Mordechai) find out that their queen, their leader, their ONLY HOPE, is sitting down, laughing, relaxing with the guy who wants to kill them! Wait. Wait. Wait. You, Queen Esther, just told ALL OF US EVEN OUR CHILDREN, to fast for three freaking days and now you’re clubbing with the king and Ahmadinejad?

Rav Shimshon Pinkus brings down the Gemara in Megillah that says Esther went into Achashverosh because she didn’t want all the Jews to say “We have a queen in the palace” and then no one will pray. At the point that Esther went to party with the killing crew, Israel really were proud of their Jewish identity and connection to Hashem because they were Jewish, not because they were the nation of the queen, but because they were the children of Hashem.

The reason we fast before Purim and fast in general is because we suppress our physical attributes and enlighten and raise our spiritual self. The Fast of Esther is to get us pumped for Purim, to get us to a level where we say my body is in the hands of Hashem and by letting my body suffer I am giving more space for me Neshama (soul) to express itself. The fast tomorrow Be’ezrat Hashem is supposed to wake us up to depend solely on Hashem’s power and control of the world. B’H we should realize that all of the things that happen to us are straight from Hashem.

May we have a meaningful fast.
Tzom Mo’il!

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