Sunday, February 24, 2013

CLD #827

One of the reasons why Am Yisrael had a death sentence that G-d also agreed to is because they joined Achashverosh’s party. The question is why was it such a big deal that holy Jews ate their? After all, the Gemara (Megillah 12b)  teaches that there was the best kosher supervision there and everything was done by following the “rules.”

The answer, as Rav Shimshon Pinkus ZTK’L explains, is relevant to almost everything we do today in our lives. If we are making a chocolate cake and the main ingredient of the flavoring, the chocolate, is not there; then its obviously its NOT a chocolate cake. The party of Ahashverosh had all the correct ingredients in it, but it did NOT have the ingredient of including G-d in the event.

We learn from this for our time that anything that does not have a fear of Heaven, purity, G-dliness ingredient to it results in a disconnection from G-d.  The Talmud and Torah teach that a Rasha, a wicked individual, is considered a dead man walking. Why? Because he does not see G-d as the controller in his life that does everything for the best. He is alive and breathing and walking, but he is just spiritually wrong; he is missing the target and the spiritual mission!  This is the Hiddush (new piece of Torah learning) that Purim brings to the table. The Jews in the time of Ahashverosh were disconnected to G-d because they found a new outlet. They wanted to continue learning Torah, but they also wanted a world that is filled with physical pleasure and luxuries. A Jewish life is a happy one indeed, but it is filled with a serious look at benefiting from the beauty of life in G-d’s perspective and not in the perspective of the non-Jewish world.

Our life is a life of Mitzvot, Torah, beautiful songs of praise and overall love of brotherhood and connection. We are not in the world to praise the Superbowl and revolve our lives around the NBA basketball game schedule. It might not be  a sin to involve yourself with these things but if you live for these events and when it comes time for Shabbat prayers Friday afternoon and you are just driving back from the office or on the subway from school, that is showing G-d that your priorities are swayed to the Superbowl and the NBA.

Purim is about putting G-d as the #1 priority. Saying that Amalek, which is known for their take it easy lifestyle, is NOT how we act. We are Jews who look at life seriously and want to enjoy in G-d’s perspective. What is good? Whatever the Torah tells me is good. What is justice? I will look it up via the Jewish Code of Law and get back to you. During the Purim meal there is an enormous spiritual power to ask for whatever you want in prayer and you are bound to receive it. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPIRITUALLY REMARKABLE TIME (until sunset) and ENJOY!


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GEVALDIKK!!!! :-) Kein Yirbu on this wonderful TOrahh!!!

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