Thursday, February 21, 2013

CLD #824

The fast ends today at EST 6:20pm.
As the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Aharon Bina shlit’a always says, every Jew has a tiny spot of Judaism inside them like a tiny candle that is lit. Every Jew deep inside believes there is a G-d controlling the world and every Jew deep inside has this ignition of Jewish fire inside them.

Purim is on Sunday Be’ezrat Hashem, except for places that have a bordered fortification around the city like Jerusalem where they celebrate Purim on Monday. What is Purim famous for? Of course the drinking. Masechet Megillah in the Talmud on page 7b explains “Inshei Hayav LeBesumei Ad Delo Yadah Ben Arur Haman Baruch Mordechai.” This statement says Every Jew must drink to the level where he doesn’t know the difference between cursed is Haman to blessed is Mordechai. Obviously to get mixed up with these two people is difficult since they are opposites.

This tells us that every Jew needs to fulfill the Mitzvah of Seudat Purim by being happy, drinking and eating meat. But why? Maybe from the point we brought in the beginning, the tiny candle of Judaism in each one of us can explain this. We know that we each have many responsibilities, no matter what roles we take upon ourselves in the community, in our homes, in our schools, in our Yeshivas, etc. We all have stressful activities to get done and duties to accomplish.

On Purim Hashem tells us: Drink, because its all up to me! Get rid of your pressure, get rid of your responsibilites! It’s on me! When an individual drinks they can put to the side all their mountains of stress and difficulty. They can finally bring out the tiny dot of faith, trust and belief in Hashem they always wanted to express and show the love they have back for Hashem. The Purim story is a story of true love for Hashem, it was real and true expression of love for saving us. This was the first time since Het Ha’Egel (The sin of the golden calf) that Hashem wanted to erase his children! We prayed, fasted, and put our trust in Hashem and it worked. Please don't forget everything you pray for on Purim gets answered.

Whatever issues you have on Purim you can put it to the side and focus on Hashem, focus on the source of all good in the world and you will see salvation and blessing! Only when you’re filled with wine you can really uplift yourself to a spiritual realm that includes ONLY HASHEM!

Shabbat Shalom & Purim Sameah!

All donations are going to our current CLD Fundraising Project: Collecting money for a bride in need!

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