Monday, March 21, 2011

CLD #217


Pasuk 2:7 - "(Mordechai) who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exiles that had been exiled along with Jechoniah, King of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, had sent into exile. ("
It is not a coincidence that the Purim Learning Series has reached the pasuk regarding Yerushalayim in Megillat Ester on the day that Yerushalayim celebrates Purim! Nothing is a Coincidence!
The Targum of this Pasuk explains that Mordechai and Ester were both from the time of the Churban of the first Beit HaMikdash! That means that they were older than (at least) 65 years old in the time of the Nes of Purim! The Targum explains that they were exiled by Nevuchadnetzar HaRasha from Yerushalayim after the Churban of Bayit Rishon and then attempted to go back to Yerushalayim to build another Bayit for Hashem and Nevuchadnetzar exiled them again!
This teaches us the way of a REAL JEW! We also need to get back up. Whenever we fall, the Yetzer Hara tells us how low we are spiritually and wants us to sink lower into depression and sadness from falling spiritually (Rav Ofer Erez)! We always need to push to “get back on the horse!” We say in Korbanot: “Kaveh El Hashem Chazak VeYa’ametz Libecha VeKaveh El Hashem.” Why does it say Kaveh El Hashem…and then VeKaven El Hashem? Because our whole lives is always a push to continue with the Kdusha and push forth. Just Like Ester and Mordechai pushed to go back to Yerushalayim, we constantly need to push to reach a higher level fo Kdusha!

BH we will always do more, because as one of my Rabbis also says: “we can always do more!”

p.s. for all those not celebrating today, you do not say Tachanoon in tefillah!

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