Thursday, March 24, 2011

CLD #220

Al Pi a strong Jew from Yeshivat Shuva Yisrael: there is a concept to share the Torah that you have learned and I had the zchut to hear Limud Torah from the book Shmirat HaLashon. The Yehudi, who wanted to be left anonymous, read from the book regarding Lashon Hara that there is a main difference between an animal and a Yehudi. The Yehudi has a neshama, and even more importantly has the power of speech. What does that mean? Simply, that the Yehudi can reach the highest level to reach Dvekut Ba Kadosh Baruch Hu and really reach the Kdusha.
But also what does this mean? That Am Yisrael can also reach LEVELS LOWER THAN AN ANIMAL! How? By Saying Lashon Hara. When a Yehudi uses his power of speech in other ways than praising Hashem and giving chizuk, persuading people to follow Derech of Hashem, etc., he is really going against Hashem.
We need to constantly improve and try to reach higher levels of kdusha step by step!

b"H with Simcha and with reasonable logic we will push for the good using our thoughts, speech, and hearts.

Shabat Parah, Shabat Shmini

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