Sunday, March 20, 2011

CLD #215

"Then let the girl who finds favor in the King's eyes become queen in Vashti's stead." The plan pleased the king and he acted accordingly. ("
The next pasuk in the Megillah Series explains the last pasuk regarding the idea to bring beautiful young women (beautiful in the king’s eyes) of the kingdom to Achashverosh to replace Vashti with. The pasuk says the Davar was Good in the Eyes of the King after the advice was given.
What can we learn from these words: “In the Eyes of the King.” Hashem in Shamayim with all his rachmanoot on us gave us the Torah HaKdosha with all its mitzvot, chesed, kibud av ve em, midot, etc. As we know, the Megillah does not have Hashem’s name in it, and many mefarshim explain that whenever it says king (referring to achashverosh), the Megilah is really implying Hashem in Shamayim. So here we see that when it says the Davar was good in the eyes of the king, it really is implying that when Hashem will decide what is beautiful in HIS eyes, then it will be good in His eyes. What does this have to do with us?
Something is ONLY good when it is good in the eyes of Hashem. We need a some type of permanent ink to inscribe this in our hearts. 90% of the time, our instincts are against Halacha and is not in line with what is written in the Torah, Gemara, etc. We need to begin to realize that its NOT what we think is good, but in fact ONLY what HASHEM THINKS IS GOOD. Because who knows you better: Hashem who created you or yourself? This also helps us work on our midah of arrogance that we all need to work on :D.

Hopefeully we will all have a Chag Sameach as it is written – Ivdo Et Hashem BSimcha. The real Avodat Hashem is with Simcha, because Simcha is the gateway to the Kdusha.

From yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh,

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