Pesakh is a time of reform in our service of Hashem from an individual perspective to a community perspective. In one of the paragraphs of the Hallel (which we read every morning until next week) the chapter from Tehillim (114) which we read says: Yehuda became His holy nation Israel [is] His jurisdiction, Yehuda Hayta Lekodsho Israel Mamshelotav. The question is: why does David HaMelech write that Yehuda (the tribe of Judah) makes up G-d's holy nation and why not all 12 tribes?!
This shows us that by taking individual steps that only involve us, in the end of the day we impact everyone around us and it can very well be that the smallest step can lead us to influence THE ENTIRE NATION TO REDEMPTION! When a halacha comes before us and there are people who are stubborn not to accomplish that halacha, we should be the ones on the front line pushing in a way of peace to reach a direction of doing the halacha!
The Makhzor Kavanat Halev says beautifully in the name of one of the Rishonim (from 1,000 years ago) that Nakhshon ben Aminadav, the tribe leader of Judah, proposed an act of mesirut nefesh (giving up his life) for the entire people of Israel. Every Jew should learn from this act of sacrifice for their own group of people they can influence. What did Nakhshon do? Nakhshon was the first Jew who entered the Red Sea after the entire army of Egypt was chasing the Jewish nation into the water. On the verge of drowning during the last moment Hashem did a huge MIRACLE and KHESSED (kindness) with us by opening up the waters of Yam Suf!
Be'ezrat Hashem through the actions of Benei Yisrael thousands of years ago we should see in our days G-d performing great events for our own Geula and the coming of Mashiakh!
Mo'adim LeSimkha!
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