Rabbi Gamliel Rabinovitch shlit’a has a set of books called The Essence of… There is a pamphlet of
one of his books that is translated into English just for Pesakh in yeshiva and
it is filled with chizukim
(strengthening excerpts) that fit for this week’s preparation of Pesakh!
The Rabbi explains that we go on such physical extremes to
prepare the home, the night of Lel HaSeder and everything to do with Pesakh cleaning!
We even make sure there are Kosher for Pesakh napkins and plastics. We are
literally obsessed over the elimination of hametz
(leavened grains). The greatness behind Pesakh is its center middah and “theme” of Emunah (belief in
G-d). This faith in Hashem is literally shot into us even before we left our
mother’s womb, however; due to the spiritual darkness of our generation some of
us have spiritual deterrents that refrain us from believing in Hashem and the
path of Torah.
Rabbi Rabinovitch explains that Pesakh is the time of
cleaning and we do so much t make sure the night looks good. The only issue is
the mistake people have. They usually stop at the physical cleaning of
everything. They refrain from cleaning theyre penimiyut, there inner selves from all the impure thoughts and
heretic ways of life that the non-Jews follow! He ends one of the excerpts like
this: “how great would it be if, even
more so, we enhance the spiritual aspect of our Pesakh preparations, preparing
our minds and hearts so that we, as well as our children, will truly recognize
and tangibly feel Emunah in Hashem Yitbarakh.”
And even if we do not prepare spiritually, the power of
Pesakh is SO STRONG that the Emunah of Hashem enters our hearts and minds even
without preparing! As it says in the pesukim (verses) of the redemption from
Egypt: Ufasachti Aleichem, I will pass over you. Rashi explains
that Ufasachti means to jump. This
comes to teach that everything emanates from Hashem because the power of the
Khag itself helps a person JUMP to true Emunah!
Khag Kasher
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