Thursday, March 21, 2013

CLD #846

Yesterday’s CLD: 
Pesakh represents rebirth. A new beginning: just as the weather begins (BH very soon) to change and the world sees Hashem’s nature at play once again, so too our spiritual levels and spiritual realms. Where do we see this?

Rav Pinkus ZTK’L explains that there is quite a difference between Hametz and other foods that are forbidden to eat year round. For example there are four differences between eating has veshalom bacon and Hametz on Pesakh. There is no law that states that one is forbidden to look at bacon, however in Pesakh one cannot look at Hametz Bal Yera’eh. On Pesakh we are also commanded to take out all the Hametz from our belongings and properties. The third difference is with bacon there is no Mitzvah to burn it, however we all know that Monday morning we will be making a small bonfire burning bread and other foods. The final  difference is that there is no punishment of karet for consuming pig, however for a nice slice of pizza on Pesakh KARET on the spot!

Rav Pinkus explains that Hametz is life, because the main and essential form of consumption for all humans is bread/carbs. On Pesakh we look at the rest of the days of the year: You are what you eat. We are bread, because society relies on wheat. When someone eats pig they are like a pig. Pesakh comes to teach us that we also need to look and search and sometimes FILTER OUT the concept of “everyone.” Meaning the Hametz, which represents everyone (you are what you eat), is not always the best thing to do!

When a child asks: Abba can I drive the car? Do we give him the keys? No! The same thing is with Hametz on Pesakh > it just does not fit with the world’s standards during these seven days of the year and if we eat it we can simply result in horrible tragedies! Hametz is not a joke. We filter out the world and select what is Hashem’s way of doing things and what isn’t. This entire process leads us to be reborn!! Everything is about to bloom around us, Are you ready?


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