The Ben Ish Khai's Haggadah is enormously spiritual. It really is a beautiful Haggadah since it has many commentaries of the Ben Ish Khai on the peices of The Lel HaSeder that we read last night and two nights ago. One of the most powerful parts of the Seder (personally) is the part where we say together that Hashem was the 'individual' who took us out of Egypt, not an angel, not a messenger, not a redeemer or a human being, I- Hashem- and NO ONE ELSE!
Whenever an individual needs to go through a court case or something of the same sort, they need to follow a procedure. For example, for a college student to get information from a specific department in their school they usually should just call the department number and get their answer but colleges are not so direct. The person usually calls the main college number, gets transferred to a department, probably finds out its the wrong destination for his question and then somehow reaches the department to find out that the question he is asking has nothing to do with what he needs for his major.
For a court case to follow through it is somewhat the same way where the person has to face a judge and then is directed to different individuals on and on. Hashem did not deal with us, His nation, in the same way. Instead of bringing in a mediator Hashem directly dealt with us by fighting the Egyptians at the Red Sea! Hashem is our Judge, Hashem is the police, Hashem is our savior, Hashem is our fighter, Hashem is THE MAN! We must know that whatever we are going through in life, especially now when the same redemption feeling and mood is reviving in the world, we must trust Hashem!
G-d willing may we SEE and FEEL Hashem's redemption in our life hour by hour and SMILE through the reality of the geula (redemption) in our time amen!
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