Monday, July 30, 2012

CLD #651

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Let’s just take two minutes to think clearly. Or maybe five.

The heart is like a complex volleyball pump. It has four chambers that work together to bring in deoxygenized blood (without oxygen) and turn it to oxygenized blood in order to provide the entire body with oxygen to create energy, process food and carry out the daily activities the body must do in order to survive.

How does the heart work? It has an ‘automatic’ natural pump that electrocutes the chambers to contract and relax back and forth to have the blood flow naturally. Let’s think how easy it is to mess up the system: a single valve does not open in a single contraction, one artery on the outer surface of the heart gets blocked (heart attack), one of the chambers works harder than the other, the hemoglobin in the blood cannot hold onto the oxygen the right way, the lungs do not filter out the oxygen taken in from the nose, the vein’s valve works the opposite direction, and on and on.

The heart pumps over 100 times every minute. This means in one hour it pumps over 6,000. This means that in a single hour the heart works efficiently and perfectly 6,000 times in a row. That is a 100% production rate. Where can you find an employee that works as hard as the heart works? And then multiply that by days and months and years you are alive.

I think you got the point. Hashem has breathed into us, like someone breathes into a balloon, a holy Neshama (soul) that is beyond the materialized limitations of this world. The Neshama is like the invisible fuel that makes the body function. Where is this proven? When someone dies after 120 their body is still intact, their heart (lets say they died in their sleep or something similar) is perfectly fine. What happened? Hashem slipped out the spiritual entity that was fueling the body. Therefore, we must understand that there is a spiritual entity running the show. Hashem is the one that has the heart pump and Hashem is the one that has the entire system work properly.

If this is true, why am I always caring what X, Y and Z think about me? Why don’t I do what the ‘person’ who gives me life commands of me?
How did you say thank you today for your health?

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Mekor Haim Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. Forever one should be accustomed to say: Kol DeAvid Rahmana Letav Avid, All that Hashem has done is done for the good. One should not lessen his/her trust in Hashem because Hashem in His power can turn around the worst situation to the best just like the stories of Nahum Ish Gam Zo (Masechet Ta’anit 21) who said “Gam Zu Le Tova, this is also for the best in regards to everything he encountered. And the one who trusts Hashem becomes surrounded with Hessed (kindness).

2. Hashem watches over every single action/story that occurs to each individual. And there is no single Pasuk (verse) that commands us from the Torah to believe this because they entire Torah is packed with Emunah (belief) and the protection of Hashem in our world, all its stories, the history and everything to do with Torah, Israel and the other nations, individuals and groups alike came to this world to show Hashem’s power and ‘hand’ (control) over everything we see.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tisha B'Av 5772

1,944 years since the destruction of the 2nd Bet HaMikdash.

B'ezrat Hashem may He have mercy on us to bring Penei Mashiah and celebrate in the rebuilding of the Bet HaMikdash speedily in our days.

Tzom Mo'il (Meaningful Fast)!

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Friday, July 27, 2012

CLD #650

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
We are all in this together. Moshe Rabbenu in our Parasha begins rebuking out of love (in hinted messages) and sometimes praising Am Yisrael in his 36 day speech before he dies and before the entire Am (nation) enters Israel with Yehoshua (Joshua). He tells them one Pasuk that one should immediately jump at when hearing it, especially before entering Shabbat Hazon (this Shabbat has a special name due to the Haftarah we will be hearing in Shul tomorrow regarding the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash).

Rav David Hananya Pinto in his book Pahad David writes: the Pasuk says: “Eicha Esah Levadi Tarhechem Umasechem Urivchem” (Devarim 1:12). Moshe Rabbenu says in a rhetorical question: How am I expected to be close and connected to Hashem without the your will (he was speaking to Am Yisrael)?! Because (as it says in the Gemara Sanhedrin 27b): you, Israel, are intertwined this one and this one. Every act that we do affects every single Jew around the entire globe! There are 613 full Mitzvot that we are instructed to fulfill. Some of them include Mitzvot that only Kohanim can do, and some are Mitzvot that only Levi’im can do, and some can only be done when the Bet HaMikdash is erected! And only with the connection of all Am Yisrael doing Mitzvot together will I be able to fulfill 613 Mitzvot.

Therefore the only way to reach the Mitzvot is by learning them to their core. Without Limud Torah (learning), Rav David Pinto adds that there is no potential for this unity of Mitzvot to arise. Without Limud Torah and Unity the Divine Presence of Hashem has no where to rest upon, when its supposed to dwell between us as a nation.

This directly links with Megillat Eycha, the book that we read on Tisha B’Av that discusses the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash and the ruins of Yerushalayim. The first Pasuk of the book begins like the Pasuk from our Parasha: “Eicha Yashva badad HaIr Rabati HaAm.” Rav David Pinto continues to explain that the reason for Yerushalayim to sit in its ruins and the Geula has not become fully active is due to us being badad, or alone/individualized. What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours. Everything today is so separated. There is no love anymore between what we have and where we come from. This selfishness and one sided lifestyle is the fuel of the Galut (diaspora). The only way to bring us together is through the love of the Torah, the warmth of Hessed and most importantly the breaking down of ethnic boundaries.

I am not a Morroccan/Persian Israeli American, I am a Jew.
Shabbat Shalom & Tzom Mo’il (meaningful fast).

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Rav Ovadia Shlita’s Halacha Email:

1. On Erev Tisha B’Av (the daytime before the fast begins, meaning the end of 8th of Av) our Hachamim (Sages) made it prohibited to eat meat and drink wine during the Seuda Mafseket (the final meal before the beginning of the fast which can be eaten after Jewish midday, 1:01pm EST). It is also forbidden to eat more than one cooked dish, for example one may not have a hard boiled egg and baked potato for the meal, and more rules apply. However, because this year Tisha B’Av falls on Shabbat and we postpone the fast to Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night), we must hold the Seuda Mafseket during Seuda Shelishit (the Third meal of Shabbat, eaten Shabbat afternoon), which is a meal where one can eat all he/she wants like the Seuda of Shelomo HaMelech and no mourning customs take place!

2. Therefore, Rav Ovadia explains that the Halacha states that during the Seuda Mafseket that falls during Seuda Shelishit of Shabbat Kodesh, one may eat meat and drink wine and sing Zemirot Shabbat lichvod (for the respect of) Shabbat.

3. There has been different rulings regarding the Havdalah of Motzei Shabbat when Tisha B’Av falls on Motzei Shabbat as well. Rav Ovadia holds the Halacha like Maran Shulhan Aruch, which states one should do Havdalah for Shabbat immediately at the end of Tisha B’Av (Sunday night) and do Havdalah on a glass of wine. However, on Motzei Shabbat we do signs of Havdalah. One may not do Havdalah on wine because of the fast so one says “Baruch HaMavdil Ben Kodesh Lehol” and says a Beracha of Boreh Meorei HaEsh on a candle like during a normal Havdalah.

Shabbat Shalom & Tzom Mo’il (meaningful fast).

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CLD #649

 For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
This CLD was supposed to be uploaded last night:

Rabi Nahman says:

אין שום יאוש בעולם כלל
There is no such thing as despair.

Being in the Galut already for 1,942 years you would think Am Yisrael (the Jewish nation) would give up a long time ago on the concept of staying strong and spiritually powerful to try to bring the Mashiah to redeem us, however; its quite the opposite. How many Kiruv programs are there? How many Shuls and Batei Midrashim have we built in the countries outside Israel (forget about Israel itself)? How many Gemah'im are there in Brooklyn alone? Lakewood? Los Angeles?

Did you know in Israel there is a booklet just for Gemahim (places that do all types of hessed, for example in Israel there is a number to find a place that will rent out mouse traps for extremely low prices, or will give out diapers for cheap for families in need, or places that have work tools for rent for cheap, etc.)?!

We need to look at the positive and see that there is always Hashem running the show. No matter how long we get G-d forbid Hashem is always there to pick us up. Just don't forget to scream and yell to get close to Him, because "If I am not for myself, who is for me?" (Pirkei Avot Chapter 1, Mishnah 14) Meaning if I am not going to go out there and do it, no one will do it for me. We can't expect today to go do the most serious and spiritually low sins and donate $200 to a local Shul and think G-d erases the sin. However, at the same time the power of Teshuav (repentance) can bring back the Jew to a place where he was before sin.

As Rabi Nahman says, we cannot give up! Every sin we do makes the Mashiah arrive later and every Mitzvah we do brings the Mashiah closer. Why is the Mashiah such a big deal? Because its the ultimate time in our world history that will have Hashem ruling the entire world clearly. The power of Emet (truth) will resonate throughout everyone's epidermis cells so deeply that people will literally faint from the truth of Hashem's power of the world.

B'H we should see Mashiah soon and celebrate in Yerushalayim with all the Tzadikkim. Heads up for CLD #650.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. During Erev Tisha B’Av (the daytime before the fast begins) once sunset has arrived, the major prohibitions one needs to avoid doing is set (eating, drinking, bathing, applying creams, wearing leather shoes, marital relations) and they should take off their leather shoes. However, when Tisha B’Av falls on Shabbat and we postpone the fast to Motzei Shabbat (Sat. Night like this year), we wait until Nightfall (9:00pm EST), say baruch hamavdeel ben kodesh lehol (translation: may He be blessed the one who separates from holy to nonholy) and take off our Shabbat shoes made of leather. One should then change into weekday clothing and go to pray Arvit in the Shul to recite eicha and other lamentations.

2. Because of the special time period of Tisha B’Av this year, it is important to announce in Shul (according to Rav Ovadia Shlita) that the Arvit Tefillah will begin a half-hour after the normal time period to give time for the Shul members to change in weekday clothes and remove their leather shoes.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

CLD #648

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
A klal (major concept) in the Torah and a part of a Pasuk (verse) in the Torah, found in Vayikrah, is Ve’ahavta Lere’echa Kamocha. Love your neighbor like you love yourself.

This pasuk is directly linked to ben hametzarim, the time we are in right now (the 3 weeks between 17 Tammuz and 9 Av). This time is known for us to work together a sa nation to promote unity and brotherhood love between us, because it is known from the Gemara that the previous Bet HaMikdash was destroyed due to the hatred between Jews in their time. Also it is known that the opposite of the sin is what causes good times to arrive. Therefore, in our case we must work on brotherhood love in order to fix the sin of Sinat Hinam (hatred between brothers) and if the Bet HaMikdash hasn’t been built yet, it is clear proof that there is still hatred between us.

Oy yo yoi. How much do we need to focus on this in order to get Shamayim on our side to bring Mashiah?! So what can one do now, today, tomorrow in order to bring us closer to Mashiah (and yes, each action even the spiritually lowest individual affects the arrival of the Mashiah because we are each extremely valuable)? We can work on the pasuk: Ve’ahavta Lere’echa Kamocha by thinking: just like I have bad characteristic traits such as arrogance, anger, jealousy, impatience, dishonesty, etc. AND I LOVE MYSELF, so too the Jew X also has these bad characteristic traits and I must LOVE HIM/HER! This shows us first: that we need to accept the fact we are not perfect and force ourselves to be modest and two: we always need to find the good in the other person.

If X gets you angry in these next couple of days, just try to think this through and let it pass. The Gemara in Megillah explains that one of the reasons one of the Tana’im (Sages) had the zechut (privelige) of long life was because he used to let things pass.

B’H we should realize that Mashiah is basically here and its just a matter of all of our individual levels of pushing to the positive direction in order to spiritually reveal the Mashiah.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Rav Ovadia Halacha Yomit emails:

1. One is forbidden from washing on Tisha B’Av, whether it be hot or cold water, whether it be on sections of the body or the entire body itself, even to reach out one’s finger in water is forbidden on Tisha B’Av. Therefore, on the morning of Tisha B’Av, one should do Netilat Yadayim by washing up to their knuckles and wash regularly just like the entire year he/she washes and says the Beracha of ‘Al Netilat Yadayim.’ The same washing process should be done after using the restroom on Tisha B’Av.

2. One should avoid washing their face on the morning of Tisha B’Av. Instead of washing one’s face, each individual should use their hands after drying them and use the water left on the fingers to wipe over their eyes and the dirt that forms on the eyes after sleep. Whoever is stringent in regards to cleanliness and his/her mind processing is off when something is not fully clean/washed, is allowed to wash their face on the morning of Tisha B’Av.

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CLD #647

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
When we hear of a fast coming along or something to do with many prohibitions during the upcoming week, we automatically get upset. Why do I need to abstain from food? Why do I need to avoid drinking?! Why is the Talmud so strict?! No marital relations, no application of creams and/or oils. So depressing! Aren’t we supposed to be happy? Doesn’t the Torah stimulate happiness and a positive growth/outlook on life?

The answer is pretty simple. Besides for the Talmud being part of the Torah that was given to us at Mount Sinai and passed down from generation to generation, the Hachamim are hinting to us a deep and positive message. Get away from the distractions. Focus on yourself for once, your real self. Today we are so busy with using apps and workshop lessons/magazine tips on trying to find ourselves and label ourselves, brand ourselves, etc., we tend to forget who we really are.

There are “75 ways to get to know the new you,” “37 reasons 40 is the new 20,” and on and on. We tend to forget to follow our instinct and think a little. We let so much of the outside enter our honest inside. The Orhot Tzadikkim explains that a middah of Emet is inscribed in each and every one of us and that Hashem has created man to be straight and honest (Sha’ar haEmet and taken from Kohelet).

The prohibitions of Tisha B’Av and most fasts help us reach a high level of positive that tells us “go get to know yourself better.” We always want to know the truth, there is actually a spiritual pull to honesty. Tisha B’Av is a time of self reflection and following the minhag (custom) of abstaining from music gives us another 5 minutes on the train (or sometimes 50) to think a little more of where we are and where we want to be. We clearly see that all these prohibitions are in fact other ways to reach our goal of clear mindfulness and understanding in a positive light.

If we are already in such a galut status without the Bet HaMikdash, at least use the prohibitions for your advantage, because they are for your advantage.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. On the day of Tisha B’Av we are prohibited from doing five major things: Eating and Drinking, Bathing (using the shower), Applying creams and oils, wearing leather shoes and Using the bed (marital relations).

2. The Hachamim (Sages) decreed not to learn Torah on Tisha B’Av as well because Divrei Torah (words of Torah) fuel happiness. Therefore, one should only be occupied with sadder topics during Tisha B’Av, such as Sefer Iyov, Sefer Irmiah, Midrash that has to do with the destruction of the Batei HaMikdash, and Halachot (Jewish law) that has to do with mourning and the like. One can also learn Sifrei Mussar (books of Rebuke, such as Mesilat Yesharim, Orhot Tzadikkim, etc.) to facilitate the Teshuva process (repentance) and to help straighten one’s actions.

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Monday, July 23, 2012

CLD #646

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
It is one thing to believe that you are not going in the correct direction in Judaism, but to completely say you are spiritually silent?! There is no such thing. Where can we learn that from? Fire.

The Torah is compared to fire. It is written Esh Dat Lamo (Devarim 33:2), where the fire of the Torah is the energy given out to the world from Hashem. Heat always continues to move things. Movement is always a positive result, like in surgery and hospitals. The reaction of something might cause an organ to fail, G-d forbid, or a system to stop working. Therefore, in spiritual terms we always look for healthy fires to keep things moving. The Torah is a fire.

When one takes that fire for good then its taken to the best direction, however one can also be mistaken and take it for the worse. How? Because we can use our characteristics for earthly and physical matters that need to be done, and at the same time we can use them for Torah purposes. This means when we go to Shul on Friday evening, we should go with happiness and excitement as if we are going to see the Superbowl.

No one said going to the Superbowl with excitement means anything negative, however; if you use your energy and your excitement for things much less related to the Torah and spirituality and do not do it for Torah, that is where the real problem occurs.

Another frequent example is getting up in the morning. When we have class in college at 7:50am, we do everything to be on time. We make sure three alarms are working and we have our father call us to double check that we got up. We even think about the fastest way to get to class, etc. What about when it comes to doing things that Hashem commands that ARE THE BEST FOR US! As we know, every Mitzvah is commanded upon us so we remember Hashem, but at the same time every Mitzvah is another pathway to reach happiness and to make our lives better. No questions asked. The Yetzer Hara is the evil spiritual force that pushes us to sin. This is what happened during the Bet HaMikdash! All the miracles happened in front of their face, how come they sinned?! Because we have free choice and because they let the Yetzer Hara run the show.

Let’s stop pretending our day-to-day activities are not filled with Hashem’s miracles.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.

Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. A mapelet, a woman who went through an abortion (lo alenu, may we not see tragedy) after 40 days of being pregnant (from the time of conception) does not have to fast the fast of Tisha B'Av if Tisha B'Av falls during the first 30 days after she went through an abortion.

2. A pregnant woman and those women who breast feed, even though they are exempt from all fast (except Yom Kippur), must fast on the day of Tisha B'Av. However, like our year when Tisha B'Av falls on Shabbat and we postpone it to Yom Rishon (Sunday), Rav Ovadia Yosef explains that a pregnant woman and one who is breastfeeding are both exempt from fasting. Because there is a doubt through Rabbinical teachings whether these women should fast, these women should still avoid separating themselves completely from the entire congregation and fast until midday Tisha B'Av (meaning until Sunday afternoon this year, 1:05pm EST). This only stands where the women feel okay and are not suffering from weakness and/or dehydration, because frankly they may eat during this day.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

CLD #645

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
We read everyday before Tefillat Minha Perakim (chapters) from Tehillim regarding the building of the Bet HaMikdash (the temple that was destroyed which we mourn about during these days). What does David HaMelech say in Tehillim, especially those perakim we read before Minha? It is a single pasuk that shows the ‘finish line’ that we should all look forward to.

כי טוב יום בחצריך מאלף בחרתי הסתופף בבית אלקי מדור באהלי רשע

David HaMelech says “A single day in Your (Hashem’s) garden (and I will be dead the next day) is better than 1,000 days in the galut (diaspora). I chose to stand in the opening gate of Hashem’s home than living comfortably between the other nations." (Tehillim 84)

First of all the power of Emunah behind David HaMelech seen in this single pasuk (verse) fo Tehillim is overwhelmingly striking. It is as if David HaMelech is standing and speaking right in front of you and you hear his yearning to be close to Hashem! The power of David HaMelech, especially in spiritual terms is enormous. Now let’s take it a step deeper and just think who David HaMelech was. David was a King who had everyone underneath him, he could have had all the women in the kingdom and all the money in the world. What does he say? I rather die tomorrow and enjoy 24 hours in Your presence, in Your home, in Your spiritual world than 1,000 days between other nations.

Be Simple, Be Yourself.
Today we try to be like the other nations so badly. We have the opportunity to be as Jewish as possible, even in America, and we choose to follow the goyim and accept their lifestyle with open arms. Who cares?! Its just a movie, two hours of my life does not mean anything. Who cares?! Its just one advertisement on a billboard! If she is half clothed it does not bother me. Who cares?! It was only one Tefillah that I missed, its not like the world will end. And on and on. We let the non-Jewish lifestyle become a part of us so deep that we forget how much our ancestors suffered just to breathe the air of the Judean Mountains and to see the sight of the Kotel!

We have everything, but how much do we do?
These days are days of judgment for Israel, use your time wisely.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Halacha Yomit of Rav Ovadia Yosef shlit’a:

1. One who is seriously ill (that has been placed in bed, even if its not danger that is life threatening) is exempt from fasting the fast of Tisha B’Av. If one has a doubt whether they should fast or not, they should ask a Hacham (Rabbi). If one is used to experiencing head pains there is no room to allow food on Tisha B’Av for this person. A Zaken (older individual) that has lost strength from fasting and is not fasting on Tisha B’Av, must eat on Tisha B’Av even if he has no internal sickness.

2. There was a mahloket (different views) regarding a woman who recently gave birth and whether or not she must fast on Tisha B’Av. Everyone agrees that a woman who is still in the first week after giving birth is exempt from fasting. However, regarding Tisha B’Av falling in the first 30 days after birth, one view states that she must fast and according to Rav Ovadia Yosef shlit’a she is exempt from fasting.

Shavua Tov!

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

CLD #644

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
In the parshiyot we heard this morning during Shaharit, Matot-Masei, there is an importance emphasized on Rashei HaMatot, the heads of the Shevatim (tribes). This shows us that the leaders of Am Yisrael are crucial for the building and Torah learning of Am Yisrael as a whole. The book, Ahavat Haim, written by Rav Menahem Menashe ZT'L discusses Hassidish stories of Huge Rabbanim in the history of Am Yisrael. 

He brings a story from the time of the Mahara'l from Prague (1500s). The Queen of Prague in the 1500s was a big anti-Semite, all she did was speak negatively and bash the Jewish nation and their actions. She kept on brainwashing the King regarding the cruel acts of the Jews! It got so bad that the King began to believe her and decreed a law to kick out all the Jews and give out all their possessions to the non Jewish citizens. 

That same night the King had a dream. He dreamt that he went to war and was caught and lost the battles. He was taken as a prisoner of war, tortured, humiliated, etc. After three months of burtal punishment from the enemy, the King was desperate. All of a sudden, filled with boils and diseases, the King in prison sees the Maharal's wife walking by and begs her to ask the Rav to find a way to get him out! The Maharal heard the story and went to prison. After a brief amount of time the King was safe in the home of the Maharal filled with boils and sicknesses. Before putting the King to bed (have in mind that this is still in the King's dream), the Maharal commanded the King to cut his fingernails and his hairs in two separate bowls. The King did as told and went to sleep.

Immediately after the King put his head down in the dream, in reality he woke up. Shocked, in front of him he sees two bowls with fingernails and hair (his own). The King sent messengers to bring the Maharal to him immediately. The King explained to the Maharal the dream and showed him the bowls. The Maharal said, you are so worried and so scared of your wife, you tend to forget that Hashem is the one running the show and that the dream was a small prophecy of where you will be if you continue listening to her. The King in fear nullified the decree and everything went back to normal for the Jews in prague.

This shows us the greatness of the leaders of Am Yisrael and how much we need to glue oruselves to their Kedusha (purity) and way of life. Be'ezrat Hashem may we always celebrate and soon in the newly built Bet HaMikdash.

Tisha B'Av is in 7 days. 

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Rav Ovadia's Halacha Yomit:

1. It is written in Masechet Ta'anit (26b) that the Hachamim (Sages) decreed that on Erev Tisha B'Av, during the Seuda Mafesket (final meal before the fast), one may not eat meat (no difference between meat and poultry) one should avoid drinking wine and only eat oen cooked dish. Even though this prohibition is talking about Erev Tisha B'Av (the 8th of Av), in any case we have the custom not to eat meat from Rosh Hodesh Av until the 10th of Av. These laws were discussed even from the times of the Geonim (1500 years ago) and has spread to the entire Jewish nation. One may not eat soup that has been made with meat even if they take out the pieces of meat. This does not include fish.

2. As mentioned before, during the 9 days (Rosh Hodesh Av-Tisha B'Av) one should be stringent and not buy new furniture, cars, and the like. However, for furniture, cars and new products for newleyweds they may not buy anything because its directly linked for inyanei simha (happy occasions). 


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Friday, July 20, 2012

CLD #643

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
There is a story in our Parashiyot this week that is interesting and teaches two set 'rules' about the foundation of Judaism. The first is your children come before your business and the second is your Rabbi’s opinion comes before your own. A Jewish home is run by the Shulhan Aruch, written by Rav Yosef Karo in the holy city of Tzefat over 500 years ago, this 4 volume set makes up the foundation of Halacha (Jewish law) for the Ahronim time period (1500s-present).

The first ‘rule’ is seen when Gad, Reuven and the Half Tribe of Menasheh seek the land west of the Jordan River, which was fertile and great land for business (agriculture, animal growing, etc.). In the Pasuk (BaMidbar 32:16), the Shevatim  (tribes) confront Moshe Rabbenu and tell him they want those plots of land and mention the shelter for the cattle and then the homes for their children in that order. Moshe Rabbenu answers them and says first homes for the children and then shelter for the cattle because he wanted them to realize that parenting is more important than business (Rashi)!

After eight Pesukim (verses) the Torah teaches that Moshe commands these specific Shevatim to first put the children and then the cattle, “vehayotzeh mipichem ta’asu, and you should do what you said.” This is another concept that is crucial. We go around today speaking words here and there because speech is free, but do we keep our word to Hashem. “Hashem please help me become stronger and more religious.” Five minutes later Hashem brings a model to walk right in front of you and then you stare away. We think we can just pray all day and not put in any action and everything will be fine. Yes, Judaism is thinking and getting stronger but its also about the action and taking that next step.

Another part of the Parashiyot that really calls out to our dor (generation), the dor of the Mashiah, is in the same story. Benei Gad (the entire Shevet of Gad) tell Moshe they will do as he says. Rashi explains why it says Vayomer Benei Gad, which is in singular format. The Torah is talking about thousands of people’s answer in singular format? Rather Rashi says its as if they all accepted Moshe’s ruling as a single entity. This is the power of Am Yisrael, to accept what the Head Rabbis of the nation, Rav Haim Kanyevsky shlit’a and Rav Ovadia Yosef shli’ta say! No is no and yes is yes.

We would also like to express our dear sorrow for the passing of one of the Gedolei HaDor Maran HaRav HaGaon Rav Eliyashev ZT’L, may his greatness in Torah reach deep into every one of our hearts to cry out to Hashem to save us from this tough generation of Ikveta DeMeshiha.

The basic teaching of this CLD: Tehiyeh Tamim Im Hashem Elokecha, be Naïve with Hashem your G-d. When we don’t ask questions (especially when we personally do not agree just because we don’t want to do it), that is when Hashem will be close to us. The goal of every Jew is to reach a level of surrendering his/her logic to the Torah.

Shabbat Shalom & Hodesh Tov!

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. There is an issur (prohibition) on Shabbat that says we cannot take the bad from the good (for example if you have onions in an Israeli salad you cannot take out the onions, rather only take out the cucumber and tomatoes). We learn from here that there is a prohibition to separate between clothing, vessels, books etc. Therefore, when one wants to take out something he/she wants from a pile (and that they will use in the next 30 minutes), they must take out what they want from the pile only.

2. In any case, one can take off many pieces of clothing that are hung on a hangar even though he/she does not need them because they want the shirt/coat that is hung on the hangar first. This action does not make someone violate the prohibition of borer (separating) on Shabbat because the person cannot reach this piece of clothing without taking off all the others clothes in the first place.


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Thursday, July 19, 2012


1 Av
July 19-20

Yaaleh VeYavo
Sefer Torah

Shabbat Shalom & Hodesh Tov!

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CLD #642

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
In Biology today we learned about the complex actions that go on in the human body, specifically the cell. There are 10 trillion cells in our body. In each cell there is so much going on. However, each cell is literally a couple micrometers and only with a refined microscope that magnifies 40 times the a single cell (lets say from your saliva), only then you can see what your saliva cells look like.

What does this have to do with Hodesh Av, with Tisha B’Av, which is in 9 days? There is an entire spiritual world microscope, or at least invisible to the naked physical eye. If someone with many years of Torah learning and keeping a Kedusha/Tahara (purity) lifestyle, then they can view the world with a spiritual eye. But for most of us, we don’t see what is spiritually going on and rather learn from Hazal and the Gemara, Midrashim, Zohar etc. what is really going on.
Besides for previous CLDs which spoke about Sinat Hinam (brotherly hatred), which caused the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash, Lashon Hara (gossip, whether true or false) is another action people took that caused the destruction! Today on the street it is normal and almost encouraged to trash talk a person! All you hear on the subway is people speaking about other people and how wrong they are or any other negative characteristic! There is so much zilzul, desensitization, in our words and they way we use speech that it has become normal to be careless about what we say.

Therefore, just like the cell, which its existence is a fact in science, is believed upon everyone, so too should the spiritual world and the harm we cause from what we say! In order to bring the Mashiah closer and the rebuilding of the Bet HaMikdash, we must begin to watch what we say! This is also directly connected (thank G-d look how everything is connected) with our Parasha which speaks about swearing in G-d’s name and how strict it is for someone to swear! We should stop swearing, stop gossiping and trashtalking eachother, attract more love between one another and watch what we say! How hard is it really to create an invisible filter in our minds and begin thinking before we speak? I am speaking to myself as well, we have published things that we should not have published the way we did! Also its such a Kiddush Hashem because non-Jews see how formal and respectful Jews are if we have a set of manners with our speech.

Let’s begin this month with a new outlook on what comes out of our mouths.
Shabbat Shalom & Hodesh Tov!

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