Wednesday, July 25, 2012

CLD #647

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
When we hear of a fast coming along or something to do with many prohibitions during the upcoming week, we automatically get upset. Why do I need to abstain from food? Why do I need to avoid drinking?! Why is the Talmud so strict?! No marital relations, no application of creams and/or oils. So depressing! Aren’t we supposed to be happy? Doesn’t the Torah stimulate happiness and a positive growth/outlook on life?

The answer is pretty simple. Besides for the Talmud being part of the Torah that was given to us at Mount Sinai and passed down from generation to generation, the Hachamim are hinting to us a deep and positive message. Get away from the distractions. Focus on yourself for once, your real self. Today we are so busy with using apps and workshop lessons/magazine tips on trying to find ourselves and label ourselves, brand ourselves, etc., we tend to forget who we really are.

There are “75 ways to get to know the new you,” “37 reasons 40 is the new 20,” and on and on. We tend to forget to follow our instinct and think a little. We let so much of the outside enter our honest inside. The Orhot Tzadikkim explains that a middah of Emet is inscribed in each and every one of us and that Hashem has created man to be straight and honest (Sha’ar haEmet and taken from Kohelet).

The prohibitions of Tisha B’Av and most fasts help us reach a high level of positive that tells us “go get to know yourself better.” We always want to know the truth, there is actually a spiritual pull to honesty. Tisha B’Av is a time of self reflection and following the minhag (custom) of abstaining from music gives us another 5 minutes on the train (or sometimes 50) to think a little more of where we are and where we want to be. We clearly see that all these prohibitions are in fact other ways to reach our goal of clear mindfulness and understanding in a positive light.

If we are already in such a galut status without the Bet HaMikdash, at least use the prohibitions for your advantage, because they are for your advantage.

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