Monday, July 23, 2012

CLD #646

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
It is one thing to believe that you are not going in the correct direction in Judaism, but to completely say you are spiritually silent?! There is no such thing. Where can we learn that from? Fire.

The Torah is compared to fire. It is written Esh Dat Lamo (Devarim 33:2), where the fire of the Torah is the energy given out to the world from Hashem. Heat always continues to move things. Movement is always a positive result, like in surgery and hospitals. The reaction of something might cause an organ to fail, G-d forbid, or a system to stop working. Therefore, in spiritual terms we always look for healthy fires to keep things moving. The Torah is a fire.

When one takes that fire for good then its taken to the best direction, however one can also be mistaken and take it for the worse. How? Because we can use our characteristics for earthly and physical matters that need to be done, and at the same time we can use them for Torah purposes. This means when we go to Shul on Friday evening, we should go with happiness and excitement as if we are going to see the Superbowl.

No one said going to the Superbowl with excitement means anything negative, however; if you use your energy and your excitement for things much less related to the Torah and spirituality and do not do it for Torah, that is where the real problem occurs.

Another frequent example is getting up in the morning. When we have class in college at 7:50am, we do everything to be on time. We make sure three alarms are working and we have our father call us to double check that we got up. We even think about the fastest way to get to class, etc. What about when it comes to doing things that Hashem commands that ARE THE BEST FOR US! As we know, every Mitzvah is commanded upon us so we remember Hashem, but at the same time every Mitzvah is another pathway to reach happiness and to make our lives better. No questions asked. The Yetzer Hara is the evil spiritual force that pushes us to sin. This is what happened during the Bet HaMikdash! All the miracles happened in front of their face, how come they sinned?! Because we have free choice and because they let the Yetzer Hara run the show.

Let’s stop pretending our day-to-day activities are not filled with Hashem’s miracles.

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