Friday, July 27, 2012

CLD #650

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
We are all in this together. Moshe Rabbenu in our Parasha begins rebuking out of love (in hinted messages) and sometimes praising Am Yisrael in his 36 day speech before he dies and before the entire Am (nation) enters Israel with Yehoshua (Joshua). He tells them one Pasuk that one should immediately jump at when hearing it, especially before entering Shabbat Hazon (this Shabbat has a special name due to the Haftarah we will be hearing in Shul tomorrow regarding the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash).

Rav David Hananya Pinto in his book Pahad David writes: the Pasuk says: “Eicha Esah Levadi Tarhechem Umasechem Urivchem” (Devarim 1:12). Moshe Rabbenu says in a rhetorical question: How am I expected to be close and connected to Hashem without the your will (he was speaking to Am Yisrael)?! Because (as it says in the Gemara Sanhedrin 27b): you, Israel, are intertwined this one and this one. Every act that we do affects every single Jew around the entire globe! There are 613 full Mitzvot that we are instructed to fulfill. Some of them include Mitzvot that only Kohanim can do, and some are Mitzvot that only Levi’im can do, and some can only be done when the Bet HaMikdash is erected! And only with the connection of all Am Yisrael doing Mitzvot together will I be able to fulfill 613 Mitzvot.

Therefore the only way to reach the Mitzvot is by learning them to their core. Without Limud Torah (learning), Rav David Pinto adds that there is no potential for this unity of Mitzvot to arise. Without Limud Torah and Unity the Divine Presence of Hashem has no where to rest upon, when its supposed to dwell between us as a nation.

This directly links with Megillat Eycha, the book that we read on Tisha B’Av that discusses the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash and the ruins of Yerushalayim. The first Pasuk of the book begins like the Pasuk from our Parasha: “Eicha Yashva badad HaIr Rabati HaAm.” Rav David Pinto continues to explain that the reason for Yerushalayim to sit in its ruins and the Geula has not become fully active is due to us being badad, or alone/individualized. What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours. Everything today is so separated. There is no love anymore between what we have and where we come from. This selfishness and one sided lifestyle is the fuel of the Galut (diaspora). The only way to bring us together is through the love of the Torah, the warmth of Hessed and most importantly the breaking down of ethnic boundaries.

I am not a Morroccan/Persian Israeli American, I am a Jew.
Shabbat Shalom & Tzom Mo’il (meaningful fast).

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