Saturday, July 21, 2012

CLD #644

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
In the parshiyot we heard this morning during Shaharit, Matot-Masei, there is an importance emphasized on Rashei HaMatot, the heads of the Shevatim (tribes). This shows us that the leaders of Am Yisrael are crucial for the building and Torah learning of Am Yisrael as a whole. The book, Ahavat Haim, written by Rav Menahem Menashe ZT'L discusses Hassidish stories of Huge Rabbanim in the history of Am Yisrael. 

He brings a story from the time of the Mahara'l from Prague (1500s). The Queen of Prague in the 1500s was a big anti-Semite, all she did was speak negatively and bash the Jewish nation and their actions. She kept on brainwashing the King regarding the cruel acts of the Jews! It got so bad that the King began to believe her and decreed a law to kick out all the Jews and give out all their possessions to the non Jewish citizens. 

That same night the King had a dream. He dreamt that he went to war and was caught and lost the battles. He was taken as a prisoner of war, tortured, humiliated, etc. After three months of burtal punishment from the enemy, the King was desperate. All of a sudden, filled with boils and diseases, the King in prison sees the Maharal's wife walking by and begs her to ask the Rav to find a way to get him out! The Maharal heard the story and went to prison. After a brief amount of time the King was safe in the home of the Maharal filled with boils and sicknesses. Before putting the King to bed (have in mind that this is still in the King's dream), the Maharal commanded the King to cut his fingernails and his hairs in two separate bowls. The King did as told and went to sleep.

Immediately after the King put his head down in the dream, in reality he woke up. Shocked, in front of him he sees two bowls with fingernails and hair (his own). The King sent messengers to bring the Maharal to him immediately. The King explained to the Maharal the dream and showed him the bowls. The Maharal said, you are so worried and so scared of your wife, you tend to forget that Hashem is the one running the show and that the dream was a small prophecy of where you will be if you continue listening to her. The King in fear nullified the decree and everything went back to normal for the Jews in prague.

This shows us the greatness of the leaders of Am Yisrael and how much we need to glue oruselves to their Kedusha (purity) and way of life. Be'ezrat Hashem may we always celebrate and soon in the newly built Bet HaMikdash.

Tisha B'Av is in 7 days. 

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