Friday, July 20, 2012

CLD #643

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
There is a story in our Parashiyot this week that is interesting and teaches two set 'rules' about the foundation of Judaism. The first is your children come before your business and the second is your Rabbi’s opinion comes before your own. A Jewish home is run by the Shulhan Aruch, written by Rav Yosef Karo in the holy city of Tzefat over 500 years ago, this 4 volume set makes up the foundation of Halacha (Jewish law) for the Ahronim time period (1500s-present).

The first ‘rule’ is seen when Gad, Reuven and the Half Tribe of Menasheh seek the land west of the Jordan River, which was fertile and great land for business (agriculture, animal growing, etc.). In the Pasuk (BaMidbar 32:16), the Shevatim  (tribes) confront Moshe Rabbenu and tell him they want those plots of land and mention the shelter for the cattle and then the homes for their children in that order. Moshe Rabbenu answers them and says first homes for the children and then shelter for the cattle because he wanted them to realize that parenting is more important than business (Rashi)!

After eight Pesukim (verses) the Torah teaches that Moshe commands these specific Shevatim to first put the children and then the cattle, “vehayotzeh mipichem ta’asu, and you should do what you said.” This is another concept that is crucial. We go around today speaking words here and there because speech is free, but do we keep our word to Hashem. “Hashem please help me become stronger and more religious.” Five minutes later Hashem brings a model to walk right in front of you and then you stare away. We think we can just pray all day and not put in any action and everything will be fine. Yes, Judaism is thinking and getting stronger but its also about the action and taking that next step.

Another part of the Parashiyot that really calls out to our dor (generation), the dor of the Mashiah, is in the same story. Benei Gad (the entire Shevet of Gad) tell Moshe they will do as he says. Rashi explains why it says Vayomer Benei Gad, which is in singular format. The Torah is talking about thousands of people’s answer in singular format? Rather Rashi says its as if they all accepted Moshe’s ruling as a single entity. This is the power of Am Yisrael, to accept what the Head Rabbis of the nation, Rav Haim Kanyevsky shlit’a and Rav Ovadia Yosef shli’ta say! No is no and yes is yes.

We would also like to express our dear sorrow for the passing of one of the Gedolei HaDor Maran HaRav HaGaon Rav Eliyashev ZT’L, may his greatness in Torah reach deep into every one of our hearts to cry out to Hashem to save us from this tough generation of Ikveta DeMeshiha.

The basic teaching of this CLD: Tehiyeh Tamim Im Hashem Elokecha, be Naïve with Hashem your G-d. When we don’t ask questions (especially when we personally do not agree just because we don’t want to do it), that is when Hashem will be close to us. The goal of every Jew is to reach a level of surrendering his/her logic to the Torah.

Shabbat Shalom & Hodesh Tov!

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