Jews are obsessed with teaching and passing the Torah and the Mitzvot forward to the next generation. Millions of dollars are put into the market on toys, snacks, cereal boxes, games, books, etc. in the Jewish communities throughout the world to get children sparked and 'high' on Torah. Why is this? Because we believe that the Torah is the Emet (the Truth) of this world, of Olam Haze, and we know that if we do not take it in our hands to pass on the values and laws of Shulhan Aruch and our holy Rabbis then no one will do it and the Torah will not be fused into our lives.
In our Parasha, the first Pesukim are a direct continuation with the previous Parasha, Lech Lecha, and discuss Avraham Avinu and his will to invite guests to his home after giving himself a Brit Milah (circumcision). Avraham Avinu had such an intense connection with Hashem that he just wanted to bring people closer to Mitzvot and the way of the Torah. Hashem saw Avraham's emotional pain so He sent to his tent three angels from Shamayim that were disguised as arabs to invite.
After inviting them in to the tent the entire home became a factory just to do Hachnassat Orhim (serving and inviting guests). Sarah began cooking foods and Avraham (before Yitzhak Avinu was born) gave Ishmael the meat to begin preparing it for the guests. From this act noted by the Torah (Bereshit 18:7) we learn the importance of doing Mitzvot and INCLUDING your children in the service of Hashem.

Remember, we are one big family, one big community trying to do Kiddush Hashem and spread Hashem rule over the world to the entire globe. B'H even with the smallest actions we can bring Mashiah closer, especially after this crazy storm in America's East Coast, by keeping Shabbat and singing Zemirot (Shabbat sings) around the Shabbat table filled with delicious foods Lichovd Shabbat Kodesh. (I would like to thank the Shehebar Family for letting me use their home/electricity to write this CLD, Olam Hessed Yibaneh)
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