Thursday, April 21, 2011

CLD #246

Our Rabbanim specifically left us off at the end of tefilla with the Bracha of Alenu. In Alenu LesShabe'ach there is a lot going on. First of all, to look at the tefilla with a bird's eye view, we see an amazing thing. Alenu has 2 paragraphs that both begin with Ayin and end with Dalet. This spells out Ed (witness) x 2, which makes 2 edim. In Law, we learn that throughout every mikreh (situation) we need 2 edim to testify for us. According to google web search (which brought me to another blog post comment) these 2 witnesses testify about our truthfulness in tefillah. 
Now to look into Alenu even more, we see that Hashem specifically chose us to take upon ourselves the Torah and the Mitzvot after Har Sinai than any other Am. In Alenu it specifically says we HAVE TO take it upon ourselves to praise Hashem for making us Jewish and having the zchut to do Mitzvot and learn Torah and just influence the world to do good. Alenu was composed by Yehoshua (according to this blog post) after the walls of Yericho were brought down by Hashem's rachamim on us. Yehoshua specifically says that we need to praise and sing and chant to Hashem that we were not like the nations of the Goyim and the nations of the soil who bow down to nothingness and emptiness (their gods). Rav Levy shlit'a explains that Am Yisrael is like a Na'ara Meorasa (Engaged woman) and Hashem is the Arus (Chatan). The Torah states that when one rapes a Na'ara Meorasa, he is punished with Skila (the most stringent type of death-stoning). When Kriyat Yam Suf took place, the waters of the Yam became like frozen pieces of ice and were used to stone the Mitzrim (Egyptians) for abusing Am Yisrael spiritually. 
B'H we will have the zchut to be with our family and friends (now with Chaya Khalili and Rachamim Soleimani) and remind ourselves that Hashem gave us the present of being with them and enjoying their company and their divrei Torah even in a place so dark like Puerto Rico in Pesach!

**Please do not forget to add in Tefilla (prayer) Morid HaTal instead of Mashiv Haruach, Barchenu instead of Barech Alenu, and to add Ya'aleh VeYavo throughout the Chag. 


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