Friday, March 30, 2012


This is a picture from the Tailor coming into Yeshiva yesterday to fix the first batch of suits for the Talmidei Chachamim (from Chanukah). We want to order for them another round of Suits so it will arrive before Pesach (which is in a week).

However, we still are $300 away from our goal of $1,200.


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CLD #554

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
The Shabbat before Pesach (this Shabbat because falls out next Shabbat) is called “Shabbat HaGadol” because of the miracles that happened during that Shabbat before Yetziyat Mitzrayim (The Exile of Egypt).

Pesach, when all of Am Yisrael actually left from Mitzryaim, was on a Thursday back then. So on the Shabbat beforehand, approximately five full days before more than 3 million Jews fled Egypt with the Matzot, which was the 10th of Nissan, Am Yisrael was commanded by Hashem (through Moshe Rabbeinu) to take a lamb for Korban Pesach (the special and famous Pesach animal sacrifice) to slaughter in the next couple of days.

Not only did Am Yisrael have to take a lamb specifically, because it was the god of Egypt, but they also had to slaughter it OUTSIDE of their homes, and ROAST IT FULLY so everyone can smell the barbeque.

After the quite exhilarating show of Am Yisrael daring the Egyptians to even think about touching them (remember, they were still slaves and no redemption was in sight, there was a chance for the entire plan to get ruined in a snap), all the first borns crowded around the Jewish homes and started investigating. They asked: “What are you doing with our gods, what is going on?!”

With a huge smile the holy Jews answered: We are getting ready to slaughter them because we are leaving in a couple of days and all the first born Egyptians (humans and animals, a.k.a. YOU) are going to be slaughtered by Hashem! After a few minutes the entire group of first borns were at Pharoah’s palace yelling, imagine a huge riot of hundreds of thousands of people outside the King’s home! LET THEM GO OR ELSE WE WILL DIE.

As it says in Tehillim “LeMaceh Mitzrayim Bivchorehem,” we learn that there was a Civil War before Israel lef Egypt! No one wants to die, especially the Egyptians who were living such a Olam-Haze pleasure fulfilled lifestyle, with super liberal views on everything and anything (kind of like Manhattan, I mean G-d forbid, Manhattan is so holy). After this war the Egyptians realized thousnads were killed because of the Jews starting all the problems. The troops were headed for the Jewish slaves and their villages. Hashem in His greatness, like always swoops in with the last minute redemption (before the final redemption) and has all of the Egyptians plagued with a disease that caused their teeth to become black and their intestines to get cut up.

From this came the pre-redemtpion before Yetziyat Mitzrayim. This is the reason for the great Shabbat HaGadol.

So smile, because no matter what suffering or problems we are going through if we really believe in Hashem He will swoop in and do all the work, as always. [P.S. and it doesn’t even matter if we deserve it or not, because we are His children.]


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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. After the Tefillah (Prayer) tonight in Shul there are those who have the minhag (custom) to say “Shabbat HaGadol Shalom” or “Shabbat HaGadol Umevorach” instead of the usually Shabbat Shalom, and this is a pleasant custom.

2. Its it a holy obligation to gather the community together on Shabbat HaGadol (this Shabbat) in Batei Knesiyot (Shuls) to hear Halachot Shiruim (Jewish Law Classes) from the Rabbis around the globe. It is manadatory for the Rabbis to show the nation/community in what direction to follow, what to do and how to act in regards to Dinei Pesach  (the Laws of Pesach). The Rabbis should greaten their words regarding the story of Pesach, the Aggadah, Yetziyat Mitzrayim and the meaning behind Lel HaSeder/Pesach to remind us of the might and power of Hashem and His miracles. And all those who go out of their way to make sure the Jewish public is privileged to listen to Shiurim has a good life in the this word and reward is waiting for him in the world to come (Olam Haba).


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CLD #553

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
On Regular days of the year, not the days of Nissan, we usually say Perek ayin-Tet (79) of Tehillim after Nefillat Apayim, Tachanun; or the Prayer of Confession and Admitting our sins.

In such a time of redemption around the corner, Am Yisrael is waiting for an extra boost of love and protection from Hashem. What is that boost and where is it? Obviously in the Tanach, silly. Part of Tanach is Tehillim (psalms) of David HaMelech and Perek Ayin-Tet (79) is packed with verses of intimacy between Hashem and Am Yisrael.

Let’s look at Pasuk Yud-Gimel (13) in depth. What does it say?
“Va’Anachnu Amecha VeTzon Maritecha Nodeh Lecha Le’Olam LeDor VaDor Tehilatecha. (Tehillim 79:13,” And we are Your nation, Your flock of sheep, we shall thank You from generation to generation forever praising You.”

If we are your flock why do we need to praise Hashem? Who cares if we are His or His chickens?

David HaMelech is sending us a message: Put your entire trust and faith in Hashem to bring you out of your lowest points! A sheep is a poor animal that is simply waiting to be eaten by predators. If Israel’s predator is Iran and Iran gets destroyed, then there will be a new killer. Its just how Hashem created the world so we can continue pray to Him, so we can build our relationship with Him. Because at the end of the end if it wasn’t for fear maybe a single Jew out of the 6+ million of us will not pray to Hashem for help and protection. So maybe for that One extra Jew praying and getting closer to Hashem for protection it is worth it for Hashem to bring such problems to Israel. And yes, its hard to believe how huge prayer and our relationship with Hashem is really valued at.

Anyway the sheep is a poor animal. Every now and then it needs to get pushed around to get back onto the correct path where all the sheep are going. Am Yisrael is thrown into a world filled with lions and wolves waiting to just attack this sheep. Hashem is the shepherd that prevents all the problems from actually touching the sheep.

This is the reason the Pasuk ends with the endless thanks we need to have for Hashem’s constant protection. Hinei Lo Yanum veLo Yishan Shomer Yisrael (Tehillim 121). Hashem does not sleep, He constantly protects Israel.


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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. The Shabat before Pesach is called "Shabat HaGadol" because of the miracle that happened during the Shabat before Yetziyat Mitzrayim {Am Yisrael left Mitzrayim on a thursday and the shabat before, all of the Am who left, tied a lamb-the god of the egyptians-to slaughter as a korban for Hashem in thanks, and the Egyptians, as mad as they got, could not do anything to retaliate}. The haftarah of Shabat HaGadol is called "VeArva LeHashem."

2. The people who are cautious on the smallest details, say Shabat HaGadol U'mevorach instead of Shabat Shalom U'Mevorach on Shabat HaGadol.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CLD #552

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.

The Holy Gemara shows the ultimate power behind Divrei Torah (The Words of the Torah, a.k.a. Learning Torah). In Hagiga 3b the Gemara brings up a beautiful piece of Torah that seriously sparks up the Essence of the Neshama to run to a Beit Midrash (Torah learning center) and start Pounding Torah.
What does the Gemara say? 

It brings up a Pasuk from Kohelet 12:11 “Divrei Torah are like goads (spiky weapons from ancient war movies), and like well-fastened nails with large heads, given from one shepherd (”

The Gemara explains that if we say Torah is like a goad, some goads tend to sway and they are not stable and firm. So you are telling me the Torah is not stable?! Therefore the Pasuk continues to teach it’s like a Nail, which is stable and firm. So if its like a nail, nails leave holes in the wall and have a negative side effect where they take away from something, so the Torah takes away and subtracts from someone who learns it? Rather it’s like the (planted) “Netuyim” continuation of the Pasuk, where the Torah is like a seed that has been planted and results with fruits and growth with more and more additions to it.

This shows us that one who puts time into Torah and actual LIVES THE TORAH by getting closer to Hashem, praying, acting like a modest Jew with respect and Derech Eretz (manners), eating Kosher, etc. etc. really sees fruits and reward in their life. 

And the best part its only the “positive” side effects of the reward that is waiting for this Jew after 120 in Olam Haba! Therefore we should all strive to reach living a life based on the Torah to live happily knowing we are making Hashem happy!

The Maharsha on this piece of Torah explains Torah is “greatness of the planted and essence of metal.” Meaning it can never be broken because its tough like metal and has endless rewards because it bears fruit like a healthy tree.

Pesach is in 9 days, how are you preparing?

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. One should have his/her table set for Pesach the day of Lel HaSeder, so the homeowner can come straight away after Minyan at Shul to do Kiddush after Tzet HaKochavim (the appearance of 3 stars which marks nighttime). Both men and women are obligated to drink The Four Glasses of Wine during the Lel HaSeder. It is also a Mitzvah to give wine to toddlers/babies to parent them and teach them about the Mitzvah of the Four Glasses of Wine. It is also a Mitvzah to give children candies, cookies and nuts on Lel (the night of) Pesach before Lel HaSeder to have them awake for the meal so they will ask what is so special of this night that makes it different.

2. Lechatchila (the best way) it is best to begin Lel HaSeder specifically after Tzet HaKochavim to fulfill the obligation of drinking the Four Cups of Wine 100%; and if one has already done Kiddush before Tzet HaKochavim and after sunset they still fulfill the bediavad (least best way) the Mitzvah. However, in regards to starting the Seder once must be stringent and begin only after Tzet HaKochavim.

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CLD #551

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Baruch Hashem, if one really sits down and looks into the essence of every action and/or event that occurs in his/her life can see Hashem sending us messages and links to help us go through life as well.
On the Subway we can all reach a level of such spirituality its actually insane. When one rides the subway, especially in New York later in the night, they can almost hear Hashem sending them a message about life and just to get back up from their low state of motivation.
What usually happens? Train delays, people pushing you by accident, trying to catch the train, people singing really bad songs no one would like to listen to at the moment, having a person sit next to you eating something really smelly, getting throw up on the bottom of your shoe and on and on. The Subway is one heck of a jungle.

But let’s get serious. What is Hashem trying to tell us?

We all know the train we hop on goes in a single direction: forward. We also know the train always has stations it must stop at and a final destination. So it is so simple to connect a subway ride to one’s life. Usually during rush hour the train must stop on the way to another station. The people on board become frustrated and you just want to get to where you are going. But wait. Why don’t we take this quick 30 second break and ponder about life? How?
Life is exactly like that. Sometimes we reach rock bottom, Be’ezrat Hashem not all the time, and we think we are only in reverse mode, doing less things to make Hashem happy with our service to Him and doing more things that if people will find out they might think I am crazy. At these moments what does the train do? Simply stop and just wait until it picks itself back up. The Jew living in such a society like ours is the same thing. We just need to rest, think where we are going and know that because of this backlash in my Mitzvot and life of Torah this is what will give me that extra boost to get back on track and continue forward.

After all, there is no such thing as going reverse.
So why ruin the future with the events of the past? You control your future.

With that in mind, Pesach is in 10 days.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. A Jew who explained he/she will pay back their friend for eating their bread before Pesach needs to repay their friend after Pesach with a loaf of bread (or the same amount of bread). If the friend does not repay then there is a ruling of gezel here (robbery). Also, one can even repay the person through monetary ways on Pesach itself.

2. Anyone who has bread present under their property during Pesach violtes the Mitzvat Aseh (active) and Mitzvat Lo Ta’aseh of owning Pesach and benefiting from it. Therefore, the Chachamim (Sages) in the Gemara (Pesachim 28a) explain that Chametz that was under one’s property during Pesach cannot be used to benefit someone. If a group of people didn’t know the bread is prohibited to use/sell/benefit from, then the individual who does know must notify the group to save them from falling into this trap of violating Mitzvot.

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CLD #550

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
I heard this from one of the Talmidei Chachamim and Yeshivat Shuva Israel in NY,NY. Enjoy.

In Hebrew Life is Hayim whereas in English Life is Life. If we look at both words we see they are made up of four letters each. Even though we cannot begin to compare the letters of the holy Torah (biblical Hebrew) and English because there is so much behind the Hebrew letters of the Torah whereas the alphabet has no meaning besides the pronunciation of the letters, we can still see a huge difference between the two.

Before we go into the depth behind Life and Hayim, lets just see a couple things behind some letters in the Aleph-Bet. The first letter, the letter Aleph if taken apart is made up of Two Yuds and a Vav. In Gematriya (numerical value) this comes out to 26 which is Hashem’s name’s Gematriya. Also Aleph means Aluph or a general. Hashem is the general of the world. This is only a few unbelievable hints and ideas behind a single letter of the Aleph-Bet. Imagine examining the 22 letters in depth, with their gematriyas and spiritual meanings and codes and secrets. After all, it is known throughout the Talmud that Hashem created the world through these 22 letters!

So let’s take the word Hayim, life, and break it down. It is broken up into four letters: Hei-Yud-Yud-Mem. The middle section of the word is Yud-Yud. The word ‘life’ is also four letters long, with the middle section being I-F.

Yud-Yud in Hebrew is one of the many abbreviations of Hashem’s name. Since the aleph-Bet represents the Torah, we can say that the words of the Torah represent a Jew. So a Jew lives his life, his hayim, according to Yud-Yud, Hashem! The middle foundation set and stone of a Jew’s life is “What does Hashem want from me.” If it is good in HIS EYES, then it is what’s good for me.

An English speaking person, usually a non-Jew lives around the letters I-F, meaning If. A non-Jew who ignores the existence of Hashem and His power and control over this world lives his life without Hashem. He/She tells him/herself: if x,y,z is good for me, then I will do it. They revolve life around themselves and not what Hashem wants from them.

The difference between a Jew and non-Jew is clear: A Jew goes out of his/her way to make Hashem happy in Shamayim (the Heavens), where a non-Jew revolves his/her life for their self interest. Again, there is nothing wrong with that for a non-Jew, however; we need to understand that living a life where my number one priority is making Hashem happy already satisfies my self interests!


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Monday, March 26, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. The one who finds Chametz (leavened bread) on Pesach, which is prohibited to enjoy from, eat or touch; may not pick it up. Since picking up an object and raising it is a way of buying an item according to Jewish law, if one does not have the intention of doing this with the Chametz found on Pesach, they are still prohibited from picking up the Chametz because Chachamim (the Sages) were afraid one would come to eat it.

2. One should only buy on Pesach opened packages/products/foods from a person who has Fear of Heaven (Yereh shamayim) that one can trust in regards to Kosher laws, for example when buying sunflower and/or watermelon seeds on Pesach. [In Israel it is common for families to own chicken farms.] One is not allowed to benefit from Chametz on Pesach, therefore they cannot use Chametz to feed their chickens throughout the Chag.

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CLD #549

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
When a Jew goes in the way of Hashem with all his/her might, he/she ONLY sees miracles! We learn this great act of courage and belief in Hashem in the story of David HaMelech, King David.

As we know from the Gemara, the story of David HaMelech is not at all as simple as one thinks. The Gemara explains that Melech David was packed with Nisyonot (spiritual tests) left and right throughout his entire life to make him believe in Hashem. These tests, as said in a previous CLD, show us how much power we have and where Hashem wants us to reach spiritually. How come? Because a test is given to someone that Hashem knows they can overcome, but only if they use all their might.

So what happens with David HaMelech that shows us we need to constantly be working on ourselves to be saved from all the negative parts of the world? Shaul HaMelech, Saul, was in rule of the entire Am Yisrael. He failed to kill Agag, the Amaleki king, after Hashem commanded him to wipe out the entire nation. This caused Shaul to lose his power and Hashem’s divine presence left him. After this happened a very evil spirit from Hashem overcame Shaul as punishment. And last but not least, the Navi (prophet) who was explaining to Shaul the process of leaving the kingdom, Shmuel told him that another person who is far better at listening to Hashem will take control.

And who is this person? David HaMelech. David HaMelech was slowly coming to power, gaining more popularity from the entire Nation and just become loved by everyone, except Shaul. What was Shaul’s plan? To marry off his oldest daughter to David, making him royalty on one condition. David HaMelech had to be in the front lines of the wars between Yisrael and the Pelishtim. Look how Hashem helps the one who follows in the path of the Torah.

When offering his daughter to David, David HaMelech answered beautifully: “Who am I? What am I worth? What is my life? How can I be the son of the King?!” (Shmuel 18:18). This act of anava, modesty, is what saved David because literally in the next pasuk the Navi explains Merav (the daughter of Shaul) was already married off to Adriel. And this entire marriage happened behind the back of the King! This caused the marriage arrangement to break off between Shaul’s daughter and David, causing the plan of murder to be delayed (because afterwards Shaul still tried killing David)!

We do not know how much we gain from a simple act, or a small sentence showing true modesty and/or love of Hashem! We can always move forward through every piece of wisdom, but only with the Torah’s path we can reach an everlasting feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

12 Days until Pesach 5772.

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. Rice and all other legumes, including peas, are allowed to be eaten during Pesach. The only condition is that the people cooking need to check the grains/legumes carefully to see that no piece of wheat or barley is mixed in with the grains. Therefore, we hold the minhag (custom) to check the rice before cooking it with great care and attention. And our Ashkenazi brethren who hold not eat Rice on Pesach should not change their minhag, even if they receive a Heter (permission from a Rabbi).

2. There are those Spharadim who have also decided to avoid rice on Pesach from the suspicion that the people checking it will not check with enough care and attention. The Spharadim who hold to be strict and follow this avoidance of rice and kitniyot (legumes) can choose to cancel this custom (from the reason of sickness or the like) by going to a Rav and receiving a Heter.


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

CLD #548

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
We never know why Hashem gives us Nisyonot (spiritual tests), or do we? Rav Darmoni shlit’a explains that Rabi Nachman says each person has a special connection in Hashem where Hashem wants to give them a present for this world. But because the Middat HaDin (the Judgment aspect of Hashem) wakes up to prosecute the person and explain to Hashem how he/she does not deserve the present, Hashem does a deal. 

He tells the spiritual prosecutors “Let’s see if this person really deserves this gift that I want to give him/her, whether it be his/her Shidduch, Parnasah, Hatzlacha in Education, etc. What will I do? Let’s give him/her a big test to see if they can overcome the challenge. If they can, then it proves they deserve the gift, if not; you are right.”

From this little piece of Torah not only do we see how much Hashem loves us, but we see Nisyanot is only a pathway how Hashem can really send us spiritual energy, shefa, and just gifts and presents that we actually deserve. Nisyonot is also a way Hashem pushes us to work on ourselves as human beings. Thank G-d, we all know we are not perfect (or at least I hope we all know this), and this means we should all strive to become better people and more connected with Hashem. 

Therefore, Hashem has us go through situations like getting angry and wanting us to tell ourselves “Yelling at Person X is not worth it, Hashem is in front of me right now, I need to act with respect” or “That girl with the mini skirt is not the ideal woman for me, NO, I will not go and start a conversation with her” or even something simple “I’ve had already 3 shots of whiskey tonight, why risk fighting with my wife after I have completely embarrassed us at the wedding for doing x,y,z because I was drunk, I will stop drinking now.”

All these situations and many many more push us to stay STOP. THINK. Be’ezrat Hashem Pesach is right around the corner. Let’s enter Pesach while taking advantage of Chodesh Nissan’s spiritual energy, which is filled with Ahava from Hashem (love) and overall Geula (redemption).


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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
From Yalkut Yosef:

1. It is a good minhag (custom) to read everyday, beginning Rosh Chodesh Nissan (this past Shabbat) the day’s Nasih Korban Offering (in Siddurim). These korban offerings are in the Torah in Parashat Beha’alotcha. Some people have the minhag to read each day’s Korban from a Sefer Torah but our minhag (Rav Ovadya shlit’a) is simply to read them from a Chumash.

2. One may not take upon the congregation a Ta’anit Tzibur (a community-wide fast) during the holy days of Chodesh Nissan. However, one is allowed to take upon him/herself a Ta’anit Yachid (individual fast) during the days of Nissan besides Rosh Chodesh and the Seven Days of Pesach. For those who hold to fast on their wedding day, they are allowed to do so if they have arranged their wedding to be during the month of Nissan, however, Sepharadim and the Edot HaMizrach have not taken upon themselves this minhag and one should not change this reality.


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Friday, March 23, 2012

CLD #547

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.

Shabbat Shalom & Chodesh Tov! 

As we begin Chodesh Nissan, THE Chodesh of Geula (redemption) for Am Yisrael, we also begin Sefer VaYikrah, the third book in the Chumash (Torah). What is this Parasha about? The Korbanot, animal sacrifices that a person does when they make a mistake, when they seen on purpose, when they sin in general, etc.

What is something that can really give us more strength to continue our Avodat Hashem, service of G-d to bring more spiritual light and happiness into the world? The concept of what each type of person brings when sinning to atone for their sins. What do I mean?

In VaYikrah 5:13, the Pasuk speaks about the Korban Chatat, which is when someone does a sin, Chatat from the word Chet (sin). There are three levels of bringing a Korban chatat, the offering to bring when one sinned: they are to bring a sheep or a goat (when he is rich), two turtle doves (when he is at the average financial standing) or in times of really tough financial levels, they bring a tenth of an ephah (flour). What does this teach us? That Hashem is telling Am Yisrael: it doesn’t matter how much you have in your pocket or in your bank account, and it certainly does not matter how much your assets add up to in value. You can be the owner of the Empire State Building or the corner deli by the local main street, I am the one who inspects your emotions and feelings and see if you really felt some regret from what you did.

And besides that, there is no excuse, thank G-d Hashem is the most democratic Leader in the world, He cares for everyone. Even for the children of the orev, the raven, which does not feed its children thinking his wife cheated on him because the offspring come out white naturally. Hashem feeds them by sending them worms!

This shows how a tenth of an amount of flour is seen the same in Hashem’s eyes just like a goat or a sheep! Hashem is the one who comes with the most accurate ‘soul’ report, so we need to stop thinking we can trick G-d and accept His rule and just live in a happier state. After all, denial is the first step of acceptance, so lets try and skip denial, ignore our doubts and just start living a life people only dream of! The Torah is the gateway to happiness.


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L’yilui Nishamt Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
From Yalkut Yosef:

1. When a non-Jewish housekeeper is working in a Jewish home and the home owner tells her to wash the dishes (in this case it would probably be the mother), in the average home the housekeeper can choose either the manual way of cleaning the dishes or the electric way (dishwasher). If she chooses to wash the dishes using the dishwasher on Shabbat one should nto rebuke her and tell her to stop because no one instructed her to complete her work in this fashion. However, the one who is strict, tavo alav beracha, may he be blessed.

2. It is also allowed to tell her to wash the dishes when the kitchen lights are off and she will most probably turn on the lights. The same judgment goes for asking her to bring an object/book/etc. from a room where the lights are off and the only way to get it is by turning on the lights.


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Thursday, March 22, 2012




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Monday, March 19, 2012

CLD #546

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L and sponsored for the Ilui Neshama of the children who passed away today: Aryeh ben Eva Chava Malkah, Gavriel Issakhar ben Eva Chava Malkah and Miriam Mosengo.
This word kavanah has been officially destroyed by our generation and society. The word kavanah is mainly heard in regards to prayer, where one should have the correct intention when doing what he/she is planning to do.

We all hear “it’s the effort that counts,” but unfortunately in the business world that is definitely not what matters. On a practical level, let’s face it: the numbers is what counts. If Boss A has a secretary that gets her job done and helps in the business then he will keep her hired. However, if Boss B has a secretary that makes sure the Boss has a lovely pink envelope with a perfumed letter saying “Good Morning” every morning and shows morale for the Boss without doing any work, even if the Boss does appreciate that extra push she will not stay at her desk for long.

Hashem, lehavdeel eleph alphei havdalot (vehamevin yavin), is not the same way at all. The huge misconception today that the Yetzer Hara confuses us with is our Torah learning and effort we actually put in trying to get closer to Hashem. None of us are perfect, and this is something to celebrate because Hashem made us this way so obviously we should be happy about it (and at the same time trying to perfect our middot), so we all fall in regards to averot (sins) and stupid mistakes.

Then the Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination) comes and says: “Do not do Teshuva, Do not speak with G-d for 5 minutes and tell Him how sorry you are, it doesn’t mean anything! You already showed you do not want to put any effort in your relationship with Him, so why bother saying sorry even if you do not mean it?”

And this is where the Yetzer Hara wins. Yes, he wins! Because we give up and we do not believe in our own little redemption plan that Hashem has planned for us. When we go to a bank, we trust them with a retirement plan or the like they have set up for us. But why do we not trust Hashem in a redemption plan from the Avera (sin) we constantly return to do?! A key part of living a Jewish life is to never give up on that goal of become pure and holy hand in hand with Hashem. The Yetzer Hara wants us to fail, cry and be depressed.

A part of being Jewish is connecting to Hashem when we are AT ROCK BOTTOM. 
Am Yisrael is at Rock Bottom after this Terrorist Attack in France this morning killing 4 Jews, INCLUDING 3 CHILDREN.
 B’H may we all awaken to get closer to Hashem and pray for those who were killed that Hashem may avenge their blood.

Baruch Dayan Ha’Emet.

Sponsor theCLD for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)!

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For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. Its good to bless the beracha of Birkat HaIlanot (which one can begin saying it as early as this Shabbat) on trees from gardens or vineyards/orchards outside of the city, however this does not mean one should only say the beracha on the Ilanot in orchards or gardens outside of the city. Therefore, if one has trouble leaving the city because of some obstacle, suspicion of Bitul Torah (wasting Torah learning time) or sickness, one can bless the Beracha on the Ilanot on trees inside the city (look at previous CLD Halachot for more).

2. It is best that ten people should go together as a group in the name of Hashem to bless Birkat HaIlanot with great intention of making Hashem happy. After the Beracha they should say two Perakim (verses) of Tehillim (psalms) and end with Kaddish (Yehe Shelama). In this situation one should say the Beracha out loud and the others should say it with him while whispering.

Sponsor today’s Halachot for the Ilui Neshama (memory of) or Refua Shlema (the speedy recovery) of your loved one! Click the Donate Button on the Right Sidebar and BH e-mail us ( with the name(s)!

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4 killed in shooting at French Jewish school - WE CAN ONLY RELY ON HASHEM!


Ozar HaTorah School in France attacked by Terrorist gunman.
Hashem Yaazor.

Say a Perek of Tehillim for the VICTIMS IN FRANCE.

Hashem Yimkom Damam (May Hashem avenge their blood).