Monday, March 26, 2012

CLD #549

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
When a Jew goes in the way of Hashem with all his/her might, he/she ONLY sees miracles! We learn this great act of courage and belief in Hashem in the story of David HaMelech, King David.

As we know from the Gemara, the story of David HaMelech is not at all as simple as one thinks. The Gemara explains that Melech David was packed with Nisyonot (spiritual tests) left and right throughout his entire life to make him believe in Hashem. These tests, as said in a previous CLD, show us how much power we have and where Hashem wants us to reach spiritually. How come? Because a test is given to someone that Hashem knows they can overcome, but only if they use all their might.

So what happens with David HaMelech that shows us we need to constantly be working on ourselves to be saved from all the negative parts of the world? Shaul HaMelech, Saul, was in rule of the entire Am Yisrael. He failed to kill Agag, the Amaleki king, after Hashem commanded him to wipe out the entire nation. This caused Shaul to lose his power and Hashem’s divine presence left him. After this happened a very evil spirit from Hashem overcame Shaul as punishment. And last but not least, the Navi (prophet) who was explaining to Shaul the process of leaving the kingdom, Shmuel told him that another person who is far better at listening to Hashem will take control.

And who is this person? David HaMelech. David HaMelech was slowly coming to power, gaining more popularity from the entire Nation and just become loved by everyone, except Shaul. What was Shaul’s plan? To marry off his oldest daughter to David, making him royalty on one condition. David HaMelech had to be in the front lines of the wars between Yisrael and the Pelishtim. Look how Hashem helps the one who follows in the path of the Torah.

When offering his daughter to David, David HaMelech answered beautifully: “Who am I? What am I worth? What is my life? How can I be the son of the King?!” (Shmuel 18:18). This act of anava, modesty, is what saved David because literally in the next pasuk the Navi explains Merav (the daughter of Shaul) was already married off to Adriel. And this entire marriage happened behind the back of the King! This caused the marriage arrangement to break off between Shaul’s daughter and David, causing the plan of murder to be delayed (because afterwards Shaul still tried killing David)!

We do not know how much we gain from a simple act, or a small sentence showing true modesty and/or love of Hashem! We can always move forward through every piece of wisdom, but only with the Torah’s path we can reach an everlasting feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

12 Days until Pesach 5772.

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