Monday, March 19, 2012

CLD #546

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L and sponsored for the Ilui Neshama of the children who passed away today: Aryeh ben Eva Chava Malkah, Gavriel Issakhar ben Eva Chava Malkah and Miriam Mosengo.
This word kavanah has been officially destroyed by our generation and society. The word kavanah is mainly heard in regards to prayer, where one should have the correct intention when doing what he/she is planning to do.

We all hear “it’s the effort that counts,” but unfortunately in the business world that is definitely not what matters. On a practical level, let’s face it: the numbers is what counts. If Boss A has a secretary that gets her job done and helps in the business then he will keep her hired. However, if Boss B has a secretary that makes sure the Boss has a lovely pink envelope with a perfumed letter saying “Good Morning” every morning and shows morale for the Boss without doing any work, even if the Boss does appreciate that extra push she will not stay at her desk for long.

Hashem, lehavdeel eleph alphei havdalot (vehamevin yavin), is not the same way at all. The huge misconception today that the Yetzer Hara confuses us with is our Torah learning and effort we actually put in trying to get closer to Hashem. None of us are perfect, and this is something to celebrate because Hashem made us this way so obviously we should be happy about it (and at the same time trying to perfect our middot), so we all fall in regards to averot (sins) and stupid mistakes.

Then the Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination) comes and says: “Do not do Teshuva, Do not speak with G-d for 5 minutes and tell Him how sorry you are, it doesn’t mean anything! You already showed you do not want to put any effort in your relationship with Him, so why bother saying sorry even if you do not mean it?”

And this is where the Yetzer Hara wins. Yes, he wins! Because we give up and we do not believe in our own little redemption plan that Hashem has planned for us. When we go to a bank, we trust them with a retirement plan or the like they have set up for us. But why do we not trust Hashem in a redemption plan from the Avera (sin) we constantly return to do?! A key part of living a Jewish life is to never give up on that goal of become pure and holy hand in hand with Hashem. The Yetzer Hara wants us to fail, cry and be depressed.

A part of being Jewish is connecting to Hashem when we are AT ROCK BOTTOM. 
Am Yisrael is at Rock Bottom after this Terrorist Attack in France this morning killing 4 Jews, INCLUDING 3 CHILDREN.
 B’H may we all awaken to get closer to Hashem and pray for those who were killed that Hashem may avenge their blood.

Baruch Dayan Ha’Emet.

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