Friday, March 30, 2012

CLD #553

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
On Regular days of the year, not the days of Nissan, we usually say Perek ayin-Tet (79) of Tehillim after Nefillat Apayim, Tachanun; or the Prayer of Confession and Admitting our sins.

In such a time of redemption around the corner, Am Yisrael is waiting for an extra boost of love and protection from Hashem. What is that boost and where is it? Obviously in the Tanach, silly. Part of Tanach is Tehillim (psalms) of David HaMelech and Perek Ayin-Tet (79) is packed with verses of intimacy between Hashem and Am Yisrael.

Let’s look at Pasuk Yud-Gimel (13) in depth. What does it say?
“Va’Anachnu Amecha VeTzon Maritecha Nodeh Lecha Le’Olam LeDor VaDor Tehilatecha. (Tehillim 79:13,” And we are Your nation, Your flock of sheep, we shall thank You from generation to generation forever praising You.”

If we are your flock why do we need to praise Hashem? Who cares if we are His or His chickens?

David HaMelech is sending us a message: Put your entire trust and faith in Hashem to bring you out of your lowest points! A sheep is a poor animal that is simply waiting to be eaten by predators. If Israel’s predator is Iran and Iran gets destroyed, then there will be a new killer. Its just how Hashem created the world so we can continue pray to Him, so we can build our relationship with Him. Because at the end of the end if it wasn’t for fear maybe a single Jew out of the 6+ million of us will not pray to Hashem for help and protection. So maybe for that One extra Jew praying and getting closer to Hashem for protection it is worth it for Hashem to bring such problems to Israel. And yes, its hard to believe how huge prayer and our relationship with Hashem is really valued at.

Anyway the sheep is a poor animal. Every now and then it needs to get pushed around to get back onto the correct path where all the sheep are going. Am Yisrael is thrown into a world filled with lions and wolves waiting to just attack this sheep. Hashem is the shepherd that prevents all the problems from actually touching the sheep.

This is the reason the Pasuk ends with the endless thanks we need to have for Hashem’s constant protection. Hinei Lo Yanum veLo Yishan Shomer Yisrael (Tehillim 121). Hashem does not sleep, He constantly protects Israel.


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