Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CLD #552

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.

The Holy Gemara shows the ultimate power behind Divrei Torah (The Words of the Torah, a.k.a. Learning Torah). In Hagiga 3b the Gemara brings up a beautiful piece of Torah that seriously sparks up the Essence of the Neshama to run to a Beit Midrash (Torah learning center) and start Pounding Torah.
What does the Gemara say? 

It brings up a Pasuk from Kohelet 12:11 “Divrei Torah are like goads (spiky weapons from ancient war movies), and like well-fastened nails with large heads, given from one shepherd (”

The Gemara explains that if we say Torah is like a goad, some goads tend to sway and they are not stable and firm. So you are telling me the Torah is not stable?! Therefore the Pasuk continues to teach it’s like a Nail, which is stable and firm. So if its like a nail, nails leave holes in the wall and have a negative side effect where they take away from something, so the Torah takes away and subtracts from someone who learns it? Rather it’s like the (planted) “Netuyim” continuation of the Pasuk, where the Torah is like a seed that has been planted and results with fruits and growth with more and more additions to it.

This shows us that one who puts time into Torah and actual LIVES THE TORAH by getting closer to Hashem, praying, acting like a modest Jew with respect and Derech Eretz (manners), eating Kosher, etc. etc. really sees fruits and reward in their life. 

And the best part its only the “positive” side effects of the reward that is waiting for this Jew after 120 in Olam Haba! Therefore we should all strive to reach living a life based on the Torah to live happily knowing we are making Hashem happy!

The Maharsha on this piece of Torah explains Torah is “greatness of the planted and essence of metal.” Meaning it can never be broken because its tough like metal and has endless rewards because it bears fruit like a healthy tree.

Pesach is in 9 days, how are you preparing?

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