Friday, March 11, 2011

CLD #207

Excited for Shabat? B'H I AM!
Excited FOR PURIM!?!?!?! I AMMM!!!
Let's start tasting Purim with a little chizuk from Megillat Ester:
In Today's pasuk: Perek Aleph Pasuk Yud Chet: "This very day, the noblewomen of Persia and Media who have heard of the queen's deed will repeat it to all the King's nobles and there will be much disgrace and anger. (", we get a little mussar from the Megillah. How? The pasuk is a continuation of Memuchan's (Haman) reasoning to kill Vashti. He explains in another way that the wives of the officers and ministers of Persia and Madai will hear the incident between the king and vashti and it will be a huge "bizayon and katzef," or embarassment and anger. 
The Midrash on this pasuk explains that Rabi Chaninah says that the anger from Hashem dervied from Vashti's father's use of the Kelim of the Beit haMikdash (see CLD # 199) would be the same anger caused from Vashti's rejection at the party if it will be publicized throughout the entire people. Here we see the concept of Midah KeNeged Midah ONCE AGAIN! Also, Haman's intentions was to sway the king into marrying one of his daughters so he would gain power and have ultimate success with his plan of the annihilation of our ancestors, the Yehudim. We see from here that the relationship between the king and the queen was such a rough and blotchy mess compared to the relationship between a real Yere Shamayim couple that follows the Torah and Mitzvot in regards to Taharat HaMishpacha, Chinuch, and the overall push to improve constantly. 
People think that the Torah discourages a romantic and healthy relationship between a Husband and Wife, but in truth it is the exact opposite. Your wife is supposed to be like a Queen. A real Queen, not one who is asked to get naked in front of drunken ministers and officers, Hashem Yerachem. The Torah makes sure there is constant Chiddush, or positive change, as we say everyday in Shacharit that Hashem re-creates the world everyday, making everyday different. In Yeshivat Shuva Yisrael, a book on Purim says that the whole foundation of Purim relies on one thing: Change. When a women has to go to the Mikveh and have a time of "renewal" from her husband for 2 weeks untouched and clean, after the 2 weeks the woman is a different person. We change everyday, even if its the smallest change, and human nature is attracted to change. Purim is all about starting fresh. Rabbanim say that Purim was like a Second Giving of the Torah HaKdosha. Hashem dissolved his decree to erase us and gave us ANOTHER second chance. 

EVERYDAY IS A NEW DAY that we need to completely take FULL ADVANTAGE OF. EVERYDAY is another opportunity to do tshuva. To wake up and say HASHEM I LOVE YOU> THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO FOR ME! YOU CONSTANTLY HELP ME, GIVE ME THE POWER TO BREATHE, TO BE HEALTHY, TO LOVE. I even have the power to BRING A NESHAMA INTO THIS WORLD WITH A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN! We need to learn from Megillat Ester NOT to get into the position that Achashverosh got into. Bnot Yisrael are more than physical beuaties, they are neshamot waiting to be triggered to bring more spiritual energy into the world, because all the power is ultimately in a woman's hands. 
What are you waiting for? JUST TRY TO KEEP SHABAT ONCE!

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