3:52 PM
A Jewish life entering this world can be easily compared to a new fresh and clean soccer ball. Due to the generation we are currently living in, it is common to bring children to a world that is not open to a religious lifestyle and therefore people are raised without a strong foundation for Torah.
Therefore, the life of a Jew, this soccer ball, slowly becomes contaminated with 'sins,' or simply with stains. Slowly slowly the ball becomes dirtier and dirtier and the stains become dry and yucky. It fills up around the entire ball to the point that people do not want to get near it because they are disgusted by its state. This soccer ball one day experiences rain falling down from the sky and starts to look cleaner. When the sun comes out and the rain stops it still has some stains on it but not like before. It gets to a point where the ball slowly slowly becomes cleaner and only then does it get chosen to be played around with back to its happy state.
The same is with a Jew. Unfortunately we fall to the hands of the Yetzer Hara, our Evil Inclination, and follow our desires to behave against the Torah's values and laws. We end up contaminating ourselves with the world's pleasures and distance from Hashem. The goal is to splash some water on ourselves, some laundry detergent; this can only be done through the means of Torah, Mitzvot, saying blessings for food, after using the bathroom, speaking to Hashem through prayer like speaking to a friend on the subway, connecting to religious friends...etc.
B"H may we become closer to G-d and love ourselves enough to realize we are more valuable than falling to our Evil Desire and keep our own "soccer ball" clean!
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