Thursday, May 02, 2013

CLD #876

This CLD is for the Ilui Neshama of my Grandfather, Avraham ben Ester Z'L who passed away two years ago on this very day. With G-d's great help I had the zechut (privilege) to do a siyum and have cake at Yeshivat Shuva Israel tonight for finishing Seder Zerayim in Shas Mishnayot. 

The Hid'a (Rav Haim Yosef David Azulai) ZTK'L writes in one of his EIGHTY books that each Seder in Mishnayot (broken down into six different sedarim) are examples for each type of perfection in this world. For example, the tikkun (perfection) that corresponds to the Seder of Zerayim (agriculture) is Tikkun Ha'Achila (the perfection of eating). The words of our Hachamim (Sages) teach us that each individual needs to eat like a human being during meals and not pig out on food like an animal.

Just like there is a tikkun for staying pure and holy in regards to running away from idolatry, murder, sexual immorality, slander, gossip, etc., there is also a great effort in a Jew's life to perfect the way they eat. These have a direct connection since the last word in Seder Zerayim (which is the Seder that corresponds to the perfection of eating) is HaMikdash (the Holy Temple), which signifies purity.

This shows us that everything that has to do with life is written in the Torah. The fact that purity and eating are directly connected is not something new to the world since we know we are always in a battle between our physical desires and the satisfaction of our neshama (soul). So B'H besides for the Mishnayot being a Ilui Neshama for Saba Avraham Z'L, they should also be a lifting for all of Am Yisrael to be in the generaiton of the Mashiakh and to continue servicing Hashem with a smile!


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