The beginning of living a life of Mitzvot and following the Torah entails us to first believe and truly act with Fear in Heaven and see the Oral and Written Torah as Divine. There is a fundamental point of view that every Jew needs to implement and live by if they want to get close to G-d and live a life of Jewish meaning and Jewish identity. This ingredient is working on their Middot (characteristic trait).

I heard a beautiful mashal (fable) that explains the importance of having great middot for life. When an individual slowly trickles down a bucket in a well to get water they must place a weight/stone inside for the bucket to sink and then pull it up to get the water. The lesson is that this weight/stone that helps us get the water is Good Middot (traits) and the bucket symbolizes a person and the water is Torah. The only way to really get some Torah in our system and live a life of getting close to Hashem is via working on our Middot, because if we don't then the bucket will never even get the opportunity to be filled - it will simply float and fail.

Hodesh Tov!
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