12:06 AM
The book Khai VeKayam was written a few short years ago to include all the aspects, Divrei Torah and Halachot that pertain to Rosh Hodesh. If one flips through the pages to the section of Iyar, the Hodesh of light, they can read beautiful Divrei Torah. One of the pieces of Torah from the Khodesh of Iyar are as follows: The word Iyar is aramaic and is broken down into four letters - Aleph, Yud, Yud, Resh. These four letters represent the names of the four legs that hold up the Merkava (chariot) of Hashem.
The four legs (letters) are the four special people in the world's history. Not scientists, not teachers and not professors; they include Avraham, Yitzhak, Yaakov and Rakhel. The first letters of their names add up together to make up the month of Iyar. This comes to teach us that before receiving the Torah, before really learning Mitzvot from the Torah, an individual needs to focus on what the first book from the Torah includes. The first book of Torah, Bereshit, discusses the Jewish forefathers and mothers.
Our ancestors were people that had superb characteristic traits which they struggled to perfect their entire lives. For this reason before we enter the month of Sivan (the next hebrew month), we focus on the month of Iyar. Iyar which includes the four legs of Hashem's "chariot" include four of the seven ancestors the entire Jewish nation comes from. This is to teach us how important it is during this month to work on our characteristic traits!
Hodesh Tov!
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