During this time of Sefirat Ha'Omer 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva were killed under Hashem's ruling. The Gemara explains they were put to death from the ruling of the Heavenly courts because they did not respect one another. Because of this reason, Halacha states to be stringent during this time of the year to show signs of mourning like growing out a beard and avoiding a haircut, not saying the blessing of Shehekheyanu on a new piece of clothing, and avoiding to listen to music.
Because of this horrible history we tend to emphasize the efforts of akhdut (brotherly love) and avoid letting the control of ga'ava take over our everyday actions. What does the Yetzer Hara try to do with the ga'ava (self pride/haughtiness) that Hashem implanted in us? Orkhot Tzadikkim explains in Sha'ar Ga'ava (the first chapter of the book) that the evil inclination tries to make us completely shut it down and put it to the side by telling us: okay smarty, you want to run away from self pride - do me a favor and wear smelly and ripped clothing, begin fasting until you become sick, stop praying in a reasonable way, don't do good deeds in front of others, don't eat meat, don't drink wine, don't get married!

After the full explanation of what the Yezter Hara wants us to think is the right way of living life (but really is just confusion and a trick), the author of Orkhot Tzadikkim explains what Shelomo HaMelech said in Kohelet 7:16, Al Tehi Tzadik Harbe, Be not overly righteous. Why is this? Because by being overly righteous we pretend like we do not act in the way of haughtiness and slef pride, but in reality the self pride is still in our system. The only way to reach real akhdut during these days of Sefirat HaOmer and year round is by completely shutting down any drop of haughtiness inside us. Modesty is the way to live a Jewish life, its just the way G-d created the world and the path that will lead to success!
Today is the 9th day of the Omer, which is one week and 2 days.
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