Baruch Hashem we have just ended nine days of Pesakh, nine days of a mental and spiritual transformation, nine days of happiness and trying to fulfill the Mitzvah of drinking wine and eating meat throughout the Khag. Now we enter a time span where brotherly love, ahdut, is emphasized. This time span of 49 days is called Sefirat Ha'Omer. The counting of the omer. This omer sacrifice was given on the 17th of Nissan (today is the 23rd).
What is the Omer all about? The Omer begins a day after the commemoration of Yetziyat Mitzrayim, the moment when we left Egypt under Pharoah's command and Hashem's protection (because Hashem is behind everything). What was Am Yisrael like during this time? The Torah and Hazal (our Sages) teach us that Am Yisrael were on the levels of behemot (animals), they were literally surrounded by physical desire and physicality. What is the power of the Omer? The Omer is 49 turbo boosts for Am Yisrael to transform from a physical sense to a spiritual sense.
The other inspiration from the Omer is the reality that every Jew can go from a level of olam haze (this world) to a level of spirituality of living in this world with the feeling of olam haba (a world filled with Hashem and spirituality) in a short span of 49 days! With the koakh (energy) of Pesakh behind us Be'ezrat Hashem we should just climb up the ladder of spirituality day by day.
Shavua Tov!
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