In today’s daily email by Rav Pinto shlit’a there is a beautiful Devar Torah about Pesakh and we want to bring it down and integrate it for today’s Chizuk Line of the Day. Rav Pinto explains that the slavery in Egypt before Moshe redeemed us under Hashem’s divine commandment was not only a physical slavery but it was also a spiritual slavery. Meaning that not a single Jew could have reached their spiritual goal in the world without leaving Egypt. Not only that, but the freedom we experienced when leaving Egypt was an ETERNAL FREEDOM.
But there IS a catch. Hazal (our Sages) teach us that this
freedom was Al Halukhot, upon the Ten
Commandments. This means that in order to really feel the freedom of Egypt’s
control the Jew needed to actually be attached the to the Ten Commandments and
follow them!

Judaism=Think is theCLD’s foundation because if we do not
begin to process the reasoning behind the beauty of the Mitzvot and a life of
Torah then we will continue living in our materialistic (and in the end of the
day) and empty lifestyle. Hashem wants us to live a life of fullness, of
meaning and appreciation, happiness, goals and objectives other than financial
success. Judaism is living a life of fulfillment for ourselves via Hashem. What
other type of master or king in the world commands his people PURELY for their own good?
Pesakh Kasher VeSameakh!
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