Hashem I had the privilege of being at two different Sheva Berachot. At
the first one Rav Yannai shlit’a said something remarkable that relates to
Pesakh and the essence of living life as a Jew in general. He proposed a
question: Vayikrah Rabbah 1:3 explains that Moshe had ten names in total, where
his father (Amram) called him one name and his mother another and his older
sister, Miriyam another name, etc.
is so special about the name Moshe
that Hashem specifically chose that name? We also know that our Torah is named Torat Moshe Rabbenu, imagine if it would
be named Torat Sofer Rabenu (the name
Amram called him) or Torat Yered Rabbenu
(the name Miriyam called him)?! The answer is because the power behind the
individual who called Moshe Rabbenu the name Moshe.
was Moshe called Moshe in the Torah? In the passage of Batya, Pharoah’s
daughter who was dipping in the Nile River to escape from the idolatry that was
going on in Egypt (the Nile River was used as a mikveh, which represents
sanctity and holiness). She literally called his name Moshe because she was
pulling him out of the water of the Nile (Moshe = to pull out in Egyptian).
It is known that when an individual calls another human a
name they force upon that person the spiritual energy behind the name. For
example the name Yitzhak has behind
it a force of gevura (strength) and
the word Yaakov has a force of tiferet
behind it. The name Moshe has a force of Mesirut
Nefesh (literally sacrificing one’s life). Why? Because when Batya reached
out her arm to bring Moshe in, a Jewish baby sent to the Nile to escape the
death sentence of Egypt, she was practically putting her life on the line
because her father would slaughter her!

Just like Am Yisrael
in Egypt (a.k.a. Manhattan/same thing) were saved in the month of Nissan, so
too we will be redeemed in the month of Nissan!
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