The following Devar Torah is inspired by the great book called Hai VeKayam: The power of the Hebrew month of Nissan is inexplanable in simple words, therefore in order to prepare for the enormous kedusha (holiness) that is about to enter the world on Monday night (Rosh Hodesh Nissan) we must learn a little to appreciate it. Nissan is THE hebrew month of the year where all the other months get their spiritual 'strength' from. What are horoscopes? Where is their foundation come from?
The answer is from the way Hashem created the world. Each month has its own sign, for example the sign of Nissan is the Taleh (lamb). Why? Because Hashem created the world that there are specific stars each month that form together to create an image in the sky above Earth. The sign that is created in the sky in the first month, Nissan, is a lamb. This is the formation of horoscopes and their matching months of the year in the Hebrew calendar.
Each month of the year has the name of Hashem that matches it as well, the Yud-Kei-Vav-Kei name. The Shem Hashem of Nissan comes from the first 4 letters of the four words in Tehillim Yismekhu HaShamayim VeTagel Ha'Aretz, the first 4 letters of these words are: Yud-Kei-Vav-Kei, which makes up Hashem's name of Havaya. If one looks at the vowels of these 4 letters they add up to an numerical value that shows the essence of Nissan. Nissan is the month of shefa (spiritual power and goodness). The vowels - hirik-patah-sheva-kamatz have a gematriya (numerical value) of 52 and with the name of Hashem itself, which is 26 comes to 78. Seventy eight comes to the numerical value of mazla (mazal).
Nissan is the month of geula, the month of kedusha, emuna and all goodness. Whatever badness is occurring is prone to turn around in Nissan! SO SMILE AND GET EXCITED FOR ROSH HODESH MONDAY NIGHT!
Shavua Tov!
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