With two packed Parshiyot, VaYakhel-Pukedi, we enter the depths and details of all the Mishkan’s tools and items ranging from the copper, silver and gold to the Golden Alter, furnishings, Ark, etc. The beginning of the first Parasha, VaYakhel, the Torah brings down again the importance of keeping Shabbat in a brief manner in three short pesukim.
Moshe quickly brings all of Am Yisrael together and tells
them “Six days do all the activties that
are forbidden to do on Shabbat and then when Shabbat comes observe it because
it is holy.” Not only that, but whoever does any of these forbidden acts
will receive a bonus punishment of death
(Shemot 35:2). Rashi on this pasuk explains that Hashem brought down in this
part of the Torah the importance of keeping Shabbat to state that on Shabbat Am Yisrael does NOT work for the Mishkan.
You shall not do any type of labor or activity for the Mishkan.

We can learn a measure for measure principle from this
Rashi. Just like Hashem says to stop working on building a home for Me, Hashem
might be hinting to us, His nation: ITS
TIME TO BUILD A HOME FOR ME TO DWELL IN YOU! Shabbat Kodesh is a time to be
kadosh, to be holy, to be separated
from the world and in your bubble. Yes, Hashem says: make a bubble for yourself
and that is the way everyone will be included in it and the only way My Divine
Presence will rest in you!

Shabbat Shalom!
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